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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Bonus pjesmica, treba nekome? http://mediaportal.ru/mp3/238585-gamma-ray-wannabees-bonus-track2010.html
  2. Talvi


    Nije bas da sam na to ciljao.
  3. Talvi


    George Pacheco of the Cape Cod Rock Music Examiner recently conducted an interview with former EMPEROR frontman Ihsahn (real name: Vegard Sverre Tveitan). A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below. Cape Cod Rock Music Examiner: Do you feel this album ["After"] could open up your solo career to those who either haven't heard, or have been slow-moving in checking it out since the demise of EMPEROR? Ihsahn: I guess I haven't been giving that too much thought, so to speak, because I'm usually far too focused whenever I'm creating an album. I also wear many hats — from writing and producing to recording — so I don't have much time to think of it from a promotional standpoint, but yeah, I think the feeling has evolved into something which might appeal perhaps to a wider audience of the more experimental fans of the traditional black metal form. Cape Cod Rock Music Examiner: Did you ever feel boxed-in within that black metal genre prior to starting your solo career? Struggling with pre-conceptions of what you could do as an artist? Ihsahn: There are, of course, very conservative ideas within the traditional black metal sense, and sometimes it's been irritating. I've been doing this for twenty years now, and at times it's a bit frustrating to hear that some people think I did my best work at seventeen! (laughs) If I thought that, there would be no reason to continue, so I always think that the best is yet to come. I've also grown much more confident, and have come to terms with EMPEROR as a phenomenon, living a life of its own. The rest of my career will probably live in the shadow of my own creation, in a way, but I'm still here doing what I love, and that's the only way I can honor that: doing my absolute best, in the most truthful way I can. Cape Cod Rock Music Examiner: When comparing "After" to your prior albums, "Angl" and "The Adversary", what did you think was done differently, and do you feel this best encapsulates what you've always wanted to do? Are you most satisfied with this record? Ihsahn: I'm very pleased. I don't measure each album; they're all a new experience for me, and very much where I'm at — on many levels — at the time I'm making them. I definitely feel that this is way up there, though, with regards to my own work. I changed the parameters, especially with the type of atmospheres I wanted to express. The idea of doing a trilogy first become involved when I was doing "The Adversary", which — as the title implies — is very personal, confrontational and Nietzsche-inspired. "Angl" is the other side of the coin: still very direct and referring to this solitary, Luciferian figure. Ending this trilogy, I wanted something a bit more abstract; going a bit beyond the contemporary conflict thing, and seeking out more underlying and lasting inspirational sources. I feel I've touch more on the things which have been inspirational to me all along. Cape Cod Rock Music Examiner: Musically speaking, do you feel this unleashes your inner prog-rocker, so to speak? For me, this is the most progressive route I think your music has taken. I hear a lot of '70s, GENTLE GIANT-esque prog within a lot of these songs. Ihsahn: That's the thing a lot of people ask about: my prog influences. In that sense, I feel almost like [an outsider]. Speaking to Mikael [Åkerfeldt] or Per [Wilberg] from OPETH; they're like encyclopedias of the prog scene. Of course, I know KING CRIMSON, RUSH, YES and DREAM THEATER, but I don't come from that background. The progressive parts in my music I feel is the result of using more traditional compositional techniques. When I started in my teens with EMPEROR, it was more about getting all of these riffs together in a sensible way and convention, whereas now I start with a main theme or motif, and listen for what needs to come next. Afterwards, I'll twist and turn those elements in a more traditional compositional style; transfer the melody lines, themes or riffs and work the arrangement in a different way. I'm not trying to have all these different themes and riffs sticking together in one song; I'd rather explore fewer ideas, and make the most of that. Read the entire interview from Cape Cod Rock Music Examiner.
  4. To si ti pomesao njih sa Meshuggah-om.
  5. Talvi

    BM noviteti

    Jel' slusao neko slovenacki (zadavice me cotoha ako vidi ) bend Smargroth? Ja dobih novi, tj. prvi album na recenziranje, ne mogu nigde da nadjem link, a na youtube-u samo live snimci. Uglavnom, ovo odvaljuje, epski ratnicki black metal sa malo Impaled Nazarene prizvuka, sjajna svirka.
  6. Talvi


