34149 -
Days Won
Everything posted by Talvi
Jesi siguran da je film u pitanju? Ja sam mislio da su to oni sami snimili...
^ Haha, videh to na fb-u pre neki dan, odlicno je!
Kako je bio do jaja onaj crtani kada Gica Prasic vozi onaj stari, crveni voz i trka se sa onim brzim. A pazite sad kult kultova: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDXDMm2cth0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4gQhCVzvDU
Jel' se seca neko "Mikijeve radionice"?
Blagodarim. Bend se zove A Challenge Of Honour, btw.
Slusao sam samo ovaj koji si okacio, ostale nisam a moracu. Probaj ovo, meni je super album: http://mediaportal.ru/mp3/165321-a-challenge-of-honour-1666-the-great-fire-of.html U jebote, tek sad videh da je stigao Slayer.
@PTM: Spiritual Front? Super bend.
Ima neko link za Evokse?
Tu je fino razjasnjeno da ljudima sa engleskog govornog podrucja nije jasan prevod jer nemaju adekvatnu rec. Bas sam sad uzeo dedin rusko-srpski recnik iz 1949, pa kaze: Чернобыль - komonika, vrsta pelina. Jasno kao dan.
A ja svojevremeno iz zajebancije rekoh:
Најбољи (најсмешнији, најглупљи) постови свих времена
Talvi replied to Axeanosilas's topic in Sve & Svašta
Nema svrhe quote-ovati, samo citajte temu: http://www.yumetal.net/forum/topic/42842-night2510-klub-underworldall-metal-night/ :haha: -
To malo vuce na "40:1", a?
Kako ti ovi delovi dobro idu sa avatarom i potpisom.
Pocinje zabava, devojke - evo ga mp3: http://mediaportal.ru/mp3/191547-dark-tranquillity-where-death-is-most-alive-live.html
@Tanya: Ne, ne, Mio i Mao su one dve macke od plastelina, crvena i bela, i njih sam obozavao. A "Mackici" su bili lutkarska serija sa neke dve-tri macke i jednim psom, svi su ziveli u jednoj kuci a pas je isao u skolu pa su ove stalno bile ljubomorne zbog toga. Secam se cak da se njegov drug iz skole koji je sve znao (ali se nikada nije pojavljivao) zvao Evgenije. Lutkomendija. Ja sam najvise voleo Lisca Pisca i onog Arapina koji je stalno vikao: "Hocu kuci!!!".
Nope, pelin se na ruskom i ukrajinskom zove "cernobilj" iliti "crna trava", tj. "crna biljka".
Drummer Hans Rutten of Dutch/Norwegian rockers THE GATHERING has issued the following update: "And then, suddenly it is there! The 20th anniversary of THE GATHERING. Exactly 20 years ago my brother René and me, together with Bart Smits on vocals, started this band. No strategy, we just wanted to write songs so we could release a rehearsal tape. Lots of people in Oss were playing in bands, and they triggered us to do something for ourselves. "Exactly 20 years ago we biked from our parents house in Oss to a little village called Heesch, were we rented a rehearsal room on a farm, and started writing our first song: 'Anthology In Black'. Great, exciting times. I can remember clearly it was freezing cold in that room in wintertime. I see Bart struggling to get the heater on with matches. Every Sunday morning we biked to that farm, most of the time with a big hangover because of a rough Saturday evening, and started early in the morning writing and playing songs. "A lot of things happened in those 20 years! Good times, bad times, but we always survived. Sometimes we had to struggle our way back and managed to come back stronger than ever. Most of the time we enjoyed playing in this band, seeing a lot of countries, touring all over the world and playing clubs and festivals, making nine studio albums, two DVDs and a lot of EPs, singles (even a small top 50 entrance with 'Strange Machines') and live records, getting to meet some of our fantastic fans.. A lot of positive things to remember! "And now? A party? Well, we will celebrate this with the upcoming live gigs in the Netherlands and a European tour around January/February 2010! The tour will be around three weeks and we are all really looking forward to hitting the road again. There is some sad news in this though as Marjolein can't go with us the first week of this tour due to her daytime job. Luckily she will be there the second and third week. So, who will play bass guitar then? We had only one name in our mind: Hugo Prinsen Geerligs. As many of you know Hugo was with us for 15 years and we were very happy when we asked Hugo and he said yes! Five years have gone and now he will join us and help us out! These gigs will be something special for sure and give our 20th anniversary even more cachet!"
U.K. progressive metallers THRESHOLD have posted the song "Smile At The Moon" on their MySpace page. According to the band, this is a new recording of an old track that was previously unreleased but was made available on THRESHOLD's limited-edition eight-disc box set, entitled "Paradox - The Singles Collection", which came out on October 12. The box contains eight singles with rare B-sides and a 20-page booklet.
Kada sam bio klinac deda mi je citao "Vukove zapise" i od svih tekstova meni je ovaj bio omiljeni: Blacker od malih nogu.
Poslah i ja. Bitka na Cegru, Stevan Sindjelic i Cele Kula, pa nek' se jebu ako im je prestaro, tema je do jaja.
Nije zgorega podsetiti se : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8FbpoSLk2E
@elf: Uuuu, спасибі!
Ja odmah dobijem nalet patriotizma kad je vidim.