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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Swedish melodic death metal pioneers AT THE GATES will release "The Flames Of The End", a brand new three-disc DVD set, in February 2010 through Earache Records. AT THE GATES released its definitive album, "Slaughter Of The Soul" — often regarded as one of the all-time greatest metal albums — on Earache in 1995, before touring the world and abruptly disbanding. Members of the band went on to play major roles in other notorious metal acts such as THE HAUNTED and CRADLE OF FILTH, before reforming for a one-off tour in 2008 to rapturous response. Now, to celebrate AT THE GATES' massively influential career and historical reunion tour, the band will be releasing "The Flames Of The End", an extensive, in-depth and definitive three-disc DVD set on February 22, 2010. Housed in a deluxe six-panel DVD digipak with a 40-page colour booklet, "The Flames Of The End" will include three indispensable DVDs: * Disc 1: "Under A Serpent Sun - The Story of At The Gates" A brand new documentary with a running time of over two hours, detailing the band's entire career with exclusive interviews and footage, filmed and directed by guitarist Anders Björler. ** Disc 2: "Purgatory Unleashed - Live at Wacken" A 75-minute live set from the band's reunion set at the Wacken festival in 2008 in front of 100,000 people. ** Disc 3: "Only the Dead Are Smiling" 26 rare and archive live performances of the band playing in locations around the globe from 1991 to 2008. Watch a video trailer for "The Flames Of The End" below. AT THE GATES guitarist Anders Björler comments: "It's now almost two-and-a-half years after the first telephone call to the guys regarding the reunion plans for 2008. Looking back at it today, I am very pleased and happy we pulled it off in the short amount of time and clearing all the planning hurdles with our other bands; THE HAUNTED, DISFEAR, BRUJERIA, NEMHAIN, SLAKATTACK etc. "I started preparing for the documentary 'Under A Serpent Sun' already in 2007. I got myself a new camera, 'cause the old one gave up on me. "The downside to my filming plans was actually reliving all the feelings associated with AT THE GATES. I didn't want to miss anything. I talked to fans, journalists, and everybody was just overwhelmed by the whole thing. All of us basically took the time to experience this tour to the fullest extent. We appreciated every second of it, because we knew that in a few months it would all be over. All the troubles of the past were washed away. We were basically enjoying touring again. "After the reunion tour, I sat down and had a look at all the material we had collected. We had a bunch of stuff filmed from pretty much everywhere we played. The quality was very diverse, but at the same time intriguing, and it gave me the inspiration to continue on the documentary. "I had made some interviews beforehand with Tomas [Lindberg, vocals], and continued tracking down people with knowledge of the past — Alf, Jesper Jarold from AT THE GATES, and a bunch of people from other bands at the time. We hunted down a few hundred old pictures, old crappy VHS and HI-8 recordings from the rehearsal room, live shows, on the road footage etc... ending up with a 130-minute documentary. "I want to express gratitude to the people helping us out with old material: photos, videos, stories etc... It wouldn't have been possible without your help! "The Wacken show was planned ahead as being the #1 show on the upcoming DVD. It captured us at our finest moment, just after the U.S. tour, and it's definitely one of our finest moments. We were blown away of the fact that we actually played for 60,000 people. "So, enjoy 'The Flames of the End' DVD box set. We have really put our hearts into this release, and it's a fine last document of the band." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fa6PeVuSmI&feature=player_embedded
  2. "Beneath The Howling Stars".
  3. Bend je bolest, ludilo, odrah se od slusanja zadnih dana. A ko bi rekao kad ih vidis :
  4. Kurve, treba li ovo nekome: Impaled Nazarene – Rapture Remastered (2009)
  5. Sta god da vam treba sto se svih tih kultova tice, samo ovo: http://balkan-metal.blogspot.com/
  6. Mrzi me da skidam ovaj gitarski album naslepo, aj neka neko kaze kakva je Gibson-ova pesma.
  7. Ja stvarno ne znam sta se uopste drkate oko tih sranja. Kao da ce sad, sa ovom dozvolom, neko doci da postuje ovde samo zato sto moze. I sam Random je vec neko vreme mrtav sto se tice kvalitetnog spamovanja, nego uglavnom sluzi za youtube i "znaci, tebra" fore (bez uvrede, samo konstatujem ). Ako neko tako dodje i pocne da zaserava temu nepotrebnim glupostima neka Lunar lepo obrise, ko naidje nov a nije trol i ima finu, pametnu pricu neka se slobodno pridruzi a mi koji smo ovde frekventni cemo dotad da u miru nastavimo sa nasim troo gay black metal fantazijama i cao. Mir vam bozji. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQrU6-nhUy4
  8. Talvi

    Dark Funeral

    Haha, zanimljiva misao, bilo bi do jaja.
  9. Talvi


    Pre 1000 godina.
  10. A, vidis, po mom pogledu na stvari - to je najnekomercijalniji moguci omot. Naziv benda se jedva vidi od silne "komercijale" i doterivanja.
  11. Hahah, polako, "the chase is better then the catch".
  12. Jel' samo ja primecujem da 90% omota na ovoj temi cine omoti heavy/thrash bendova?
  13. Opa, clash of the mods.
  14. Ili to ili samo skinete i instalirate YouRipper, cas posla.
  15. Jeb'o te bog.
  16. Nisam jos, sve se kanim da skinem i ta dva kad su ih ljudi vec lepo okacili ali nikako da to i uradim. Moracu sad. Btw, cini mi se da bi ovo vrlo lasno moglo da se svidi Shining fanovima, bas ima neki zajednicki zvuk i naboj...
  17. Ali nazivi albuma su im najjaci: "Misanthrope(s)", "Nihiliste(s)" i "Pessimiste(s)".
  18. Samo 4Shared... Nikad Rapidshare...
  19. Aj prevedi za nas koji smo ucili nemacki.
  20. Pa da, taj spot me vraca 10 godina unazad pa ne mogu biti objektivan. Fala za omot.
  21. Mislim da sam vec preporucivao, ali moram opet. Probajte ovo: http://www.last.fm/music/Celeste/Misanthrope%2528s%2529%2B2xLp%252FCd Ne znam cak ni kako da ovo opisem. Jako mracan i istripovan haoticni sludge/post-hardcore/doom/black metal sa tekstovima na francuskom. Nisam siguran da razumem, ali mi se jako svidja.
  22. Talvi


    Attila + Necro + Hellhammer i da to vise nije Mayhem? I don't think so. Plus sto im je na drugoj gitari Morfeus iz Limbonic Art, ako se ne varam.
  23. Talvi


    Attila > Maniac.
  24. Talvi


    Izvoli: http://www.4shared.com/file/34913690/f6afb1e8/Manowar_-_1984_-_Hail_To_Engla.html?s=1
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