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Vocalist Steve "Zetro" Souza rejoined his former EXODUS bandmates at their February 8, 2010 concert at the Grand Ballroom in San Francisco to perform the group's classic song "Toxic Waltz". Fan-filmed video footage of the performance can be viewed below. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hIzdG4zIlg
Ako budem u mogucnosti, trudicu se.
Uf uf uf, na ovo bih vrlllo rado otisao.
To je sa kompilacije "Better Undead Than Alive", bilo je svojevremeno linkova na netu ali ne znam ima li jos uvek.
Odlicna je ideja. Samo americkim retardima verovatno nista nece biti jasno.
Hungarian black metallers SEAR BLISS have issued the following update: "Though some important changes happened in the SEAR BLISS camp last year, there was no official statement so far, as we decided to be in silence for some time. We didn't care to spread news about it. We concentrated only on the band, new songs, etc. instead. "What actually happened is that due to the disagreement and lack of chemistry among the band members, the legacy of SEAR BLISS will be carried on by a new lineup, which isn't really new actually. "The band, which is still led by Andras is joined by the original guitar duo from the classic lineup of SEAR BLISS, namely Janos Barbarics and Csaba Csejtei. Both of them played and took a very important role in SEAR BLISS from the very beginning, being responsible for the sound of the band. Janos played on 'The Pagan Winter', 'Phantoms' and 'Haunting' albums and was the member of the band from 1993 to 1999. Csaba played on 'The Pagan Winter', 'Phantoms', 'Forsaken Symphony' and 'Glory And Perdition' album and was the member of SEAR BLISS between 1994-1997 and 2001-2005. "On drums we have Oliver Zisko, who played and was responsible for many of the songs on the critcally acclaimed 'Forsaken Symphony' album, though he played the keyboards back then. Being a highly professional drummer, his contribution will significantly raise the quality, intensity and power of SEAR BLISS' music. "As for the brass, we have a very talented young guy, Balazs Bruszel, playing the trumpet. We already had a few shows with this lineup at the end of last year in Holland, Switzerland and Slovenia and the outcome was more than promising. "We are heading to this new year with refreshed energy, unsurpassable perseverance and great plans, eager to show where we are after 16 years of existence with people who already proved they are capable for something really unique. There is a new album in the making, which we plan to record in the summer, again for Candlelight Records." For more information, visit www.myspace.com/searbliss.
Ako se nekome ide: According to concert promoters Most of Evil Music, British black metal pioneers VENOM will play for the first time ever in Sofia, Bulgaria at Hall Festivalna on April 17. It should be noted, however, that the band's official web site has not confirmed VENOM's plans to perform in Bulgaria at this time.
Samo da primetim: cini mi se da ljudi malo precenjuju potencijal ovdasnje publike, tj. ako neko slusa metal to ne mora nuzno da znaci da ga koncerti uopste zanimaju. To vazi u svakom zanru muzike - pa kad bi svi koji u ovoj zemlji slusaju Cecu stvarno otisli na njen koncert, 3 Marakane ne bi bile dovoljne za to. Isto vazi i ovde - umesto sto racunate koliko metalaca ima u Srbiji, probajte da odredite koliki je procenat njih uopste zainteresovan za odlaske na koncerte, veliki deo ljudi voli muziku ali ih koncerti prosto ne zanimaju.
Aha, tebi u usta.
- 224 replies
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2010.02.14. *SKC, Beograd* Paradise Lost / Samael
Talvi replied to Elderane's topic in Arhiva koncerata
Na sajtu su objavili da je do tamosnjeg organizatora, tako da nema veze sa koncertom ovde. -
Kako za koga - rekoh, meni je "Aealo" album godine a ono izraelsko smece verovatno vise nikad ni cuti necu.
Pozeraj u slavu najdrazeg mi podforuma :
Aha, ok. Evo onda nesto matoro i masno od mene za pocetak: ARK OF METAL 01. Astarte - Deep down the cosmos 02. Necromantia - blairwitch 03. Phantom Lord - rules of the past 04. The Elysian Fields - enshield my hate etrnal 05. Swan Christy - enough of white 06. On thorns i lay - black cold night 07. Valiance - cloud insanity(edit) http://rapidshare.com/files/330112807/ARK_OF_METAL.rar
Jel' se racunaju i tribute albumi u ovo?
Ne znam, meni ovde Sakis zvuci k'o i uvek. Upravo ovo sto Grob rece, da je "King of a Stellar War" snimljena danas verovatno bi bila proglasena za komercijalno sranje. Uostalom, ne vidim zasto bi bend koji je izdao prvi album 1989. morao da se povinuje standardima koji su dosli tek kasnije.
Mrzi me da komentarisem ponaosob sve sto ste srali, uglavnom: 1) Ja ne znam koliko lud je uopste neko trebao da bude pa da ocekuje da RC danas izda tipican black metal album. Znalo se da ce da eksperimentisu do mile volje, kao i do sada. 2) Teheran??? Ne znam, proucavao sam arapske skale u muzici bas dosta i ovde ne cuh nijednu. A sa druge strane, "Enuma Elish" je bila "Teheran all the way" pa vas ne cujem da nesto serete o njoj. 3) Jos onomad ja rekoh da ne ocekujete hitove kao na "Theogoniji", toga ovde nema niti se to i htelo, krajnje ocigledno. 4) Kontam nesto, mogu zamisliti kako je Sakis ovo uopste iskomponovao - ono, sednes kod kuce sa gitarom i klavijaturama i krenes da pises linije za one napeve,diple, cuda... Uzas. 5) Sve sam uvereniji da ja ne bih preziveo live izvodjenje "Santa Muerte", poginuo bih.
Cuj "Thou Art Lord", tu peva Alan iz Primordial pa cenim da ta ima najvise sanse da ti se svidi.
Kuruzu je ovo vrhunac grckog folka koji je cuo u zivotu: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymNbvMHdN4k
Najvecim delom novinari, vidis da je Grob "Top listener".
Koji si ti kralj. Cujes grcki bend kako svira u saradnji sa grupom koja izvodi grcku anticku muziku i zenskim tradicionalnim horom i kazes da je to turcizam.