34227 -
Days Won
Everything posted by Talvi
E, ovo vec vidim. Najbolji album ikada.
Pa i nije nesto lista, previse novih pesama. U Bg-u pre dve godine bilo x puta bolje.
Ja ne vidim nista.
ROM ima najbolji bas koji sam ikada cuo u black metalu.
Ima ovde samo jedna zajebana stvar a to je sto se ovo nacrtalo jako blizu Amorphis-a u Zagrebu, pa ako budem morao da biram zna se ko otpada... Nadam se da cu pohvatati oba.
Do jaja, opet kanibalizam.
Ako nastavi da otkriva Bregovica mozda pukne i neki "Kalasnjikov" za kraj albuma. :)
Evo, Gojko, rade ljudi samo za tebe : Swedish melodic death metal masters DARK TRANQUILLITY will re-release their classic albums "Projector", "Haven" and "Damage Done" in a luxurious slipcase packaging with bonus material as well as the rarities compilation "Yesterworlds" on May 25, 2009 in Europe via Century Media Records. All releases are available at a fan-friendly price and also feature extensive liner notes as well as new layouts and designs by guitarist Niklas Sundin. As a very exclusive bonus, the three album reissues also contain one song each from the band's upcoming DVD, "Where Death Is Most Alive", due later this year. Commented the band: "We're happy to announce that 'Projector' (1999), 'Haven' (2000) and 'Damage Done' (2002) will be reissued with additional bonus content. As with the 'Fiction' reissue of last year, these new editions feature all the material that was recorded during the respective studio sessions, giving the listener the full experience of what was put on tape at the time." In addition, DARK TRANQUILLITY will release a limited-edition album entitled "Yesterworlds", featuring the "Trail Of Life Decayed" demo (1991) and the "A Moonclad Reflection" 7" EP (1992). The band stated: "The real gem, however, is that we found the master tape of an old promo recording that was made in March 1994 and only sent out to a handful of tape trading contacts and record labels. This is the first D.T. studio recording with Mikael Stanne on vocals and Fredrik Johansson on guitar, and it features 'Punish My Heaven', 'The Gallery' and 'Away, Delight, Away'. Also, 'Yesterworlds' features a version of 'Punish My Heaven' taken from the semi-legendary 'W.A.R. Compilation Vol. 1' album, originally released on Wrong Again Records in 1994. This is the first recording we made in Studio Fredman, and the song itself is a bit faster and less controlled than the album version found on 'The Gallery'." These new versions feature brand new layouts and extensive liner notes from the band members. "Projector" (68:41) 01. FreeCard (4:34) 02. ThereIn (5:57) 03. UnDo Control (5:13) 04. Auctioned (6:09) 05. To A Bitter Halt (4:51) 06. The Sun Fired Blanks (4:19) 07. Nether Novas (6:16) 08. Day To End (3:10) 09. Dobermann (4:41) 10. On Your Time (5:40) Bonus Tracks: 11. Asleep In The Bandaged Light (3:21) * 12. No One (4:41) ** 13. Exposure (3:52) ** 14. ThereIn (live) (5:57) *** * previously unreleased ** taken from the "Exposures – In Retrospect And Denial" album *** previously unreleased live track, taken from the upcoming "Where Death Is Most Alive" DVD "Haven" (59:00) 01. The Wonders At Your Feet (3:01) 02. Not Built To Last (3:39) 03. Indifferent Suns (3:35) 04. Feast Of Burden (3:26) 05. Haven (3:32) 06. The Same (3:10) 07. Fabric (3:56) 08. Ego Drama (4:35) 09. Rundown (3:53) 10. Emptier Still (3:40) 11. At Loss For Words (6:42) Bonus Tracks: 12. In Sight (4:40) * 13. Misery In Me (4:11) * 14. Cornered (3:59) * 15. The Wonders At Your Feet (live) (3:01) ** * taken from the "Exposures – In Retrospect And Denial" album ** previously unreleased live track, taken from the upcoming "Where Death Is Most Alive" DVD "Damage Done" (59:41) 01. Final Resistance (3:01) 02. Hours Passed in Exile (4:45) 03. Monochromatic Stains (3:38) 04. Single Part of Two (3:52) 05. The Treason Wall (3:30) 06. Format C: for Cortex (4:30) 07. Damage Done (3:28) 08. Cathode Ray Sunshine (4:14) 09. The Enemy (3:56) 10. White Noise / Black Silence (4:09) 11. Ex Nihilo (4:31) Bonus Tracks: 12. I, Deception (3:55) * 13. Static (4:40) ** 14. The Poison Well (4:08) ** 15. The Treason Wall (live) (3:30) *** * taken from the limited digipak version of "Damage Done" ** taken from the "Exposures – In Retrospect And Denial" album *** previously unreleased live track, taken from the upcoming "Where Death Is Most Alive" DVD "Yesterworlds" (52:53) 01. Midwinter (Intro) (0:56) * 02. Beyond Enlightenment (4:49) * 03. Vernal Awakening (5:22) * 04. Void of Tranquillity (7:36) * 05. Unfurled By Dawn (7:24) ** 06. Yesterworld (7:56) ** 07. Punish My Heaven (demo version) (4:43) *** 08. Away, Delight, Away (demo version) (5:19) *** 09. The Gallery (demo version) (4:11) *** 10. Punish My Heaven (alternative version) (4:37) **** * taken from the "Trail Of Life Decayed" demo ** taken from the "A Moonclad Reflection" 7-inch EP *** previously unreleased tracks **** taken from the "W.A.R." compilation
Pfffffff jbt, pa prosle godine je bila oko 2500, ne secam se sad tacno koliko. Nisu normalni. The Stone gledah dvaput, May Result mislim 4 puta ili tako nesto, ali svejedno, uvek je zabavno videti ih.
