34144 -
Days Won
Everything posted by Talvi
Pa, Behemoth verziju sam cuo na "Chaotica - The Essence Of The Underworld", matora krsina od snimka jos iz klinackih black dana.
Meni se taj prvi bas svidja. Sto neko rece, to je mozda trebao biti Pain album, ali svejedno. Na primer, "Another Dead End (For Another Dead Man)" mi je mnogo draza u prvobitnoj verziji.
Eto, a meni je "Catch"
Nisam gledao jbg, sta je to tako epohalno Pizon uradio?
Cenim da je ovo najnapucaniji spot koji sam ikada gledao. U principu ok je ispao, sto Gojko rece ima nekih nejasnih delova mada je osnovna nit price jasna. Mada sam ja ocekivao malo vise sisa kad je vec uncensored verzija u pitanju. Mislim realno, oni najavljivase ne-znam-ti-ja-koliko kontroverzan spot, a ovo ispade za MTV samo tako. Sve u svemu, onaj mali je imao samo takav debi u medijima. :)
Ja imam jedan, zove se "Armageddon". Nije los, uglavnom death i black bendovi - Vader, Diabolic, Defleshed, Soulless... Btw, mislim da je "Total Desaster" jedna od najcesce obradjivanih pesama ikada - Vader, Hypocrisy, Marduk, Behemoth...
Meni ovaj text zvuci lecka Nargaroth-ovski.
Vocalist Alan "Nemtheanga" Averill of Irish dark metal masters PRIMORDIAL has issued the following update: "We are in a period of purgatory. The kind we are well used to, where that time is upon us to start thinking about a new album. The gigs and festivals offers still come in, but what everyone is waiting for is news of some new PRIMORDIAL songs. "I won't lie, it's been hard as we now live far away from each other and we had always been against sending sound files and writing outside of the rehearsal room, but necessity might become the mother of invention. "There were some bare bones exhumed at the last rehearsal and we all know they must become our priority as another grey and rainy summer comes to an end. That's all I can really say at the moment… "'Journey's End' is now done and dusted and should be available very soon. It comes with a bonus live disc from our very first small tour outside of Ireland back in 1999 in Portugal. It's very rough and raw and we haven't changed a thing. "For the curious and completists among you, you'll find variations of songs that ended up on 'Spirit the Earth Aflame' with different lyrics, arrangements and altered titles. Next up is 'Spirit'. "Bang Your Head!!! festival was a resounding success. We weren't exactly sure how the AOR and mainstream rock crowd would take to us and I'm sure when I walked out most of the uninitiated thought they were going to get a set of blasting DARK FUNERAL-style black metal, but appearances can be deceptive and under the scorching sun we definitely came, saw and quietly conquered. It does show me the diversity of the bands appeal that we can play on the same bill as JOURNEY and Y&T and come out unscathed and then play with underground necro black and death metal bands. Like we are doing with our comrades in arms DESTROYER 666 this coming weekend in Finland... "After Finland, there is one more in Ireland and a final confirmed show in Dudley/Birmingham before we have completely played our hand this year. As I said, before songwriting has to be the priority once Finland is done and dusted. We all know this and have been in the position many times before and although now there is a great weight of expectation for the first time since the last album we will try and ignore it as much as we can. If it can come out before next summer, then we will aim for that…if it isn't ready, then rest assured we won't pull the iron from the fire before it's hot. Or whatever metal sounding analogy you wish for. .... "One thing which has become almost impossible to ignore is the rapid and drastic changes in the music industry. No one can be certain but it's hard not to feel the writing might be on the wall for the old work practices of the major labels. Some of the power has moved back to the smaller labels thriving in a committed and burgeoning underground as people move away from the forced and instant nature of much of the modern metal scene back to the heart of it all. Which is trading, dealing directly with the band or seller and old-fashioned word of mouth via the net! Balancing the books as sales plummet is going to be harder and