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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. A sto da ne traze? Pa sad su bar postali zvezdice, klinci diljem Evrope se pale na njih.
  2. Talvi


  3. Apsolutno se slazem, povraca mi se od ovog benda.
  4. Idemo, anti-humanism se vratio i to sa poslasticom za religiozne medju nama: http://www.antihumanism.com/2010/02/a-formula-for-orthodox-black-metal/ http://www.antihumanism.com/2010/02/why-do-you-listen-to-metal/
  5. Talvi

    Rotting Christ

    Zapravo, rekao je da ne moze da se odluci izmedju Partizana i Zvezde ali ima dres Partizana vec godinama. Ja ga samo pitao o grckom fudbalu i on posle preokrenuo na srpski.
  6. Talvi

    Rotting Christ

    Ja ga pustio posle ove dve paklene nedelje kada nisam slusao skoro nista, i dalje me radi k'o prvi put.
  7. Talvi

    Rotting Christ

    Nisam, ali verujem da hoce.
  8. Talvi

    Rotting Christ

    Zaboravih reci, Saki odgovorio na intervju. Super je ispalo, covek je legenda definitivno. Najvaznije od svega - porucio je da uskoro idu na balkansku turneju i da se vidimo u Srbiji! I da, vec godinama ima dres Partizana.
  9. Talvi


    Darove sa nebesa olicene u oblicju komada plastike ne treba stavljati u istu raspravu sa obicnom, svetovnom muzikom.
  10. Talvi


    U, Hilda se razgoropadila. Ali realno, preterujete malo. Gojko je rekao: Njegovo misljenje, jednostavno. Covek je svakako preslusao prosle albume 100 puta a i ovaj je preslusao podosta za ova dva dana i izvukao taj zakljucak. Naravno da sve moze da se menja i da treba vremena da album sazri i da ga proglasimo za klasik, ali ako je to njegovo misljenje - why bother?
  11. Uuuuuuuu, sad se setih necega jebenog sto morate da cujete. Svedski bend Siena Root, njihov novi album. Dakle, uzmete psihodelicni okultni rock iz '70-tih na foru Led Zeppelin i kompanije i dodate na to hindu instrumente. Album je podeljen na dva dela, pri cemu je prvi vise u tom mahom instrumentalnom (mada ima i vokala, i muskih i zenskih) psychedelic rock fazonu a drugi je cist instrumentalni hindu trip, dusu dao za meditaciju ili uzivanje u opojnim supstancama. I omot je odradjen u retro fazonu a snimak je 100% analogni, ja se odavno ovako ne odusevih necim sto mi je pristiglo na recenziranje. http://depositfiles.com/en/files/qj0acgy5c
  12. Uf uf, veceras sam u doom fazonu, mogao bih da izvucem nesto iz ove gomile divota.
  13. Kladim se da ce se naci gomila ljudi koja ce da se napali kako se radi o norveskom Covenant-u, tj. The Kovenant-u.
  14. Rome, Italy-based death metal band FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE has completed work on a new EP entitled "Mafia" at 16th Cellar Studios in the group's hometown with producer Stefano "Saul" Morabito. The CD will be released on June 8 via Willowtip Records. Commented bassist/vocalist Paolo Rossi: "The album focuses on the connection between racketeering and illness. It's like a hidden sickness that consumes us from deep within and that can't be erased unless you decide to wake up and face it. "'Mafia' is like an octopus whose tentacles grab everyone's free will, and pushes everybody in fear. "'Mafia' is dedicated to all the people who lost their life fighting against these criminals." The "Mafia" recording lineup was as follows: Tommaso Riccardi - Lead Vocals, Guitars Paolo Rossi - Vocals, Bass Cristiano Trionfera - Vocals, Guitars Francesco Paoli - Drums, Guitars and Vocals Francesco Ferrini - Piano "La Piovra".
  15. Ovo: i ovo:
  16. Talvi


    K'o sto rekoh pri vr'u strane, prvi album bese fin, ali me nesto mrzi da sad skidam ovaj, jebaga.
  17. Talvi


