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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Jorn? Kad je on svirao ovde? Bio je najavljen za Legacy ali je otkazao nekoliko meseci pre festa...
  2. Talvi

    God Dethroned

    Odlican je album, stvarno. Radih i intervju pre neki dan u zanosu... "Fallen Empires"
  3. Ne, moje oci ovo ne gledaju. :) :)
  4. British gothic metal pioneers PARADISE LOST will releasing their demos, "Paradise Lost" (1988) and "Frozen Illusion" (1989), on CD. These raw recordings, which saw the band still firmly rooted in the field of doomy death metal, are being accompanied by six live tracks from the "Plains Of Desolation" bootleg, which has never been officially released as well. All songs have been digitally remastered and the release is strictly limited! Guitarist Greg Mackintosh states: "Well what can I say about the re-release of our demos? This delves right down into our murky, sludgy beginnings. They may not be the best-produced demos ever, but they really sum up the raw honesty of a very exciting time in the U.K. and European underground heavy music scene. We always preferred our demos to our first album as we felt that the demos more succinctly captured the 'wallowing in a quagmire' sound. Hopefully these recordings will be taken for what they are ...the prime evil foundations of what was later to become gothic metal!" Featuring extensive liner notes by vocalist Nick Holmes and a stunning vinyl replica packaging, "Drown In Darkness - The Early Demos" is a must-have for every PARADISE LOST fan and despite all its roughness, a sonic manifest of the early days of one of the most influential metal bands ever! "Drown In Darkness - The Early Demos" (57:26) track listing: 01. Drown In Darkness (4:38) 02. Internal Torment (5:05) 03. Morbid Existence (2:38) 04. Paradise Lost (5:24) 05. Internal Torment (5:40) 06. Frozen Illusion (5:16) 07. Internal Torment (live) (4:40) 08. Our Saviour (live) (5:56) 09. Plains Of Desolation (live) (4:10) 10. Drown In Darkness (live) (4:37) 11. Paradise Lost (live) (5:34) 12. Nuclear Abomination (live) (3:48) Tracks 1-3 taken from the "Paradise Lost" demo (1988) Tracks 4- 6 taken from the "Frozen Illusion" demo (1989) Tracks 7- 12 taken from the "Plains Of Desolation" bootleg (1989) "Drown In Darkness - The Early Demos" will be released via Century Media Records in Europe on May 25, 2009! The brand-new PARADISE LOST studio album is expected to surface in September.
  5. Albumcina.
  6. Nema sta, Manchester prodje zasluzeno, odrase ih samo tako. Neke prognoze za veceras?
  7. Aj da malo ozivimo temu, zanimljiva je : Solaze u 2:53 se ni Mile Kitic ne bi postideo.
  8. Talvi


    Pa to, taj rad. Ako nista, to mu je bukvalno hodajuca reklama.
  9. Talvi


    Jbg. I sam Dragan je valjda rekao da nije mogao cudom da se nacudi kad mu je dosla i zatrazila to, ali jbg, musterija je uvek u pravu.
  10. Talvi


    Ah, moja davnasnja zelja. Bice jednom. Znam tu zenu iz vidjenja... Malo je glupo reci, ali ona nije sasvim svoja. Sto se, uostalom, i vidi iz prilozenog.
  11. Pa to, meni jos nekoliko imena ostalo pa da vidim apsolutno sve moje omiljene bendove...
  12. Jeste. Ali ona novosadska.
  13. Sere, bre. Vidis da je i Darkthrone naveo.
  14. Odlicno.
  15. Otprilike tako. Sto vise slusam "Zakon Velesa" taj album mi se sve vise ustolicuje kao najbolji.
  16. Znaci ovo se iskusno propusta.
  17. Al' si se ti nadisao svezeg vazduha proslih dana, a?
  18. Znam, ja te godine otisao u Grcku onog dana kad je bio Sinister a vratio sa tog dana kad je bio ImpNaz i tako propustio oba.
  19. Talvi


  20. Jebes kanibale, Amorfis je Amorfis. :)
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