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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Na ovom sirotinjskom forumu 'ladno nema Skyforger teme, pa cu da postavim ovde : Hello, Peter here! I'd like to shed some light about what will be (lyric-wise) our upcoming album. Now I am sure it will be called "KURBADS"! "Kurbads" is the name of legendary hero from Latvian fairytales of an old. He was born magically from the white mare, grew up very fast and was unimaginably strong! In his tale he travels the world, fights various evil creatures, especially his sworn enemy Snake Witch, ventures into realm of the dead to save daughter of the king, finds the hard way out of there and finally fights in last epic battle against Snake Witch and her champion. Tales about Kurbads are half fairytales and half legends. They were collected and recorded at the end of 19th century by some folk enthusiasts and are type of "told from mouth to mouth, from generation to generations". Mainly these stories are short or middle length and have many variations. There are several heroes, who were born from various beings and things. For example: son of wood, son of iron, son of blacksmith, son of ox, son of pea, son of wolf and most known - son of bear. From the tale about son of bear there was later written our national epos "The Bear Slayer" (in Latvian called "Lāčplēsis"). The main story for all of them however in common is very same with some variations. The thing for me there is that some parts, in my view, are coming from very old past, from times of the totemism, when some powerful beast (bear or white mare) appears as the first father/mother of some tribe or even nation! Unfortunately, as it happens with such things, these stories are changed all the way through the centuries, some things are forgotten and other things are imagined anew by the tellers themselves. But the very core of those tales still is the same and mainly it is a legend about Dragonslayer, which has almost every Indo-European nation - the man who fights against some mythic evil force and becomes a legend. I believe that the tale about "KURBADS" is interesting enough as it discovers many things from the past of Latvian people - not historical facts of course, but things from daily life and way of thinking of people who lived in ancient times. Baltic cultural heritage is mostly unknown for the rest of the Europe (even as it is a part of it!) and world, so we want to uncover it a bit as best as we can and show that there, in Baltic (Latvian and Lithuanian) literature is as great legends and tales as those about Cuchulainn, Nibelungs, Kalevala, King Arthur and the knights of the round table and such! More news about album will be posted, as they happens. Sto je nesto zaredjalo sa ovim "skyforger"-ima u zadnje vreme... :)
  2. Slusao sam prosli album i bio mi je super. Ruski Cradle Of Filth. Mogao bih i ovaj da poslusam, ako kazes da valja...
  3. Talvi


    Eto, i ta prica je zavrsena. Valjda.
  4. Sto vise citam Tesine postove dolazim do zakljucka da se sve vise slazem sa makar 90% njih.
  5. Pa i ja kapiram da je tako nesto, ali ovaj lik sto ga je okacio ocigledno nikad nije cuo za to. Cuce se...
  6. http://mediaportal.ru/mp3/149689-amorphis-...er-2009-hq.html Izgleda da evo nekog malo boljeg kvaliteta, mada mi je cudno ovo: "Info: mp3, 320 kbps (in fact: ~192 kpbs (?))"
  7. Talvi


    Ako vec hoce da se kurce detaljima mogli su da nadju nekoga sa plavim ocima znajuci koliko Varg drzi do toga. :)
  8. Talvi


    Najbolje poredjenje ikada. :)
  9. Najvise celo opstine Zrenjanin (i raste) :)
  10. Meni se od starta cini da je "Something blue beneath the emptiness", jbm li ga. E, da, ako neko provali ceo "Course Of Fate" refren neka ne bude sebican...
  11. Ma jos 100, premalo je ovo.
  12. I GDE SU CRIPPLE BASTARDS??? :confused:
  13. Samo, cekaj, zar ne bese i The Stone u opticaju da svira, sta bi sa njima? Da nisu mozda na main-u? Uh, ali ovaj CasketGarden ce da bude :rockdevil:
  14. Znas kako, po nekom mom pogledu na stvari obrada neke pesme je uspela u dva slucaja: 1) Ako bend potpuno preradi pesmu i odsvira je u svom stilu ali da to uradi sa ukusom i da zvuci dobro, 2) Ako bend ne ubaci nista svoje ali je jednostavno "odvali" kako odsvira tako da, kad pozelis da cujes tu pesmu, pustis obradu a ne original. E, ja jednostavno jos nijednom nisam pozeleo da cujem Ensiferum verziju "Into Hiding".
  15. Zato sto u poredjenju sa originalom zvuci slabasno i jadno. Nekad nije dovoljno odsvirati pesmu sa danasnjim instrumentima i produkcijom, pesma jednostavno zvuci izdrkano i silovano. Mada, meni je ceo taj EP ocaj, jbg. Probaj da nadjes Dark Faith, album se zove "Terrains Vague", dobar primer kako obrada moze zvucati iskreno i simpaticno i ako nemas savrsenu produkciju i te stvari. Joj, kako ova naslovna pesma rastura.
  16. Mislim da smo vec pricali o tome, obrada je dno dna. Ima jedan death metal bend iz Amerike, zovu se Dark Faith, obradili su "Drowned Maid" i zvuci ok.
  17. Ja bio napolju do malopre - jebeni pakao koliko je vruce, ovde mi je trenutno interesantnije.
  18. Pa zar ne znas? Svi mi koji slusamo black metal smo satanisti.
  19. Mog'o bih nekad, mada ima tamo i muske populacije koja me nikako ne voli - duge price. :) :)
  20. Sve Denijeve sugradjanke su :wub:
  21. Jbg kad je zabavno.
  22. Izvini, zao mi je sto pomenuh, nisam znao da to nisi savladao. Ajde sad stvarno, ko god je autor ovog laznog naloga neka se obelodani, ne mogu da poverujem da ovakvi ljudi stvarno postoje, ovo mora da je neka zajebancija. :)
  23. A sa mesec dana si samome sebi pelene menjao. Sljam sam, jbg.
  24. @Taniusha: Sta, ne mozes da skidas sa rapida? Probaj onda neki od ovih: mediafire IFolder depositfiles
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