34151 -
Days Won
Everything posted by Talvi
Ja mislim to isto za neke druge.
Top albums: 1. Amorphis - Skyforger (956) 2. Rotting Christ - AEALO (564) 3. A Perfect Circle - Thirteenth Step (402) 4. Amorphis - Eclipse (383) 5. Rotting Christ - Theogonia (343) 6. Pain - Cynic Paradise (253) 7. Septic Flesh - Communion (249) 8. Swallow the Sun - New Moon (205) 9. Draconic - From the Wrong Side of the Aperture (180) 10. Emilie Autumn - Enchant (180)
Dve nove pesme: http://www.last.fm/music/Hornsman+Coyote/Self+Defend+You Kul zvuce.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CT33gTZNQik Slusao neko?
Zajebite, zna se sta je soundtrack za danasnji dan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inIuYren8jg I'm crucifying Jesus, banging in the nails, And I am so happy, because old Jesus failed. I'm crucifying Jesus, nail him to the cross, The poor old bastard bleeds to death and I don't give a toss. I'm bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, banging in the nails. I'm bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, banging in the nails. I'm bang, bang, bang, bang, banging in the nails. I'm bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, banging in the nails. I'm crucifying Jesus, in my piss he bathes. I think I am a pervert, I think I am depraved I'm crucifying Jesus, beat him to a pulp, I stick my organ in his mouth and on it he must gulp. I'm bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, banging in the nails. I'm bang, bang, bang, bang, banging in the nails. I'm bang, bang, bang, bang, banging in the nails. I'm bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, banging in the nails. You see that crown of thorns upon his head? Well that was my idea. I think I might be going to hell, Oh dear! I'm bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, banging in the nails. I'm bang, bang, bang, bang, banging in the nails. I'm bang, bang, bang, bang, banging in the nails. I'm bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, banging in the nails.
Koka-kola i Cipiripi. Jebote.
E, to. Onaj jebeni osecaj kad udjes u radnju i ne znas sta da kupis, i onda se radis time sto uzmes sledece dve nedelje.
Ja jos cuvam gomilu kaseta, pustim ih s vremena na vreme da me mine zelja.
Ne, ne kazem da volim osamdesete nego tako te zvrcke iz tog vremena, tipa ploce, kasete, singlove... To mi je uber-cool. Na kasetama sam odrastao, jbg.
Krece mrs od ranog jutra.
To sto sam '87. ne znaci da nisam imao kontakta sa tim stvarima.
Norwegian black metallers GORGOROTH have issued the following update: "Infernus [guitar] has just returned from rehearsals in Tomas Asklund's [drums] Monolith Studio outside of Stockholm, and the work on the follow-up album to 'Quantos Possunt ad Satanitatem Trahunt' is progressing as planned. "Half the new album (which is still untitled) has been recorded in pre-production form, and work on the album will continue through the year in between touring and festival appearances, with a tentative 2011 release date. "The upcoming European tour is GORGOROTH's first European tour since 2005 and the first tour to feature Pest (vocals) since 1997, and the band is looking forward to getting back on the road again after this long absence. "Infernus has also made the decision to exclusively use EVH amps from now on, and is pleased to announce that an endorsement deal has been made."
Ja volim, nekako me to podseca na one tripove '80-tih - ploce, singlice, EP-jevi i tako to, + kada dobijes singl mozes da se nasladjujes njime hiljadu puta dok ga ne naucis napamet. Ja volim EP-jeve i singlove.
Ne radi mi mediaportal ali koga boli kurac, pobedili smo. Nadjoh drugi link: http://hotfile.com/dl/35802717/9fdb960/9209804c6ae864bb55c386026f4b64e3.rar.html pass: afterpre.com
Dajem rec Sisketu, on ce ti kao bubnjar dati podrobno objasnjenje.
Jos jedan primer nerazumevanja pojma trigera.
Pa, desi se vrlo cesto da su "govna" upakovana.
Jel' se cini jos nekome da u zadnje vreme promo diskovi izgledaju sve lepse ali da ih pakuju sve grdje? Jos samo cekam da mi jednom disk stigne u najlon kesi i sve sam video, posto smo u redakciji vec imali jedan koji je stigao u toalet papiru.
Album je zlo. Bas privodim kraju prvo slusanje, ovo sranje cini 90% "depressive suicidal anti-life..." govana apsolutno nepotrebnim. Jebote, neverovatni su.
Koga boli kurac za to kad se skida novi Celeste?
Ako se ne varam, ovdasnja religiozna populacija se prosle godine lozila na Orcivus, jel'? Dobih sad novi album na recenziranje (a dobih i onaj stari. Jes mator, ali je kul upakovan pa ga je fino imati. ), sad ce se cuti kakav je.
To je ta kohezija u bendu, obojica postovase u isto vreme.