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Everything posted by Talvi
Sad me podseti, mada nije moj blam: jedan moj komsija se jedared toliko napio na jednoj sahrani da su ga doneli kuci obeznanjenog.
Da citiram Sakija iz intervjua koji uradismo: "There are always alternative ways on how Black Metal could sound and we have our mediterranean, Balkan answer on this." Drugim recima, ovi ljudi su svirali black metal jos 1989. a to sto taj black metal ne lici na ono sto ce Skandinavci kasnije da izmisle nije njihova stvar.
Power/Prog metal predlozi & noviteti
Talvi replied to WindrideR's topic in Power & progressive metal
Jel' slusao neko ovog manijaka iz Japana : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKyuJoBSEug- 4668 replies
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(and 8 more)
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Ako treba nekom, limited verzija sa dva bonusa na 320: http://mediaportal.ru/mp3/253443-dark-tranquillity-we-are-the-void-2010.html
Nova stvar ("Buried Alive") na spejsu.
After announcing their special BATHORY tribute set on June 12 as part of this year's Sweden Rock Festival, WATAIN were approached by Sweden Rock Magazine to record a BATHORY cover for a special CD. In collaboration with Sweden Rock Magazine and Season Of Mist, WATAIN has put together a special CD that all subscribers of the magazine will get with issue #70 (out April 6). The CD consists of a cover of BATHORY's "The Return of Darkness and Evil" as well as the brand new track "Reaping Death", from WATAIN's as-yet-untitled fourth album, to be released by Season Of Mist on June 7. "The cool thing about Sweden Rock Magazine is that it covers metal's traditions and history and what metalhead head isn't aware of the genre's history?" says WATAIN frontman Erik "E" Danielsson. "It felt like the right forum for a tribute to BATHORY, one of extreme metal's forefathers, especially the Scandinavian side of it. All the pieces fell into place." WATAIN didn't go for the obvious. Instead the band decided to do a cover of the early version of BATHORY's "The Return of Darkness and Evil", found on the cult 1984 compilation album "Scandinavian Metal Attack". "It was the first recording BATHORY ever did and to me it feels like that song, in that version, sums up BATHORY: a Satanic MOTÖRHEAD, a pitchblack G.B.H. It's rooted in what was heaviest at the time, but took it one step further," says E. BATHORY founder Quorthon died on June 3, 2004 from heart failure. What would he think of WATAIN covering his early work? "I hope and think that our love of BATHORY is very apparent and I think he would've been very proud," says E. "We've rarely agreed to do a tribute, except in the case of DISSECTION. Our version is a pure tribute. We're not trying to make it into a WATAIN song, we're just pointing a big fucking spotlight at BATHORY. Hail the hordes!" For more information, visit www.swedenrockmagazine.com.
Ima, ali za nas novinarske smradove.
U kol'ko para da su procitali na yumetalu?
Ovde smo poslednji put pricali o Reflexion-u pa cu ovde i da ostavim ako nekoga zanima, novi album: http://mediaportal.ru/mp3/253081-reflexion-edge-2010.html
Sad se setih da ove godine i Mgla treba da izdaju album, to ce biti zanimljivo.
Sad tek procitah ovaj novi intervju sa Vargom sto je okacen na sajt. Znaci, intervjui sa njim su nesto sto mi je uvek zanimljivo da procitam, iz prostog razloga sto retko ko danas ovako gospodski i kulturno odgovara na pitanja (Gunther iz AR excluded ) i bez obzira kakav nonsens da ga neko priupita uvek ce dati kulturan i iscrpan odgovor na to. Politicarenja na stranu, generalno mi se svidja kako ovaj covek (trenutno) razmislja.
Tako ti i treba kad ides u postu da uplatis lovu za faks. Odes lepo u Univerzal banku npr. uplatis za dva minuta i cao. Neki moji blamovi... Scene iz gimnazijskih dana kad se okliznes kao majmun na ledu ispred gimnazije, prospes se koliko si dugacak, ustanes i opet padnes, jos grdje nego prvi put? Hm, mozda... Scena kad sedis sa drugaricom u basti jednog kafea pod suncobranima dok oko vas pljusti kisa, da bi se u jednom trenutku mnogo litara vode nakupljenih izmedju zalepljenih suncobrana provalilo i polilo vas nasred grada? Nije iskljuceno... Situacija kad ides ulicom, cackas mp3 plejer i puknes glavom u saobracajni znak toliko jako da se prolaznici okrecu da vide sta je puklo? Verovatno.
Digby? Da, on je zaista osoba od autoriteta posle svih sranja koja je godinama priredjivao.
Bas to, daleko je oktobar i jos uvek ne znamo hoce li u isto vreme biti cega zanimljivog ovde. A ako bih imao love tada isao bih i ja, sto da ne.
Mene u sekundu nasmeja ovaj deo: :haha:
Dakle, dok cekam da mi stigne album: Norwegian black metallers 1349 will release their new album, "Demonoir", on April 26 in Europe via Indie Recordings and one day later in North America through Prosthetic Records. According to a press release, "Demonoir" is "without a shadow of a doubt 1349's darkest, most sinister and brutal work to date, and in this case it comes to mean that the band has gone from the utterly extreme to the genre-expanding and mindboggling. Black metal cannot, and will never be the same. "For the band's fifth full-length release, 1349 decided to suck out the fiercest and most potent energies from every single member and surroundings, channeling it into songs that are pulsating with uncanny atmospheres, rawness and nerve-shattering intensity. The whole process of getting the material on record was like one long, exhausting black magic summoning that could not be allowed to go wrong." "Demonoir" will be available in three different versions: * Regular CD * Limited digipack version with special artwork, including a bonus CD with cover versions. * Double 180-gram vinyl in gatefold sleeve. Includes cover versions.
Sad ce ITF da zapuca za Pestu.
Ajmo, deco, stigle lirike: http://www.metal-archives.com/release.php?id=258628 Krece bubanje.
Nje nikad dosta.
Op op op: Ragnarok - Collectors Of The King (2010)
Jes' da su oni totalni kameleon u muzici, ali 'ajde da kazemo da si slusao najbolji od ne-black albuma. Btw, provalite kako ljudi raspicuju uzivo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-WQMvCQ1RM
Sad ce on da postane nas - sam se inficirao, ja uzeh da ga malo trujem Arcturus-om i sa Dirty Granny Taels, sad kad jos malo istrazi okolo gotov je.