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Everything posted by Talvi
Greek extreme metallers ROTTING CHRIST will release their new album on February 15 in Europe and February 23 in the U.S. via Season Of Mist. The CD was recorded at Lunatach Studios in Katerini, Greece and will feature guerst appearances by Greek-American vocalist Diamanda Galas and PRIMORDIAL frontman Alan A. Nemtheanga. Commented Alan: "'Satanas Tedeum' was one of the very first black metal demos I got in 1989. I have been a fan since then so it was with pleasure and honour to sing with a band that I have been a fan of for 20 years and friends with from the old tape-trading 'zine network since 1991. We have toured together and I have visited Hellas many times over the years. Somewhere around the late '90s, the scene became fixated with Nordic metal and forgot that great music was still being made in South America, Canada, Australia, Asia, in Eastern Europe and that the Greek scene is one of the oldest. Some of us, however, do not forget so my contribution is to honour 20 years of great music and friendship." Regarding the musical direction of the new ROTTING CHRIST material, Alan said, "It sounds classic ROTTING CHRIST although it sees them continue where they left off with 'Theogonia', further away from the older 'satanic' feel and more into the realm of the ancient Greek gods, mythology and folklore. I think and feel it is this influence that has in many ways unchained the band, giving them more freedom to explore their own heritage and culture. It invokes the proud spirit of history, just as PRIMORDIAL tries to do! In this respect we are like brothers!" Added ROTTING CHRIST mainman Sakis Tolis: "Collaborating with Alan from PRIMORDIAL on a song from the new album was an honour for our band. By including his great voice in our album, we believe he brought the mood we were seeking for this specific song: a Celtic mood that has so many similarities with the ancient Greek culture and atmosphere that this album exhales. Alan definitely lifted up the specific song because his voice is great and, most importantly, unique. We are honoured to work with the voice of Ireland!" Diamanda Galas makes an appearances on ROTTING CHRIST's cover version of "Orders from the Dead", from Galas' "Defixiones, Will and Testament" album, for which Sakis wrote new music. "It is a huge honour for our band to have Mrs. Diamanda Galas on our new album", Sakis stated. "Getting her approval to use her voice as it can be originally heard in her 'Orders from the Dead' song feels like we did the most successful cover in our career, with one of the most soulful songs in the history of music. The dead are still waiting for their justification..." Ovlazio sam od Alanovog opisa.
^ Jaci je kao Leonida.
To je vec tracenje potencijala.
Nisam, ubila bi me zena.
Dodajem: Hellsaw - Cold. Albumcina i po, a skroz sam zaboravio na njega.
Nema nista ni na sajtu, ni na spejsu... Cudno mi je ovo. Btw, vidim da ga ovaj lik ima: Mhttp://www.last.fm/user/Akrijfm
Koga briga za grudi, savrsena je! Sa onakvim licem moze imati motku umesto tela, nece biti vazno.
MiroslavZR’s Library - 1,000 Artists in total
Razumem te u potpunosti.
Ne mogu ni ja da nadjem MU, evo mediafire ako odgovara: http://www.mediafire.com/?xwadbnjmmcy
Da se jos malo palimo pred album: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUj6Yzx9mjQ Jebote, ne verujem kako ovi ljudi unistavaju.
^ Word. Aj sad lepo zamislite da vi imate svoj bend. I tako jednog dana vidite kako u nekoj zemlji, tipa nemam pojma, Libanu, razularena milionska masa pali ambasadu vase zemlje i onda vas zove menadzer i kaze: "E, momci, svirate u Libanu za mesec dana". A-ha. Osecaj nacionalnog ponosa + briga za sopstvenu bezbednost = "Zajebi bre, otkazuj to." Ne vidim nista sporno u tome.
Kud svi Turci... 14
Jel' moze ovo da posluzi? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPdTLRDpEU8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZpIFltF5a0
@PTM: Ovo zvuci zanimljivo, bas skidam da vidim kakvo je.
Svaka cast.
Polish extreme metallers BEHEMOTH will once again be returning to North American soil in 2010. This is their first tour in the region since their massively successful summer with the Rockstar Energy Mayhem Fest. Supporting BEHEMOTH on the Evangelia Amerika tour will be SEPTICFLESH from Greece and SHINING from Sweden. Krv ti hristovu, koji paket.
Jeste li spominjali Melanie Nunes Fronckowiak, zvanicno najbolje dupe na svetu? I jos nesto na taj fazon:
Power/Prog metal predlozi & noviteti
Talvi replied to WindrideR's topic in Power & progressive metal
Aj' da vas malo zaposlim, imam jedan nadasve zahtevan zadatak: Havayoth. Vintersorg-ov projekat. Izdali samo jedan album, "His Creation Reversed", 2000. godine i to je bilo to. Taj album je jedna od najlepsih stvari koje sam ikada cuo. Ali. Japanska bonus pesma. "Ag Olpirt". Nigde ne mogu da je nadjem. Nema sanse. Ima li ko?- 4668 replies
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Stvarno, lenji su sa tim. Zapravo, kada treba slati diskove onih manjih bendova koje treba uvaliti nekome onda ih ima na kilograme, ali kada je nesto ozbiljnije - kita. Mislim da Thyrfing bese poslednja veca stvar koju su nam poslali.
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