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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. :da: :da: :da: Slazem se u potpunosti.
  2. Za taj Amorphis se vec uveliko prica da samo sto nije, pitanje dana maltene, a jos kad naleti Death Angel, ufff...
  3. E, "Celebration", tacno. Da znas da bih bas mogao da ga nadjem...
  4. Jesu oni bese bilio u Bg-u nedavno ili se ja tripujem?
  5. Otkad to nisam cuo, sunce ti... Secam se da sam prvu pesmu sa tog albuma vrteo do besvesti, ne secam se sad kako se zove...
  6. Swedish black/death metallers THE LEGION, who feature in their ranks former MARDUK drummer Emil Dragutinovic, have posted another new song, "Blood, Be Gone!", on their MySpace page. The track comes off the band's third album, "A Bliss to Suffer", due on April 27 through Listenable Records. The group says, "We uploaded a third taster from the soon-to-be-released album, this time a harsh, blackened grind-fest which arguably goes back to our roots more than any song on the record. 'Blood, Be Gone!' was one of the first songs to be written for this album. In its original shape it comes with a haunting intro sequence, which we scrapped for this MySpace edit." Vocalist Martinsson comments on the lyrical content: "Ever been so preposterously hung over you start imagining what pleasures the resolve of your human body must mean? In part put to paper while sitting through the night bedside a literally dying woman at a home for old people, these lines are a contemplation of the void beyond and within, drawing on the intoxicating experience of verging between sleep and wake and not realizing exactly what is what. As the music blasts away in a rather furious tempo, this piece of lyrics remains one of least aggressive of the album, and is a call for a situation which doesn't quite so closely resemble hell." Check out the song's lyrics at this location. The CD was entirely produced by the bandmembers themselves at Art Decay Studio during a series of sessions in 2007 and 2008 and "displays the relentless speed and severe brutality of previous efforts blended together with strangely atmospheric and epic elements, taking the lethal concoctions to new heights," according to a press release. The band says, "Vocalist [Lars] Martinsson is back as a permanent member after commitments elsewhere, and celebrates the return with a never-ending row of ghastly shrieks all through the album." "A Bliss to Suffer" track listing: 01. Shining Redemption 02. Call Of The Nameless Black 03. A Toil Beneath The Skin 04. Blood, Be Gone! 05. A Curse For The Dead 06. The Luring Depths 07. The Inimical 08. Man-Beast 09. The Reaping Of Flesh And Blood THE LEGION released its sophomore album, "Revocation", in February 2006 via Listenable Records. Najzad.
  7. I mom.
  8. Talvi


  9. Talvi


    Ladno ih neko sad postavio na mediaportal. :)
  10. Ima i Sidnej.
  11. I mnogo folka iz raznih delova sveta na world music stage-u.
  12. Cim ste ti i Tesa pricali "communication breakdown" je neizbezan. Aj cao.
  13. A sto se tice americkog metala: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fW-RSCp87As Me like it. Mito, pitali smo te da nadjes bendove KOJE LOG KOPIRA. Jedino se to racuna. Inace mozes da pricas kako su Iron Maiden neoriginalan bend jer ima 1000 bendova koji zvuce kao oni.
  14. Ako stavis "influences: Lamb Of God" dobices bendove kojima su LOG uzori, tj. kopiraju LOG a to niej ono o cemu smo mi poceli da pricamo, nego upravo obrnuto. I ne, ne koristim myspace.
  15. Aj' nemoj vise, shvatili smo.
  16. Ali ti i dalje nisi naveo ono sto smo ti trazili...
  17. http://www.nocturnemagazine.net/ Decko, posao mi je da budem u toku.
  18. Necu da pretrazujem, hocu da nam ti kazes kad se vec toliko razumes.
  19. šta se dobije kada se ukrste crnac i hobotnica? Ne znam ni ja ali opasno bere pamuk.
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