Takodje. Krece "Still Fucking Dead" a cujes samo tupa-tupa-tupa-tupa...
Prvi put je bila bolja setlista, ali sama izvedba i zvuk daleko bolji u decembru. Jbg, ne moze se sve imati odjednom.
Na tu turneju bese idu sa Vader-om, jel'de?
2009.04.24. Koncert: * SKC Beograd*Cradle of Filth, Moonspell, Turisas
Talvi replied to Svart's topic in Arhiva koncerata
@vegeta & nefas: spasibo za snimke, do jaja su. E, da: ako neko ima snimljeno "At Tragic Heights", to placam suvim zlatom. -
Meni je album do jaja. Super su obradili sve pesme i do jaja je sto sve, od Bad Brains-a do Obituray-ja zvuce nekako srodno unjihovom izvodjenju.
U ovom trenutku mi pada na pamet Motorhead - Love Me Forever
Ja vec znam da necu, 2010. novi Moonsorrow. :rockdevil:
Hehehe, aj nek' vam bude. Ionako nikad nisam naucio da tumacim natalnu do kraja. Datum rodjenja: 1. mart 1987. Vreme: 09:30 ujutro Mesto: Zrenjanin
Sad mi nista nije jasno. Radio sam ponesto na ovom sajtu i izbacio mi je da sam u podznaku blizanac, a ranije sam x puta radio te testove podznaka i uvek mi je ispadalo da sam bik. Jbm li ga.
Ja samo cekam na novom albumu jos jednu pesmu u fazonu "Warpath", da se jednostavno provali sa zvucnika i za prvih 30 sekundi oduva u tri lepe 95% death bendova na svetu.
Sad kontam, ako se za ovo sazna u Crnoj Gori tamo se zenska deca vise nece radjati. Do jaja je sto je lik sve odradio i pred doktorskom komisijom, cisto da ga niko ne moze optuziti za nekakvo izmisljanje...
U jbt, nisam znao za ovo. Apsolutno ima logike, za tu pricu o spermatozoidima i elektricitetu znam od ranije ali je nikad nisam povezao sa time... Wicked.
E, ovako... Iskreno receno, nisam pridavao horoskopu skoro nikakvu vaznost sem one radoznalosti radi opsteg znanja sve dok nisam dosao do jednog jebeno bizarnog saznanja. Sve, ali SVE devojke sa kojima sam u zivotu imao ozbiljnu vezu ili u koje sam bio zaljubljen (15-tak njih sveukupno) su bile iskljucivo rakovi i skorpije - nikada nista trece, dok sam ja rodjen u znaku ribe. I tacno mogu da ih na neki nacin podelim po temperamentu na te dve grupe. Od tog otkrica (pre mozda dve godine, kada sam sasvim slucajno razmisljao o tome) sam poceo da malo pazljivije proucavam astrologiju i u medjuvremenu bio sa jos dve skorpije. I, cisto da se razumemo, ne biram ih po tom kriterijumu, jednostavno ih srecem i tek posle saznajem sta su u horoskopu. U pocetku mi je bilo malo "creepy", sada vise i ne obracam paznju.
E, da, zaboravih Skyclad koji su bukvalno stvorili folk metal.
U, da. To mi je jedan od omiljenih black omota.
+ doomeri - MDB, Cathedral, Anathema...