    Guitarist/vocalist Mikael Åkerfeldt of Swedish progressive metallers OPETH has issued the following update: "I just finished and approved the mastering of a new song I wrote called 'The Throat Of Winter'. I wrote it for that game 'God Of War' that we're supposed to be included in, or however that works. "Is it a digital album? I don't know how that shit works, but it's done anyways. Hell, I'm still with my turntables (got three of them) and right now I'm playing a Aussie original of 'High Voltage' by AC/DC. "[The] song is very odd. It's good, I think, or for my taste it is, but even I can understand it's very... odd! produced and recorded it from scratch and I'm happy with the sound, if I may say so myself. Fred [Fredrik Åkesson, OPETH guitarist] laid down a killer acoustic solo and Per [Wiberg, OPETH keyboardist] laid down an amazing twiddly tweet moog solo. "It's not a very metal song, I'm saving up for that… later... yet it's got a metal mentality, or what I remember metal used to do to me. I can feel it, even though it's not a metal song per definition. "Anyways, if you hear it I hope you like it. "Me and Fred went to NAMM for a few days and it was fun fun FUN! Did some signing session and a [question-and-answer session] for PRS guitars. "My signature guitar looked and felt amazing! Loved the neck of it! It was only a prototype so some adjustments will be made, but overall I'm fucking blown away by it. Fred liked it too very much and it seemed to attrack a lot of interest! "The PRS people were real nice to us, as always, and I got to meet some nice people I hadn't met before. We might have had a few drinks too many but we had to do something to cope with the jetlag which was overwhelming. "Looks like we might be going to the Frankfurt Musikmesse as well, right before those anniversary shows we're doing in March/April. "OK, people...I'm off again. Even though we're off the road I feel busier than ever. I'm hyper and I've got a billion projects in the air it feels like..."
  7. Nesto izmedju. Nije bas emocija, ali jeste feeling. Merak, takoreci.
  8. "Osecati" kao imati osecaj, ne smrdeti.
  9. Ne kao Gojko, nego osecati se tako da vam se slusa I Shalt. Znao sam da cete ovo izvuci iz konteksta.
  10. Mozda su hteli da poprave aranzmane, produkciju, jebem li ga... Uglavnom, valjda je najavljeno da "Maiastru" stize krajem februara, a novi album sa novom postavom u martu, tako nekako.
  11. Zapravo, u planu su i novi album i ovo presnimavanje.
  12. Talvi


    Please, don't get me started.
  13. Jebote, ja sam tek danas provalio da Alan iz Primordial gostuje u dve pesme na "Evocation"-u. Cak i na omotu pise, a ja to uopste konstatovao nisam.
  14. Raznolik je moj ukus. (no homo )
  15. Jbg, bas sam tih dana i ja intenzivno slusao Cynic, i vidim da ti slusas pesmu "Wheels Within Whels". Bilo je kao: "WTF???"
  16. I nije neko otkrice, posto mi cesto kazu da ga nemam ni ovako...
  17. Da je pristavim i ovde:
  18. Da sam riba, gay ili tako nesto kapiram da bih se lozio na ovog lika: ali posto nisam, radije biram koleginicu mu iz benda:
  19. Kad na last.fm-u vrtis do iznemoglosti pesmu koju niko drugi na svetu nije slusao, crv sumnje mora da proradi...
  20. Neko je bese trazio dobar sludge? Probajte ovo, provalite koje krljanje i koji krkljanac od vokala : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYMRxa2IqWw
  21. Zene.
  22. Jel' treba nekome novi singl? http://mediaportal.ru/mp3/237841-rammstein-ich-tu-dir-weh-single-2010.html Remixe radili Scooter, Devin Townsend i Jochen Schmalbach.
  23. Nije troll.
  24. Elem. Ne mogu bas reci da je album los jer on to svakako nije. Samo je slabiji od proslih, to je problem. Nekako, kao da protece pored tebe dok ga slusas, ali bez ikakvog smaranja ili bilo cega. Ne znam, zasad mi nije lose (tek danas uzeh da slusam, mrzelo me da se cimam oko slabog ripa). I da, jel' mi se cini ili vokali ponegde zvuce skroz "blekerski"?
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