    Mislim da rec "Vomitory" i rec "promene" nikada nece biti u nekoj preteranoj vezi, niti da je to uopste njihov cilj.
  18. Talvi


    Da zapocnemo pricicu, a? Meni je super album, oni prokleti semplovi mi dadose pogresnu predstavu i kad sam ga preslusao bas sam se iznenadio. Nije "Filosofem" ali je u tom stilu i bas valja.
  19. Malo opsirnije: Veteran British doom/stoner band CATHEDRAL will release its ninth full-length album and second for the Nuclear Blast label, "The Guessing Game", on March 26 in Europe and on April 20 in North America. Produced once again by Warren Riker (DOWN, CROWBAR), who also took care of the band's last effort, "The Garden Of Unearthly Delights", in 2005, "The Guessing Game" is one wild and unpredictable ride with one of the most unique and exciting acts the metal genre has got to offer! For the first time in the band's history, they have recorded a double album that boasts thirteen tracks offering a colourful variety of musical styles and lyrical themes: "Requiem For The Voiceless", for example, is pure, down 'n' out crawling doom — and the first animal-rights song in doom metal history! Then you'll get classic stomping and grooving CATHEDRAL material with the catchy "Painting In The Dark", plus many songs wading through psychedelic and proggy waters — especially "Funeral Of Dreams", featuring none other than Alison O' Donnell of MELLOW CANDLE ('70s Irish folk rock band) fame doing guest vocals. It comes as no surprise that this time around CATHEDRAL went as far as to include exotic instrumentation such as Mellotron and Sitar. And pay special attention to the lyrics of "Journeys Into Jade": Lee Dorrian and Co. are celebrating 20 years of CATHEDRAL with this one! And what a way to celebrate this anniversary: traditional CATHEDRAL cover artist Dave Patchett came up with one of his finest artworks in the band's history, mirroring the themes and musical quirkiness of the album itself. "The Guessing Game" track listing: Disc One: 01. Immaculate Misconception 02. Funeral Of Dreams 03. Painting In The Dark 04. Death Of An Anarchist 05. The Guessing Game 06. Edwige's Eyes 07. Cats, Incense, Candles & Wine Disc Two: 01. One Dimensional People 02. Casket Chasers 03. La Noche Del Buque Maldito (aka Ghost Ship Of The Blind Dead) 04. The Running Man 05. Requiem For The Voiceless 06. Journeys Into Jad
  20. Uh, ovo i ja preporucujem iz sve snage. Bas pre neki dan dobih album na recenziranje, tradicionalna dumcina, onako mracna, teska i otegnuta kakva i treba da bude. Super album.
  21. Ne znam zasto, ali cinilo mi se kao da ga nema i duze od ovog perioda.
  22. Fotke su fenomenalne, bas pitasmo Skrymer-a za to u vjuu. Nekako mi se cini da su dve najbolje pesme izvukli za spot i spejs, jel'da?
  23. Talvi

    BM noviteti

    Kawir - To Uranus (EP 2010)
  24. Swedish masters of melancholy KATATONIA will release a new EP, "The Longest Day", on March 15 via Peaceville Records. In addition to the album cut "The Longest Year", the EP features the previously unreleased song "Sold Heart", "Day And Then The Shade" (remix), and an alternative version of "Idle Blood". The enhanced EP also features the videos for both "The Longest Year", directed by Charlie Granberg (BLOODBATH, MY DYING BRIDE) and "Day And Then The Shade", directed by Lasse Hoile (PORCUPINE TREE, OPETH). "The Longest Year" track listing: 01. The Longest Year 02. Sold Heart 03. Day & Then The Shade (Frank Default remix) 04. Idle Blood (Linje 14) 05. The Longest Year (video) 06. Day And Then The Shade (video)
  25. Potvrdjena i Grcka: The "Big Four" of the 1980s underground thrash metal scene — METALLICA, SLAYER, MEGADETH and ANTHRAX — have been confirmed for the Greek edition of the Sonisphere festival, set to take place June 24, 2010 at Terra Vibe Park in Athens. Also scheduled to appear are MASTODON and BULLET FOR MY VALENTINE.
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