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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Talvi


    A i zapalila iz benda cim je zagustilo.
  2. A zato ti mrzis macke...
  3. Normalno. Teska, otegnuta, mracna muzika, bez naslovnih strana, bez stadionskih koncerata i spotova na tv-u, samo nekoliko instrumenata i vokal direktno iz srca, nista vise ni ne treba.
  4. Talvi

    BM noviteti

    Evo ga, pa koga zanima: http://mediaboom.org/mp3/259478-gjenferdsel-varde-2010.html
  5. Iju, aprile, sta ti je rekao...
  6. Talvi


    Bice do jaja ako u buducnosti i pornice budu snimali na 3D foru.
  7. U principu zavisi, mada moze da se namesti jako, jako dobro.
  8. Tako nekako, racunaj oko 2500-3000, a te karte obicno krecu tek tamo negde u junu, pa imas vremena da se ustekas.
  9. Mozda ja, ako mi prelije para od Brutal Assault-a i odlucim da hocu da idem bas na taj dan, ali zasad jos nista ne znam.
  10. "Priests Of Sodom" video
  11. Ja nikad ne idem u prvi red. A sa Hellhammer-om cu se druziti pre svirke, ne posle.
  12. Agreed.
  13. Talvi


    Nemoj jbt
  14. Koliko znam, u Ceskoj je pivo u principu jeftino.
  15. Talvi


    Swedish black metallers WATAIN will release their fourth album, "Lawless Darkness", on June 7 via Season Of Mist. Commented WATAIN frontman Erik "E" Danielsson: "The title symbolizes the unbound chaotic potential of that which is void of light. The light that defines, the light that shapes and restricts. The light by which the forces of law and order uphold their reign. In the absence of that light lies the wellspring of WATAIN: in Lawless Darkness. "With this album and in all of our efforts with WATAIN we aim to capture the hungry madness and glimmering purity of darkness beyond illusion, the void that holds all yet where naught is manifest, the primordial tomb into which all the vanity of man and his creation shall collapse: indeed, The Lawless Darkness! "Lawless Darkness shall be seen as a monument erected in honour of that collapse and a dedication to all those brave souls, who have willingly dared to venture the winding paths towards it." "Shed not thy light on me Get thee hence, thoughts defined Blind me not with your bright structures For I am of the night "Let not thy rays caress me Judged by them I will not be For they are the light that governs man And I am the enemy"
  16. Moze se jesti i piti i dok se gledaju svirke. E, a kurve bi vec mogle da mi odvuku malo paznje...
  17. Jebem li ga, evo kod mene sve regularno.
  18. Jel' zna mozda neko ko izvodi ove pesme? Tj. - da, treba mi mp3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLC6GN_DfGQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1JkLuqs0Nk
  19. Do jaja, vec sam se uplasio da neki koncert na koji cu potezati nece pasti u nedelju.
  20. Talvi


    Imas Down temu na Rock/Hard Rock podforumu.
  21. Metsatöll - Kõva Kont (slipcase 2DVD + CD + 30 pages booklet + autograph card)
  22. To je zato sto Pasi pati od Tomi Joutsen kompleksa. Mada, ono - ako Anaal Nathrakh mogu da izgledaju kao da su izasli iz lokalne diskoteke ne vidim nista cudno u dredovima.
  23. Moje prorocke sposobnosti se vremenom sve vise poboljsavaju.
  24. Cathedral?
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