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Everything posted by Talvi
Vi o njima, a oni: U.K. black metallers HECATE ENTHRONED have set "Virulent Rapture" as the tentative title of their new album, due later in the year via an as-yet-undetermined record label. Commented the band: "Recording has now finished on the new [HECATE ENTHRONED] album. Dean finished his vocals last weekend, where Nigel and Andy also finished off some final guitar work, leaving only the mixing and mastering to be done. "The mixdown will begin very soon and the tracks are already sounding very big, very heavy and very epic. Release will then depend on which label we sign with and as to when will be the most appropriate time for release."
Novi Catamenia album, sa sve obradom "Farewell" i Laihialinim gostovanjem u jednoj pesmi: http://mediaportal.ru/mp3/253907-catamenia-cavalcade-2010.html
Tako, tako - jos da se i ovi ostali nakane da poslusaju pa da bacamo kolektivni worship.
Amorphis i Nacht.
Meni najdraza iz tog perioda: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuqZVYd2KDQ
Da ne uziva samo Grob nego i mi ostali, novi Alcest: http://mediaportal.ru/mp3/255840-alcest-201cailles-de-lune-2010.html
Skinuh i album od Aherusie, odlican je, skidajte: http://rapidshare.com/files/249200894/Aherusia_-_And_The_Tides_Shall_Reveal_The_Traces.rar
Malo nam se usirila tema, 'ajde dajte neku okultnu rock poganstinu sa kakvom vesticom za mikrofonom. Nesto kao Coven, The Devil's Blood, tako nesto...
Provalite ovo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfuwiFt6Zbo Grcki black/folk metal, smesni su vizuelno ali jako zanimljivo zvuce. Naravno, ponajvise vuku na Rotting Christ.
Jel' bas moras da nam to nabijas na nos na svakoj temi?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qybUFnY7Y8w Manijaci.
To se Caligula priseca Hypocrisy dana pomocu tih reflektora.
After having surprisingly passed the initial round of the national Swedish competition for the Eurovision Song Contest, Melodifestivalen, PAIN OF SALVATION are now gearing up for performing their intense song "Road Salt" as part of the next round's "Andra Chansen" (Second Chance) show in Örebro, Sweden tomorrow, Saturday, March 6, at 8 p.m. CET. Once again, the contest will be broadcasted live by Sweden's national TV station SVT and it can also be internationally followed online at this location. The contest is being watched by several million people within Sweden and PAIN OF SALVATION have successfully managed to make an outstanding impact with their very atmospheric rendition of the song "Road Salt" as well as their concept of "Going back to letting the song be the focal point, not the fancy dresses or the recipe production and structure of the performance," as frontman Daniel Gildenlöw puts it, before adding, "Just us. Playing a song meant to touch your heart. Stripped down. Naked. Brave. Old school." In other news, PAIN OF SALVATION has just completed works on its new studio album, "Road Salt Ivory". Gildenlöw states, "The first part of 'Road Salt' is finished — mixed, mastered and delivered! It is a 12-track album of sweaty grovel, asphalt butterflies, untreaded paths and brave decisions. It will be presented to the world in one standard edition and one limited director's cut, of which we of course recommend the latter one. "See, as usual, we refuse to add some stuff haphazardly to put together a limited product — we always see the larger version as the 'real' one; the one that makes us the proudest. "The release is scheduled for early summer…"
Swedish black metallers DARK FUNERAL will kick off their "A Declaration Of Hate - European Tour 2010" with ZONARIA, CARACH ANGREN and NEFARIUM tonight (Friday, March 5) at Valhall in Skövde, Sweden. Commented DARK FUENRAL guitarist Lord Ahriman: "We have just completed two days of pre-production for the tour at Avenyn, which is a big theatre in the centre of Ludvika, Sweden. It went amazingly good. "The setlist we have put together this time totally kills. And I'm absolutely sure it'll please both new and old fans. We have brought in several of our old songs that we haven't played in ages, even some that we never even played live before. It's also the longest set we've played live so we're giving it all 666% this time around, which, after all, is what our fans expect and deserve from us. "The stage design and set-up we have put together is the biggest we've ever brought out on tour. And as you can see on the image [below], it looks phenomenally evil. "Last night the tour bus came to pick us up. And once we had loaded all the gear and personal belongings we set the course straight to Skövde, where we'll kick off the tour tonight."
Opa, Svartahrid okacili 3 nove pesme na spejs: www.myspace.com/svartahrid
Ma vidim, ali vidis da prave insinuacije na racun Termopila, moraju se malo ogrebati.
Btw, ovi nazivi pesama i trajanja istih mi ne mirisu na dobro ali ajde da vidimo, nadam se da gresim.
Moze, dogovoreno.
I da, zanima me koliko je ko od vas "rasno svesnih" do sada u zivotu napravio dece. Ono, negativan prirodni prirastaj, narod umire, Albanci u 17-toj godini imaju po petoro dece... pa me zanima sta vi "svesni" preduzimate po tom dragocenom pitanju.
Meni ona skroz odgovara.
Mada, cim vidim da je za tebe "jevrej' pridev, svaka dalja rasprava je nepotrebna.
@Feniks: Sto se tice toga o biznisu u black metalu, procitaj ponovo onaj deo o masi koja je pocela da konzumira umetnost usmerenu protiv mase. A sto se tice svega ostalog ja nisam pricao o obozavanju muzike niti muzicara nego o nekim sasvim drugim, daleko opstijim zivotnim principima ali opusteno, imas pravo da izvlacis reci iz konteksta kako god hoces, zabole me.
Znaci, naredni demo se zove "Behemoth je jos vece govno".