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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Nije to dobar link bre, ovo je koncert: http://www.exitmusic.tv/node/127980
  2. Pa nema za skidanje, samo za gledanje, ali ripovace valjda neko uskoro.
  3. http://www.emp.de/bin/shop.php?prog=shop&mid=&article=169516&funktion=PRODUCTINFO&bildrub=&product=Soulfly:%20Omen
  4. Talvi


    Joj, pustih ga pre neki dan i takva me nostalgija za klinackim danima udari... Btw, sviraju u Bugarskoj na Kavarna Rock Fest-u 24. jula, oni i Kreator istog dana.
  5. E da, ako nekog zanima, na Exit sajtu je konacno okacen snimak celog koncerta.
  6. After a five-year absence, the mighty and legendary mega-beast CIRCLE OF DEAD CHILDREN has re-emerged from the sewers of Pittsburgh with its new full-length album, "Psalm Of The Grand Destroyer". According to a press release, CIRCLE OF DEAD CHILDREN "bring with them a more focused and refined approach on their signature crusty, blackened, inhuman grindcore sound while still keeping their brutality and violence at the forefront. No triggers or drum samples. No guitar re-amping. No vocal processing, inhaling or microphone manipulations. None needed. Their thunderous music is as sincere and urgent as it ever was, but with a solid and complete line-up in tow, and with production from the masterful Scott Hull, CIRCLE OF DEAD CHILDREN have never sounded or played better than this." "Psalm of the Grand Destroyer" — which marks the first appearance of drummer Matt Francis alongside bassist Drew Haritan and founding members Jason Andrews (guitar) and Joe Horvath (vocals) — features 14 new tracks and one remake off the band's initial release from 1998. CIRCLE OF DEAD CHILDREN represent the audio end-times; a psychotic fast-forward nightmare into the sonic ash-heaps of humanity. CIRCLE OF DEAD CHILDREN are the ultimate anti-everything band; anti-life, anti-death, anti-world, anti-music and anti-you. Critically acclaimed for lyrical concept and prose as much for their hyper-extreme approach to sound, CIRCLE OF DEAD CHILDREN possess the ability to both wretch and annihilate the listener as well rouse and intrigue. Never has this been the case more so than with "Psalm of the Grand Destroyer". Commented Joe Horvath: "After what seemed to be an endless amount of setbacks over the past several years, it feels great to not only have this release finally becoming a reality, but for it to be in our opinions, the best overall release we've done to date. We're proud to continue our work with Willowtip Records and look forward to dropping this nasty bomb on the world soon." "Psalm of the Grand Destroyer" is due out in stores June 8, 2010 in North America and June 7 in Europe via Candlelight/Willowtip. The track listing for the CD is as follows: 01. Avatar Of Innocence 02. Ursa Major (1998 revisited) 03. When Human Compost Stains all Earth and Repels the Messengers of Love 04. Chaos Crawls Back 05. Earth and Lye 06. We Who Move with the Graven Worms 07. Bury the Ill Flock 08. Refuse to Kill the Same Way Twice 09. Obsidian Flakes 10. Last Words and Warning Signs 11. Jaracaca 12. Torches 13. Night of Morbid Psycho 14. Germinate the Reaper Seed 15. Starve, Beg & Die a.k.a. Fuck You Kill Me Song samples are available at this location.
  7. http://www.seksikostimi.com/blog/igrica-napari-oci-na-ortakovu-sestru/ :haha: Jebote. :haha:
  8. Ne'am pri ruci.
  9. Talvi


    Ja samo da izvucem link i na ovu stranu, jer ne pamtim kad sam se ovoliko ismejao necemu.
  10. Ovaj se isplati, videces.
  11. Daj anketu. Odma' sad odma'.
  12. Talvi


    Lepo rece Grob onomad:
  13. Samo da potvrde akreditaciju i racunaj na mene.
  14. Pogledah i dvd, znaci standardno unistavanje. Ovo je jedan od onih bendova koji jednostavno ne umeju da pogrese, niti mislim da ce ikada umeti, jebiga.
  15. A tek Beatles-i sto su zasrali...
  16. Talvi

    Rotting Christ

    Aherusia dere, sto vise slusam album sve mi je bolji. Pristiglo mi je jos nekoliko bendova iz Grcke na recenziranje ovih dana, uzivancija.
  17. Talvi

    Rotting Christ

    Meni super pesma, vrtim je vec treci put. "Infinity" pesma, ne ova prva koja se pokrene.
  18. Talvi

    Rotting Christ

    Sakis gostovao na novom Daylight Misery albumu, overite pesmu: http://www.myspace.com/daylightmiseryband Imajuci u vidu spisak ljudi koji su uzeli ucesca na tom albumu, ne bi trebalo da ne valja.
  19. Mene ponajvise zanima ko leti iz benda posto je to, sudeci po ovome, izvesno.
  20. Swedish metallers EVERGREY have issued the following update: "Been a long time since the last update but we are currently extremely deep into the songwriting and recording of the new album which should be released during the fall 2010. "Do we need to tell you that it sounds good, great, fantastic…? Like always, right? At the same time we are working with a lot of new people to ensure the best possibilities for a successful work for the new album. There will be more news about this soon. But there are some MAJOR changes in the world of EVERGREY, and we are confident it will all be for the better. "At the moment we are booking a short tour for Europe in May, tour of South America in June and some dates for the USA in connection with that. Festivals on top of that and so far we have a couple we can't go official with until we get the word, so be sure to visit [our web site] to stay on top of where you can catch us soon."
  21. Talvi


    Two kids reportedly jumped up on stage during MEGADETH's March 25, 2010 performance at the Verizon Wireless Theater in Houston, Texas, in the process infuriating the band's frontman Dave Mustaine, who proceeded to give them a tongue lashing. Mustaine ended up going on a diatribe relating the experience back to "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott's (PANTERA) murder in 2004. "I really don't say a lot from the stage, but those two little fucking assholes that just came up here on stage... We lost a very dear friend of all of ours in the state of Texas, we lost Darrell because some fucking piece of shit came up on the stage behind him and shot him," Mustaine said. "You know what I'm talking about, right?" He continued, "Listen, if you're gonna come up on the stage tonight, just know you're fair game. And if you're gonna stay out there, you're my friends, and if someone comes up on the stage and tries to fuck with me, I want you to help me. We'll take him outside and we'll give him a good old-fashioned Texas fucking beatin' . . . One thing is for sure — those little fuckers got thrown out before I could get hold of them." He then said, "This next song ['Head Crusher'] I'm gonna dedicate to them, or the death of them, actually." After noticing a kid in the crowd who was giving Mustaine the "middle-finger" salute during the "Head Crusher" introduction, the MEGADETH frontman stated, "Oh, you're flipping me off. Oh, you big bad-ass. Oh, you're so tough, aren't you? Look at you, aren't you a cocksucker. Yeah. You're flipping me off." He continued, "Hey, I wonder what his mother is doing, but I don't think sucking dick is really important." He added, "This is what happens when your cousins fuck you, you stupid fuck. You don't even have hair on your pussy. Put your fingers up in the air and stuff them up your ass, OK, you cunt? This is definitely dedicated to you. You are not a Texan, you pussy. You're not a Texan. You weren't even born in this fucking country, you pussy." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SM5ff72iE68&feature=player_embedded
  22. Idemo, deco: http://mediaboom.org/concerts/259824-at-the-gates-purgatory-unleashed-live-at-wacken-2008-dvdrip.html
  23. Meni je flauta uvek zvucala savrseno u ovim occult/doom/stoner varijantama, daje taj neki srednjovekovni zli prizvuk.
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