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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Rotting Christ - AEALO Finntroll - Nifelvind
  2. Ne bih znao, ali vidim kakav kult od majice nosi Sodomizer.
  3. Pazi, gledam i ja na glas kao na instrument, ali to i dalje ne znaci da obracam i 1% paznje na tekst.
  4. Ako bismo isli tom logikom, ja Cannibal Corpse u zivotu ne bih pustio. Sreom, jedan sam od onih koji muziku slusaju zbog muzike a za tekstove mi se zivo jebe pa makar pevali i o dendrofiliji.
  5. Vaistinu, ja bas malo slusah stari Funeral Mist, nekako se uklapa u atmosferu.
  6. Kartu?
  7. Muppet Show je pobedio.
  8. Finnish extreme metallers IMPALED NAZARENE have issued the following update: "We have decided to re-sign with Osmose Productions once again. It was actually very easy decision to make: We are celebrating 20 years of IMPALED NAZARENE on November 2010. All our full-length albums have come out on Osmose and basically we felt no other label should have our anniversary album. "We will enter Hellhole Studio (Helsinki) in late summer to record our 11th full-length album. Album title [to be announced]. "We have been busy working on new songs, we have four ready. "We have two shows left (April 10th in Helsinki, Finland and May 1st in Switzerland) and after them we stop playing shows till new album is out. We will fully concentrate on making our strongest album to date. "Not only we will have new album out on November 2010. "We will play our 20th anniversary show in Kuopio, the most metal city in Finland. This show will be on 20th of November at Henry's Pub club. We will FINALLY record live DVD there. "We chose Kuopio and Henry's Pub simply because Kuopio has the best audience in Finland and Henry's Pub is the best club in Finland. Yes it is small but perfect for live DVD recording. Ticket price (and how and when to obtain them) and more info will be announced later."
  9. Demonaz: We already have three songs for the next album. We'll be working on the album this year. And we have material for a lot of other songs, so maybe in August we'll be finished with half the album. But we haven't come so far that I can see the end of the album. I think we'll try to work with the songs and make them classic IMMORTAL songs. The next album will be different than "All Shall Fall". I think the songs will come off as one package. Every album is different for us, but we won't try too many new things. We'll stick to the plan and make the music we like. Don't expect something revolutionary. (laughs)
  10. Gospodjica Jaya je malo porasla.
  11. Kad smo kod toga, Kelly Stafford je bila kvlt za svog vremena. Sad je omatorila ali se jos odlicno drzi.
  12. Sad sledi ono retoricko pitanje: a sa koliko godina riba postaje milfara?
  13. I ona je jedna. Ali ovo je drugi kontekst.
  14. Ne poredite Giannu ni sa kim, ona je jedna. Hvala.
  15. Sta ce ti? Vide se sise i to je sasvim dovoljno.
  16. Jbt koji car.
  17. Sick of It All - Death or Jail [New Song] (2010)
  18. Inace, meni je ovaj novi album Noctiferie apsolutno predobar i jedva cekam da i ovo cujem uzivo.
  19. E, posle ovog opisa STS svirke mogu komotno da odem i da se ubijem. Hvala.
  20. Zato i jeste lepa.
  21. Talvi


    Meni vise ne prodje sesija sviranja gitare bez ove stvari. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95jGLWg89GE
  22. Jel' mi se cini ili zadnjih dana ovog Harris-a na slikama vidjam samo pored golih kita i muskih guzica?
  23. Care. Secam se toga iz nekog prethodnog zivota.
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