34151 -
Days Won
Everything posted by Talvi
Verovatno i jeste.
Stoya je bolja od Dite. Mnogo.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stoya Porno glumica, otac Srbin i majka Skotlandjanka, sto se i vidi po imenu. Inace bila sa Marilyn Mansonom valjda.
Florida-based death metal veterans MORBID ANGEL have issued the following update: "World Management and MORBID ANGEL would like to let the fans know that rumors about Pedro 'Pete' Sandoval's [drums] back surgery are, in fact, true. Pete has suffered for a long time with a deteriorating disc problem. He was in daily pain and needed to have this done. He has recently been treated by a laser back surgery specialist in Tampa, Florida. He is currently in rehabilitation and doing well. "Pete is part of our family and the band's history and we all wish him well and a full recovery. Unfortunately, this type of injury, subsequent surgery and rehab cannot be rushed and it will take ample time for him to hopefully be back behind his drums again and out on tour with MORBID ANGEL. "The band is moving forward on their next recording with Tim Yeung (DIVINE HERESY, ALL THAT REMAINS, NILE, HATE ETERNAL, VITAL REMAINS). "Currently the guys are in rehearsals in Tampa putting their finishing touches on the songs for the new album, which is slated for [release via Season Of Mist] later this year, with subsequent touring worldwide." Dakle, tacno je da se povlaci na neko vreme zbog operacije, ali nije definitivno napustio bend, tj. sve je jos otvoreno.
Btw, "Santa Muerte" je i definitivno jedna od najintenzivnijih i najdinamicnijih pesama koje je ovaj bend ikada snimio. Kakva razbijacina, bog te krvavi jeb'o.
Pa meni ovi nazivi i ne zvuce toliko lose, ne znam zasto se toliko tripujete. Pogledajte listu za novi Annihilator pa cete videti sta je katastrofa od naziva.
http://www.last.fm/user/AleysterCrowley Top this.
"Light my fire".
Plus, jbg.
Da, meni je omot dobar, ali nazivi pesama nimalo ne obecavaju.
Onda poslusaj malo bolje "Slaniu", trebalo bi da te oduva posto je ipak jaca od novog.
Canadian thrash metal veterans ANNIHILATOR will release 13th,self-titled album in Europe on May 17 via Earache Records. The track listing for the CD is as follows: 01. The Trend 02. Coward 03. Ambush 04. Betrayed 05. 25 Seconds 06. Nowhere To Go 07. The Other Side 08. Death In Your Eyes 09. Payback 10. Romeo Delight Total running time: 48:50 Check out the cover artwork below.
E, pa tako nekako, cini mi se da se sad bas bazira na muzici koju slusam u skorije vreme. Sto mi se bas i ne svidja, ali 'ajde, neka im bude.
Dobrodosli u Istocnu Evropu: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvXqJaAs7pQ
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLkndoxj0uQ Koji car od maceta.
Ajde vec kad smo kod toga:
Ima da napravim fejk nalog da te dodam pa da te zajebavam.
Specijalno za Groba: KING DIAMOND/MERCYFUL FATE frontman King Diamond has posted the following message on his official web site, CovenWorldwide.org: "Lately, there have been too many unfounded rumours and speculations regarding me and the band. There has even been various accusations of all kinds of things, most of which totally unfounded. "When these attacks come about, it is simply not enough to write another long blog to explain everything.The latest attacks are way too big to cover in a blog and some people might think they got the answers they needed, others might sit with questions they felt were not answered. "In order to try and prevent these unfortunate episodes, I suggest the following: "I will set up a Skype account. Any of you can then add me as a contact and from time to time I will out of the blue call some of you up, so we can have a good talk (three or four of us at a time) in which you can ask me anything and I can try to answer, and you can immediately follow up with further questions. "To put it simply, we will have some cool respectful conversations with each other. "Whenever some of you and I have talked, you will have good inside info which you can relay to the others in the Coven [official forum] or to whoever. It might be a good thing to be updated on the various subjects on the Coven, so that if I suddenly call any of you, you will know what kind of questions the others might have at the moment. "This will not be on any kind of firm schedule, but will more likely be a thing that happens out of the blue, whenever time, mood, etc. is right. So don't hang around wasting your time for me to call, but rather, always make sure you are set to online status. I will always appear as offline, because this account will only be used for this. "I think this might have a great effect on both you and I. We can get closer, and we can learn from each other and address all kinds of issues." King Diamond's Skype contact information: Name: King Diamond - Kim B. Petersen Skype name: kingdiamond-kimbpetersen Location: USA
2010.03.20. *Beogradska arena,Beograd* Rammstein
Talvi replied to LazaGNR's topic in Arhiva koncerata
U naturi? -
Prazno i dosadnjikavo na prvo slusanje.
Danas dan za Fince ocigledno: http://mediaportal.ru/mp3/258272-black-sun-aeon-routa-2010.html (nekako mi najbolje lezi da ovde stavim)
Meni se ovo sa compatibility-jem cini dosta cudno, npr. za neke ljude sa kojima sam do pre neki dan imao visoku podudarnost kaze da sad imamo low compatibility sa samo 2-3 zajednicka benda, a kod drugih mi izbacuje super podudaranje i medju zajednicke bendove stavlja neke od kojih sam pustio mozda pesmu-dve i nista vise. Sa druge strane, nemam nikakav problem sa skroblovanjem, a koristim Winamp.