harder. .... "Bands are also going to have to realise that for the most part the age of rock stars, the format of classic albums and most definitely the age of making money from selling albums through the machinations of the major set ups unless you are in the lucky 1% will become impossible. Bands are going to have to diversify and multi task in many forms of media if they are going to be able to facilitate going on tour or making any kind of revenue. Ingenuity and invention are going to be watchwords for any kind of success or longevity..... "Where does this leave PRIMORDIAL? We make no excuses for not being at the cutting edge of technology. We come from a different generation, but we are going to hopefully address some of these issues over the coming months and begin to start doing some things for ourselves. This does not jeopardise our position with Metal Blade in any way but I think label, band and fans also need to realise that to allow a band like us some freedom and space there has to be some mutual understanding. Direct limited editions, with some care and attention from the band are possibly the only way that a band like us, and many bands can make anything from selling music anymore. If fans understand that and want something special, crafted and made by band directly, then it can be mutually beneficial. For this we are thankful we have some history, longevity and dedicated fans we have because we all have to adapt. So keep your eyes and ears open in 2010 as we might have some interesting ideas..... "One of the first of these is hopefully a split 10" with our Greek brethren ROTTING CHRIST. Agreed in 2008, we are finally making a move on this and hopefully we can make something very special for all old school people out there. If this is successful we might start pressing on vinyl some of our own older albums we are currently re-releasing on CD through Metal Blade. "Finally to the DVD…we have received the first cut of the show we filmed earlier in the year and I have to say it looks incredible. We shot it on tape, or analogue and it really shows. It has a rich tone I've hardly ever seen on any metal show and is shot in a very different style. I think we have really captured the PRIMORDIAL live essence. Most DVD at least to me are quite staid, safe and something you'll only ever watch once. This cuts, freezes and stills at a frightening pace sometimes that I think will disorientate people who are used to the live sound desk/from the photo pit/free festival filming style but is absolutely live. It will be something very special to own, on this you have our word. We are about to start filming a small documentary about the band and editing some very old archive footage for the bonus discs."
Ako nekoga ne mrzi :
Cekaj, jel' to sa www.astro.com? Pa samo otvori tu sliku na sajtu. Na koju god liniju da kliknes otvorice ti se objasnjenje sta ona zapravo znaci.
Jaaaao, ne da znam nego sam hiljadu puta pokusavao da saznam kako se pesma zove! Hvala puno!
Ako cemo realno, to je jedan od retkih bendova koje si ovde uopste i mogao da propustis toliko puta.
Oooo, da.
Precenjeni i potcenjeni bendovi
Talvi replied to Flash Of The Neon Light's topic in Opšta metal diskusija
Realno: Precenjeni: svi poznati, veliki bendovi koji nisu po necijem ukusu pa taj neko zato misli da su oni automatski govno zbog toga. Potcenjeni: svi UG bendovi na koje se neko lozi pa misli da zbog toga svi treba da ih slusaju. edit: jebala vas tema. -
"The Arrival" nije sjajan. On je savrsen.
Precenjeni i potcenjeni bendovi
Talvi replied to Flash Of The Neon Light's topic in Opšta metal diskusija
Tema je odmah krenula na lose staze, zakljucavajte ovo. -
Cherokee. A da li je presmesna, proveri i sam: http://www.youporn.com/watch/341858/cherok...-gspot-giggler/
http://media.photobucket.com/image/cheroke...nja872/milf.jpg :) Inace, najjaca od svih je ova dama: iz prostog razloga sto vec odavno glumi iskljucivo milfare a zapravo je '82. godiste. :)
Koliko se ja secam, svojevremeno je taj snimak itekako mogao da se skine sa neta, ali do sada su ti linkovi verovatno odavno poisticali...
Vaistinu predrkano. Samo jos da i muzika bude takva.
Znam za to "L" i "The", ali opet glavni delovi reci pocinju sa "a". Jebem li ga...