34142 -
Days Won
Everything posted by Talvi
Elem, napokon skinuh i odgledah ovo. Zanimljiv je film, super je uhvacena atmosfera tih desavanja i onaj Veleslav je stvarno odlicno objasnio osnovne principe paganizma, stvarno je dobro sve ispalo. Jesi li postovala ovo mozda na temi o paganizmu? Kapiram da bi tamo bilo interesenata za ovo. A Arkona mu nekako prirodno dodju odlican soundtrack za ovo, bez obzira sto se Masha tu pojavljuje.
Posto smo zaredjali sa linkovima - ako nekog zanima : http://mediaportal.ru/clips/157739-tyr-hol...-high-2009.html
Koji ste poslednji original CD nabavili?
Talvi replied to White Man's topic in Opšta metal diskusija
Kozeljnik approves this cd. -
Aj' dodjite na temu o Herojima, pa da se tamo volimo do mile volje, a ne ovde.
Jbm li ga, tek sam poceo da preslusavam... Produkcija jebe kevu a muzika je onako, u nekom srednjem ritmu zasad... Prvi rif na albumu je bas jebacki i zarazan... Meni je onaj njihov EP "Pimeyden Hehku" zakon, a sto se tice ovoga mislim da nije zgorega poslusati ali nije ni neka senzacija.
Mozda tebi, ja ga skinuo sa rs-a regularno.
Meni je najjaci komentar: "so ya read 8 year old girl’s poems huh?" Si video sta je uradio Mastodon-u?
Od ovog Stivijevog crvenog andjelcica mi tacno nije dobro. Nego, sta mislite o njoj:
Brate, nije meni Slayer bio jedini koncert na glavnom stage-u Exit-a koji sam gledao. I znam kako izgleda kada se koncert snima. Koriste se i kranovi, i one kamere koje se krecu duz bine, i imas kamermane na samoj bini. Apocalyptica, Nightwish, Billy Idol, HIM... SVI koncerti na main-u koje sam gledao su snimani na taj nacin. Slayer nije. U to sam siguran posto sam podosta zverao okolo tokom koncerta. Mada, ko zna, mozda su ih snimali sa jednom-dve kamere. Ali kako god, verujte u sta hocete, nije me briga u svakom slucaju.
Headshot. Mogao si malo neznije ovo da im saopstis.
Ajmo zene, stigla nova Horna: http://mediaportal.ru/mp3/157655-horna-mus...aipuu-2009.html
Jel' ovo onaj isti lik sto je recenzirao Amorphis?
Meni ovaj lik deluje prilicno iskompleksirano. Mada, ocigledno je da lik ima am na glavi sto se tice muzickih pogleda, a takvima "Skyforger" ni ne treba da se svidi, tako da je sve ok.
Uuu, vidim da je Stivi mislio na mene nocas. Ali realno, riba je :wub:
Pa eto ti komentara na prethodne dve stranice.
Ernest A. Jasmin of The News Tribune recently conducted an interview with SLAYER drummer Dave Lombardo. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below. The News Tribune: What kind of sound are you channeling on the new record? And how far into it are you? Lombardo: If it isn't done it's almost there. I would have to say it's unlike any record SLAYER's done since "Seasons of the Abyss". The News Tribune: So you're channeling some "Abyss" sound on there. Lombardo: Yes. We're basically taking off from "Seasons of the Abyss". It has a nice variety. It has a great groove, the whole thing. This producer, Greg Fidelman, that did the METALLICA record, he's done an amazing job on my drums and the production. Like I said, it's taking off from where Rick Rubin left off. The News Tribune: You said some of the songs have a nice "groove." You guys are known for your blistering tempos. Are you slowing the songs down? Lombardo: Yeah, there's fast and faster for SLAYER. What we've always had but maybe never really paid attention to is this kind of mid-tempo drive that SLAYER could achieve or I could achieve as a drummer. And we focused on that and elaborated a little on that. There's the fast stuff and mid-tempo; a little slower stuff that ends up fast. I think it's a well put together record as far as variety goes. ... It has peaks and valleys. The News Tribune: Throw out some song titles. Lombardo: There's a song called "Hate Worldwide", which is great. It's a Kerry song, you know. There's another amazing song called "Americon" ... reflecting all the embezzlements of money that these corporate (jerks) have taken in and just the whole Wall Street finance thing. "Beauty Through Order", that's phenomenal. It's great. It's about a countess who lived in either Bulgaria, Romania — somewhere out there where they had these countesses and stuff. She would kill virgins and drain their blood, and she would bathe in their blood thinking that it would preserve her beauty or their youth. The News Tribune: It sounds like you're exploring familiar subject matter. So you're not tempted to switch up and do, like, a patriotic country ballad or something. Lombardo: "Americon"! That's it. It's patriotic. It's a pissed off American. When you're angry about something you hold signs and you march and whatever. But we have a way of putting it in music. The News Tribune: I was being kind of facetious. But you've had, I guess you would say, relentlessly morbid themes in your music. Lombardo: I think that what ends up in longevity of a band, is staying true to what you started. Once you start changing and flip-flopping, people don't know what's going on. But you have to work within your boundaries and parameters and elaborate on these songs and make 'em as interesting and fresh as you can. I mean, Stephen King isn't going to write a love novel. SLAYER won't either. Read the entire interview from The News Tribune.
Znao sam sta je i bez otvaranja linka. :)
Lepo je to rekao Ralph Waldo Emerson: "The religion of one age is the literary entertainment of the next."
Meni je taj tekst odlican. Na prvi pogled sam naziv deluje totalno nebulozno, ali kada ga procitas tacno razumes sta je Mortiis tu hteo da kaze. Odlican tekst.
Slusao sam ih, ali mi se nisu nesto preterano dojmili. Sta ja znam, trude se oni, ali moze to mnogo bolje.
Au jbt. Koji fles.
Vanessa je bila mnogo slatka kad je bila mladja: sad je malo propala ali mi je i dalje slatka. Zna Dzoni sta valja!
Da, boja je drugacija, ali sam oblik je jako specifican, provali donje kapke.