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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Jedno pitanjce: Dolazi li jos neko sa njima ili samo oni sviraju?
  2. Talvi

    Rotting Christ

    Greek extreme metallers ROTTING CHRIST have set "Aealo" as the title of their new album, due on February 15 in Europe and February 23 in the U.S. via Season Of Mist. The CD was recorded at Lunatach Studios in Katerini, Greece and will feature guest appearances by Greek-American vocalist Diamanda Galas and PRIMORDIAL frontman Alan A. Nemtheanga. According to a press release, "Aealo" will delve deeper than ever before into ROTTING CHRIST's Greek roots. Frontman Sakis Tolis explains: "'Aealo' is the transcription of an ancient Greek word into the Latin alphabet. It means thrashing, catastrophe or destruction and reflects the musical and lyrical content of the album. "The concept of 'Aealo' deals with the feelings of a warrior during a battle, therefore the album's title bears this sense of anger, fear and grief." To je to. Napravio sam vec folder za njega i cekam.
  3. Najlepsa stvar u vezi Hypo-a: nece moci da nadju ni dvojicu ljudi koji su glasali za iste pesme.
  4. Bas to. Ja ipak glasah za "Fuck U", "Dead Sky Dawning", "Hang Him High", "Warpath" i "Another Dead End (For Another Dead Man)".
  5. A jes' da mogu izabrati 5 pesama.
  6. Evo kako to otprilike izgleda: Tokom turneje su svirali i "Embers Fire", "No Celebration", "Hallowed Land"... a na bis su ponegde umesto "The Last Time" uletale "Eternal" i "As Horizons End". Ali otprilike, to je ono sto sviraju.
  7. Talvi


    Mislis prvi? http://rapidshare.com/files/134333816/SinDRomE_-_Severe_Damage_on_Reason_and_Equilibrium_by_exhalethesound.blogspot.com.rar.html
  8. Исполнитель: Arckanum Страна: Sweden Альбом: Pyrmir Жанр: Black Metal Год выхода: 2009 Формат: MP3 VBR~222kbps Размер: 11 МБ Треклист: 01. Pyrmir 02. Be Forewarned (Pentagram cover) http://depositfiles.com/en/files/ihl55j3zw
  9. Aj da okacim i ovde: The Devilworx - Devilworx (2009) Novi bend u kojem sviraju Seth, Chris i Fotis iz Septic Flesh uz jos dvojicu likova. Deathcore/metalcore/hc fazon, s tim sto se u nekim pesmama (npr. "Sloth", "Pride") oseca bas jak uticaj Septic-a. Meni zvuci zanimljivo.
  10. Talvi


    Piz of kejka. http://rapidshare.com/files/49236236/2006_-_Murder_Nature__VBR_.rar Dobar album, inace.
  11. A u kurac, naguzice se previse stvari u kratak period.
  12. Ili je nosio kitu u solarijum.
  13. Niko te ni ne tera, ali super je albumcic.
  14. Tako sto je u pitanju bend njihovih clanova u kojem ima podosta uticaja samog Septic-a, do te mere da neke pesme zvuce kao "Septic Flesh outtakes" a pritom je album zapravo sasvim fin i zabavan? Btw, ne moras mene optuzivati za blasfemiju, Septic mi je 3. omiljeni bend. A, uostalom, Seth privatno i slusa Static-X, Korn, Rammstein i slican fazon.
  15. Da malo utucamo vreme dok cekamo narednu godinu i novi album: The Devilworx - Devilworx (2009) Novi bend u kojem sviraju Seth, Chris i Fotis uz jos dvojicu likova. Deathcore/metalcore/hc fazon, s tim sto se u nekim pesmama (npr. "Sloth") oseca bas jak uticaj Septic-a. Meni zvuci zanimljivo.
  16. Dobro, ne mislim samo na Skandinavce po struci, nego i u dusi.
  17. Nova stvar na spejsu: www.myspace.com/darkfortress Jebe, odra.
  18. Talvi


    The cover artwork for "Universal", the new album from Norway's BORKNAGAR, can be viewed below. Due on February 22, 2010 through Indie Recordings, the effort will be made available in four different formats: regular jewelcase CD, limited digipack (including bonus disc), CD box with extras and gatefold LP with double vinyl. Commented the band: "We are really proud to finally reveal the cover for 'Universal'. It has been a long process to circle in and establish the perfect visual approach for this album. A cover that is able to visually represent the album. We firmly believe that we have achieved that with the new cover and the general designs (including CD, CDL, LP and CD box) represent nothing less." "Universal" track listing: 01. Havoc 02. Reason 03. The Stir of Seasons 04. For a Thousand Years to Come 05. Abrasion Tide 06. Fleshflower 07. Worldwide 08. My Domain (feat. guest vocals by I.C.S Vortex) "Universal" was recorded and mixed at Toproom Studio in Lunner, Norway, with the bandmembers themselves handling the production duties. Commented BORKNAGAR mainman Øystein G. Brun: "We are extremely satisfied with the result! The album turned out even better than we dared to hope for when starting this journey. There is an attitude, energy and nerve to this record that will appeal to the most primal side of man, yet there is complexity and atmosphere that will challenge the most sophisticated parts of mind. The album contains all the elements that made BORKNAGAR the band we are and we firmly believe that this album will be a huge piece of candy for those who have followed the band through the years. This is by far the most complete album we have done to date — musically and production-wise — and we are right now just immensely eager to get the album out there!" Regarding the album title, Brun said, "'Universal' is the title that shines through and mirrors the essence of the album. 'Universal' is a title that is broad enough and huge enough to project the giant character of this album, both musically and lyrically." Ajde vise...
  19. Za Gojka i ostale Skandinavce: http://mediaportal.ru/mp3/205857-svensk-ungdom-frihetss229nger-2002.html
  20. Ama bre:
  21. A, to komunjare nisu htele da potpisu pristup Trojnom paktu? Every day for somethin' new.
  22. Meni to jedina koja uopste valja na njemu. Uostalom, i sami su je izabrali da otvori album i kasnije zapocinjali koncerte sa njom.
  23. Talvi


  24. Da, da, to su bili crtaci a ne ova danasnja govna.
  25. Mislim da se secam toga. Ako mi verujes, i dan-danas kada vidim negde u prodaji Transformerse i slicne stvarcice dodje mi da kupim sebi jednog u ime starih vremena.
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