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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Talvi


    I meni radi ok. Za vikend (subota na nedelju) prave ono veliko renoviranje pa ljudi nece moci da se uloguju ali me zabole, tada ionako izlazim.
  2. ^ Mislim da je Black hteo da kaze da je nama dvojici #1 isti ali svejedno, poenta je jasna - svi cekamo Hypo.
  3. Talvi


    Novi DSO, bre. (ne, religiozna bratijo, ne mislim na Deathspell Omegu )
  4. Heh, jbm li ga, ja sam siguran da postoji ta epizoda, sad sam se i ja zainteresovao pa cu malo i ja da potrazim.
  5. Swiss pagan horde ELUVEITIE entered Newsound Studios two and a half weeks ago with producer Tommy Vetterli (CORONER, KREATOR, VOODOO CULT) to begin recording its new album for an early 2010 release via Nuclear Blast Records. The follow-up to the acoustic/folk masterpiece "Evocation I: The Arcane Dominion" will be a full-scale metal album effort, and it will be mixed by acclaimed British producer Colin Richardson (BEHEMOTH, MACHINE HEAD, SLIPKNOT, AS I LAY DYING, TRIVIUM, KREATOR, SEPULTURA). Commented ELUVEITIE vocalist Chrigel Glanzmann: "Drums and most of the guitars [for the new CD] are already nailed! And so far we are really, really satisfied. I mean, REALLY! "So far, it is hell of a pleasure to work with [Tommy], engineering and recording the album! It's great to profit of his enormous experience (both as producer/engineer as well as musician) on one hand, but also to work and have a good time with him as a very likeable and down-to-earth guy on the other hand. And judging after how the so far recorded tracks sound, this album will definitely cleave your heads open!" He added, "Some of the songs on this new album I began to write quite a long time ago, some others developed in a very short time during the last two months. All in all, I think that this album becomes our most dark and severe release so far; brimmed with mystical, convoluted and partly insanely fast Celtic folk melody lines, but at the same time with pure, juggernautish metal. The album's probably more 'metal' than any other release we did so far."
  6. Ovih nekoliko sekundi zvuci predrkano. Ceka se mesto br. 2 na mojoj listi najboljih za 2009.
  7. Talvi


    Spot the difference?
  8. Talvi


    Paint je imao smisla u pocetku. Danas to vise nije nista specijalno niti zanimljivo. A i neoriginalno je do zla boga. Fora je u tome da retko ko zna da ga koristi. Evo npr kada pogledam onu nakazu od Pest-a, taj covek stvarno izgleda nenormalno. Ali 90% njih izgledaju kao klovnovi koji navijaju za Partizan.
  9. Talvi


    Pa i to.
  10. Talvi

    Dark Funeral

    S obzirom na to da je Kuruz covek koji voli da je uvek u trendu i da prati modne tokove moguce da je on covek za vas i za taj vas trend.
  11. Talvi


  12. Talvi

    Dark Funeral

    I meni je BGZ super album, sto ne mogu reci za neke prethodne.
  13. Otkud ti to?
  14. Talvi


    Ako cemo realno, meni je, sto se ove dve slike tice, Ragnarok smesniji.
  15. Talvi


    Uuuuu, da, bre! Great Cthulhu Ever the warrior God Of all the old ones He is the most terrible...
  16. Talvi


    Naravno. Ur, Nephren-Ka, Nameless City, Necronomicon, Unaussprechlichen Kulten... Welcome to the world of H.P. Lovecraft. Najbolji pisac ikada.
  17. Talvi


    I to sto kazes.
  18. Talvi


    Vec vas zamisljam: on prica kako je on najveci muzicar ikada i kako mu je novi album remek-delo a ti to sve aminujes i klimas glavom. A mogli biste da opletete i po koju o Isusu, o pickama iz Metallice i novcu. To je otprilike njegova sfera interesovanja.
  19. Jes'.
  20. Talvi


    Haha, i meni je Dagon prvi zapao za oko kad sam pogledao track listing.
  21. To ti govori koliko je taj metal bio jak.
  22. Talvi


    E do mojega: Dutch bass player Jeroen Paul Thesseling (OBSCURA, ex-PESTILENCE) will be unable to join his OBSCURA bandmates for the group's European tour with CANNIBAL CORPSE, DYING FETUS and EVOCATION. "Due to a very busy schedule in October, it's impossible this time for me to play these 23 shows in a row," Jeroen said in a statement released to BLABBERMOUTH.NET. "The bass duties will be temporarily taken over by the German bassist Jacob Schmidt (DEFEATED SANITY)." According to Thesseling, he will try to play "as many shows as possible with OBSCURA" during the trek. Toliko o njemu.
  23. Talvi

    Dark Funeral

    Sad su im se ovi namestili na zicer.
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