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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Talvi


    Nocturnal Art Productions is auctioning Samoth's (EMPEROR, ZYKLON) personal spikes and leather armbands via eBay. These are rare and highly exclusive items! These four armbands are sold as one item: 1. One pair of leather armbands. Worn by Samoth on many of the EMPEROR "IX Equilibrium" photo shoots. Also worn on Samoth's individual photo on the "IX Equilibrium" album. 2. One basic leather armband. Worn by Samoth on several tours, and also worn on the official live DVD "Emperial Live Ceremony" 3. One custom made spike leather armband. Worn by Samoth on several tours, and also worn on the official live DVD "Emperial Live Ceremony" Can be signed by Samoth upon request. The starting bid is $300. The auction ends on January 14. Visit the auction page at this location.
  2. Talvi


    I ja sam saznao za njih preko REX-a. Odmah sam nabavio "Extreme Hatred" i jako mi se svideo, odlican album, ali sam najvise od svega vrteo obradu "My Belief" od Possessed-a koju su odvalili za sve pare. Bas bedak sto se raspadose posle tog albuma. A jos veci bedak je sto im je bubnjar umro 2004.
  3. Pre neki dan uhvatih na tv-u onaj novi spot i moram priznati da je pesma hitcina za sve pare.
  4. Talvi


    Norwegian progressive metal upstarts LEPROUS will once again serve as legendary EMPEROR frontman Ihsahn's backing band for his upcoming appearances at the Wacken Open Air and Brutal Assault festivals in Germany and the Czech Republic, respectively.
  5. Talvi


    Vaistinu, bolje pitaj Gojka, on je mag za to.
  6. Talvi


    A u KURAC!
  7. Hahahahahah, zamisljam Jovana na Evroviziji.
  8. Combichrist je predgrupa na certu.
  9. Ako nekoga zanima, predgrupa na turneji je Combichrist.
  10. Catchy je refren, ali ne na KoK nacin. Anyway, i ako ovi prodju ja cu verovatno navijati za zemlju koja uvek salje najbolje pesme, pa ce i ove godine sigurno biti tako: :mhihi:
  11. Sta je, bre, ovo???
  12. Jebote, citam i ne verujem. Dajte jos ovoga, obozavam ove stvari.
  13. Revolver magazine recently spoke with KORN frontman Jonathan Davis and bassist Reginald "Fieldy" Arvizu about the band's forthcoming ninth album, which is said to be a return to the group's earlier sound. "We experimented with a lot of cool stuff on our last two records [2005's 'See You On The Other Side' and 2007's untitled effort], but we didn't want to do another record like that," Davis explained. "So we said, 'Let's strip it back again. Let's do this as a four-piece and make it real raw like the old stuff." KORN worked on the new CD with producer Ross Robinson, who helmed the band's first two albums, 1994's "Korn" and 1996's "Life is Peachy". "We figured if we're gonna go back [to the early KORN sound], we should do it with Ross," said Fieldy. "And it was great. Even though we hadn't seen him in years, it felt just like old times." He added, "We made sure that every song we were working on had everything that represents the integrity that you hear on [KORN's 1994 debut]. There's on faster, really heavy song that's pretty different for us, but the rest is a combination of everything we were in '93. It's funky; it's heavy; it's melodic. It's everything, man. It's KORN." KORN's forthcoming effort was tracked last October at the band's studio. "We recorded everything on tape, just like we did in the old days," said Davis. "And we didn't stack four or five vocal parts like I usually do. I'm singing one part for every song, which was scary. It's just me and the microphone, and you can really hear the emotion." As part of Robinson's tireless quest to wring every last bit of emotion from his artists, he encouraged Davis to revisit past traumas to fuel his performance. "He used any kind of ammunition he had to get me into that headspace where I felt like I wanted to scream and run away," Davis said. "I basically went fucking crazy making this record. When I was done, I was emotionally gone and in tears and everything. And the memories don't just go away. I'd brew on 'em all day. It was rough." KORN's ninth studio album is now being mixed for a June release.
  14. A i Plamen Iskona je tu...
  15. ^ In the gothic splendor of the chapel of St. Wenceslaus Golden door with seven locks Seven keys within your hand Ancient crown of Bohemia placed upon your head Sharpening your spears The hangman's disciple, vomiting forth death Murderous power, radiate hate, harbinger of suffering
  16. Talvi

    Rotting Christ

    Moze da bidne, a ne mora da znaci. Mozda se neko samo malo igrao tag-ovima... Ono sto znam pouzdano jeste da promosi jos nisu krenuli, tj. Season Of Mist ne salje prave diskove nego linkove za skidanje albuma. Sve sam vec obezbedio.
  17. Znaci koliko je meni ova "Integral Birth" bolja na demu nego na albumu, nemam reci.
  18. Grob je izgleda u zavicaju, vec nekoliko dana je odsutan.
  19. Ako se ne varam, naspamovao se sa jos nekoliko ljudi na Obavestenjima, Aks im svima pripretio banom, a ovaj je ostavio nekoliko postova na nekoliko tema da dostigne ne-znam-ni-ja-koliki broj istih i herojski zatrazio ban. Mozda nas upravo posmatra?
  20. Koliko ja znam, on je teatralno napustio forum.
  21. http://www.mondo.rs/s157368/Zabava/Kip_lorda_Homera_Simpsona.html
  22. Talvi


    Postoji ta opcija, ali samo za pretplatnike, sto Defunctus jeste.
  23. Ne znam jeste li videli, evo ga preview DVD-ja: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuB_hicas9A
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