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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Crnkinje? Moze. I ova je hibrid, ali jbg.
  2. http://www.4shared.com/file/103606769/2b8d1ba8/Arkona_-_Ot_Serdtsa_K_Nebu__20.html?s=1
  3. Pa, Aprile, kako ti se dojmise Ugari?
  4. Izvol'te prevode: http://morbidknocking.blogspot.com/2009/08/masters-hammer-english-language.html + "Jilemnice" koncept: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=345382717&blogId=362601323 Ovi spotovi su sega mega kult, narocito "Geniove". Ovaj pevac izlece iza onog stola k'o neki madjionicar, sve vreme sam ocekivao da precvika onu ribu, ucini da ona malo levitira ili tako nesto... Kad smo kod Ceha, jel' slusao neko Torr? Meni je ova pesma ultra dojajna: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1vF1U2fScY Sad jos malo istrazujem o Torr-u, paz'te ovo: "Formed in: 1977" A gle ovog kulta: http://www.metal-archives.com/band.php?id=12816 - '83. izdali prvi black demo u Ceskoj.
  5. Priznaj, zaintrigirao te oglas.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bv_dr88CApI
  7. Sta je ovo, pravoslavni Crowbar? Posto i izgledate i zvucite tako. Jel' ono Tamara u spotu, hahah?
  8. Evo, zvanicno ti prepustam to zadovoljstvo.
  9. A sta da kazem, jbg?
  10. Ova druga slika ljusti tapete sa zidova.
  11. Hocete dark ambient? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvHhmmTBhO4 Cao.
  12. Opet distorzija. Chris je folk verzija Tomija Joutsena, definitivno.
  13. NEGURA BUNGET — the Romanian band that incorporates elements of black metal, progressive metal, folk metal and dark ambient — has finished recording its new album, "Vîrstele Pamîntului" (English translation: The Ages of the Land/Earth). Due in late March via Code666 Records as a special limited-edition handmade woodbox, roped and filled with the very earth of the place it comes from, the CD was tracked at Negura Music studio under the supervision of sound engineer Mihai Toma. The group states in a press release, "'Vîrstele Pamîntului' is an album about embracing your destiny, about choosing and consciously assuming a way of life. The earth is where we came from and where go back into, the one from above and beyond us. Understanding and respecting it is understanding yourself, your purpose and destiny. 'Vîrstele Pamîntului' is an album about places of the earth and places of the spirit, about bounds transcending worlds." "Vîrstele Pamîntului" track listing: 01. Pamînt 02. Dacia Hiperboreana 03. Umbra 04. Ochiul Inimii 05. Chei De Roua 06. Tara De Dincolo De Negura 07. Jar 08. Arborele Lumii 09. Întoarcerea Amurgului "Maiestrit", a magical and passionate reinterpretation of NEGURA BUNGET's classic album "Maiastru Sfetnic" (2000), is scheduled for release by Lupus Lounge at the end of February 2010. This record contains the last studio recordings of the classic NEGURA BUNGET lineup (Hupogrammos, Sol Faur, Negru).
  14. Kako nacuh, Hypo u Bugarskoj 27. februara snima DVD. Pa vi vidite. http://www.last.fm/event/1343043+HYPOCRISY+Official+DVD+Recording+Live+in+Sofia
  15. Talvi


  16. Greek extreme metallers ROTTING CHRIST will support BOLT THROWER on their upcoming European tour. Commented BOLT THROWER: "To mix the package up a bit for everyone, there will be different additional bands playing each night, and so far we've asked BENEDICTION, ASPHYX and DEW-SCENTED to play a few shows each. And as usual, there will also be local/unsigned bands on the bill. More bands/details will be announced soon. "On another note, we're planning something special for the first show on the tour, in the new Atak venue in Enschede, Holland. More info on that will follow soon."
  17. Od cele ove top 10 liste jedino je Tool vise nego opravdano na njoj, ostatak je vec ustaljeno MH proseravanje sa ciljem beskonacnog uvlacenja "velikanima" po cenu gubljenja bilo kakvog smisla pravljenja liste. Jbt, pa kad su oni pravili listu najboljih thrash albuma ikada i negde oko 10. mesta (ne secam se tacno na koje) grunuli "Formation of damnation". Jbt.
  18. Koji ste vi carevi. Jeste, vec vidim scenu: Frubi (menadzmentu Vader-a): "E, a jel' moze da se svira "Of Moon, Blood, Dream & Me"?" Menadzment: "Naravno, kako ne. Ni Peter sam se ne seca kad je poslednji put svirao tu pesmu, sa novom postavom nije imao kad ni da je navezba ali moze, specijalno za vas ce se svirati. Sve za srpsku publiku".
  19. Talvi


    Swedish black metallers WATAIN will enter Necromorbus Studio (WATAIN, NOMINON, AVERSE SEFIRA, FUNERAL MIST, MORK GRYNING, ADORIOR) in Alvik, Sweden with longtime producer Tore Stjerna on January 3, 2010 to begin recording their new album for a late spril/early summer release.
  20. Talvi


    Finnish melodic black metallers CATAMENIA have finished recording their new album, "Cavalcade", at Mastervox Studios in Oulu, Finland for a tentative spring release. The mixing and mastering process is scheduled to begin on January 11, 2010. Inace, meni se vremenom onaj prosli album skroz-naskroz svideo i mnogo mi je fino legao kad sam uspeo da se opasuljim od potpune promene zvuka.
  21. Talvi


    Cigani u Zr-u imaju kompletnu hip-hop scenu, stalno drze koncerte, dolazi masa...
  22. Lazo, vide li ti ovo: http://www.yumetal.net/forum/topic/42766-srb-anger-osnovan-oficijalni-chapter-metallicinog-fan-kluba-u-srbiji/page__view__findpost__p__2115555
  23. Eto ti ga sad.
  24. Jos jedna nova pesma: www.myspace.com/orphanedmyspace
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