34234 -
Days Won
Everything posted by Talvi
I like my chocolate white and my metal black.
Ja sam imao od ranije neke od ovih pesama u diskografiji koju mi je ortak doneo, na kojekakvim EP-jevima i kao bonuse ali neke sad prvi put vidim. Ne mozes ih sve pohvatati pa da ih jebes.
Ceka se album, a ceka se i spot... :wub: I ja se sve ozbiljnije nosim ovom mislju.
Meni je proslogodisnji Paganfest delovao zanimljivije, pre svega jer su Moonsorrow bili konstantno u postavi, a ne na "selected dates".
Finnish folk metallers KORPIKLAANI will release a new single, "Vodka", in late May via Nuclear Blast Records.
Nergal (BEHEMOTH), Karl Sanders (NILE) and Obsidian C (KEEP OF KALESSIN) will make guest appearances on "Romulus", the debut album from EX DEO, the new band led by KATAKLYSM frontman Maurizio Iacono. Nergal will appear in the song "Storm The Gates Of Alesia", singing a very famous Caesar quote; Sanders laid down a ripping solo in the song "The Final War (The Battle Of Actium)" which deals with Antony and Cleopatra's defiance of Octivian in Egypt, and Obsidian C will lend a majestic and melodic solo to the track "Cruor Nostri Abbas". Commented Maurizio: "It's an honor for me that such talented musicians and friends lended their art for a couple songs on this album. I only asked a few selected people that had involvement with history through their music and related to this band's concept , so I salute them for contributing to Rome's rise and they shall be amply rewarded for it." EX DEO will make its live debut this September/October on the special edition of Europe's biggest pagan/folk metal tour, Paganfest. Co-headlining throughout will be Finland's KORPIKLAANI and Germany's DIE APOKALYPTISCHEN REITER. Additional support will come from Sweden's UNLEASHED, United Kingdom's ALESTORM and Canada's BLACKGUARD. Special appearances will be made by Finland's MOONSORROW and Norway's EINHERJER on select dates. "Romulus" is scheduled for release on June 19 (Europe) and June 30 (North America) via Nuclear Blast Records. The CD was recorded with producer (and KATAKLYSM guitarist) Jean-Francois Dagenais (MISERY INDEX, DESPISED ICON, MALEVOLENT CREATION). "Romulus" track listing: 01. Romulus 02. Storm the Gates of Alesia 03. Cry Havoc 04. In Her Dark Embrace 05. Invictus 06. The Final War (Battle of Actium) 07. Legio XIII 08. Blood, Courage and The God's That Walk The Earth 09. Cruor Nostri Abbas 10. Surrender The Sun 11. The Pantheon (Jupiter's Reign) A video for the CD's title track was filmed last month with renowned director Stanimir "Staca" Lukic (MOONSPELL, KAMELOT, DEATHSTARS, TYPE O NEGATIVE) in Belgrade, Serbia. Maurizio says, "The setup was extremely pro. Stanimir and Ivan did such an amazing job and paid attention to every single detail. To recreate Rome and the story of Romulus and Remus was a big challenge, but I think we nailed it and the ideas behind it are incredible. Expect an epic feel, like the movie '300' for the texture... A big thank you to all the film crew and the actors!" A demo version of the EX DEO track "Cry Havoc" is available for streaming on the group's MySpace page.
2009.04.24. Koncert: * SKC Beograd*Cradle of Filth, Moonspell, Turisas
Talvi replied to Svart's topic in Arhiva koncerata
C, c, c... Uvek sam se pitao kako izgledaju ti fanatici sto jure bendove po hotelima. :) -
2009.04.24. Koncert: * SKC Beograd*Cradle of Filth, Moonspell, Turisas
Talvi replied to Svart's topic in Arhiva koncerata
U 21:00 -
Meni se ona reklama za The Exploited ispela na kurac vec odavno. Jes' da ih volim, ali sto je mnogo, mnogo je... :)
I ja gubim volju, trebace mnogo vremena za ovo.
Nemojmo mesati vizuelni aspekt sa muzikom.
Ovo mi sad lici na recenicu jednog ortaka: "Jebes tekst nad kojim se moras zamisliti". :) Ne kazem da je black metal jedini mracan zanr na svetu, daleko od toga, ali govoriti kako je heavy "jako mracan zanr" je urnebesno smesno ako ga uporedis sa black, death, doom, grind.. pa cak i thrash metalom.
Ja opet pitam: ako ti je to mracno, jezivo, sta li vec, sta je onda ovo?
Dobro jbg, lapsus calami. I ja ne bih uzimao King-a kao model za heavy pravac, on je ipak prica za sebe i ne uklapa se u standardni heavy obrazac.
'Ajde vise, jeb'ote... Nasao sam kad cu da uplatim mesec dana sporijeg interneta.
Ma daaaaj. Pa ako je power jako mracan pravac sta je onda black? Realno, nije mi problem kada slusam ne-metal izvodjace kako pevaju neke vesele melodije, to mi je sasvim ok i logicno, ali ako vidim likove sa kosama do dupeta utegnute u kozu i lance kako pevaju to mi je presmesno. Ja ostajem pri misljenju da je power metal muzika za ljude koji bi hteli da budu metalci i slusaju nesto tvrdo ali nemaju muda za black i death. :) :) , a licno cu se drzati ovakvih melodija.
Ma zaneo se citajuci onu vasu nekro raspravu na Darkthrone temi od pre par meseci...
Hellno. Melodije u heavy-ju i power-u su previse vesele. Ok ako neko voli takve stvari ali ja sam oduvek bio za mol, ne za dur.
Pa kaze: Finland's Get In The Pit TV conducted an interview with former GORGOROTH and current GOD SEED frontman Gaahl (real name: Kristian Espedal) at this year's Inferno festival, which was held April 8-11, 2009 in Oslo, Norway. The chat can be seen in several parts at www.getinthepit.fi. (Note: The Gaahl interview begins around the six-minute mark.) Video footage of GOD SEED performing the song "Teeth Grinding" on July 25, 2008 at the Hortensfestivalen in Horten, Norway can be viewed below (clip shot by Harald Sleetrød). This track is a preview of footage that will be used on the forthcoming GOD SEED DVD, which is currently in the works. GOD SEED's Gaahl and King (bass) entered the studio on August 25, 2008 in the their hometown of Bergen, Norway to begin recording eight new tracks composed by the bassist for an as-yet-untitled new album, due later in the year via Indie Recordings. Along with Gaahl, King and Frost (SATYRICON) on drums, the band's full recording lineup includes Teloch (guitar) and Ice Dale (guitar). ENSLAVED's Herbrand Larsen once again produced the group in the studio. In a recent interview with the Imhotep webzine, King stated about the band's name, "GOD SEED represent a more spiritual side to us than what GORGOROTH would. 'God Seed' is also the title of a track from our last album released under the 'GORGOROTH' banner and in that respect it symbolizes what is brought from the past. GOD SEED represents the will to grow; the will to be the super man so to speak. I think it's a suitable name for what we will represent in the future. I am also aware of the fact that we use the word God in the name. It will challenge the weak minded in the respect that we in the past used the word Satan a lot, but it's all about the same thing. The God within man and the God within nature. I never believed in a Christian force named Satan. I believe in the God within man." Teethgrinding
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