34114 -
Days Won
Everything posted by Talvi
Zapravo, mislim da je on i napustio Mayhem da bi mogao da se potpuno posveti Ava-i, tako nesto je rekao...
Jebote, ovo je neprocenjivo, tacno cu poceti da dolazim na Krstaricu zbog ovoga...
Nije sve u ukusu, ima nesto u i objektivnosti, Joker-momce...
Prvi? Pa, kasniji albumi su x puta bolji...
Mislim da ce ti se svideti, meni je prelepo...
Ajd' ovako: Ava Inferi je portugalsko/norveski bend koji kombinuje romanticni doom sa uticajima portugalske fado muzike. Ovaj norveski deo benda zapravo predstavlja Rune Eriksen aka Blasphemer (od nedavno ex-Mayhem), ne znam otkud on u ovim vodama ali eto, on pise muziku... Muskih vokala nema, samo vrlo lep zenski glasic (pevacica Carmen je pevala na novom Moonspell-u!) i cela slika je krajnje opustajuca... Snimili su dva albuma do sada, "Burdens: i "The Silhouette"... A imaju i snimljen apsolutno prelep spot za pesmu "A Dança Das Ondas", moze da se skine sa sajta benda... Ko voli doom ne bi smeo da ovo propusti... Zvanicni sajt: www.ava-inferi.com "The Silhouettte": http://www.4shared.com/file/27411361/eb2e9..._2007_.html?s=1
2008.09.05. *SKC, Beograd* N I L E, Grave, Belphegor
Talvi replied to FRUBI_ZMIJA_GADAFI's topic in Arhiva koncerata
Nesto ne verujem... -
Nadjoh i ja, zasad sam skinuo mp3 i cini mi se da je ovo moglo i malo bolje da se odradi... Sta ja znam, pre svega, Mikael jednostavno NE MOZE da izvuce Peter-ove pesme kako treba (da se zna ko je gazda! ), zvuk bubnja je ocajan, gitare takodje mogu biti mnogo bolje... Ali jebem li ga, opet svirka ima neku posebnu energiju i moze lepo da se slusa, zabavno je...
Da, vidi se na njemu da je vec u poodmakloj fazi... A Josh je moron, ono je bila najbolja brada u istoriji...
Brate, al' su propali...
Nevermore - I Am The Dog: "The darkwave came again last night. I want it all to end, I want the world to end" Every night the dream is the same I sit here waiting for the world to end but it never ends And everything I used to be has spiraled into insanity Every night I sweat and bleed in her name The darkwave comes, sanity slips away She screams from the alcove "I am the dog" She was born in the year of the dog She never would betray the world I never saw Blinded eyes that never see shattered into infinity Every night the dream is the same The darkwave comes, sanity slips away She screams from the alcove "I am the dog" Every night the dream is the same I suffer wading through the endless waves of empty disdain And everything I used to be has spiraled into insanity Every night I sweat and bleed in her name The darkwave comes, sanity slips away She screams from the alcove The darkwave comes, sanity slips away She screams from the alcove "I am the dog"
Ja kontam da su oni tu pesmu snimili iz zajebancije, cisto da pokazu da umeju i da sviraju komercijalnije stvari... Bas sam je prosle godine cuo usred bela dana na jednom zrenjaninskom radiju...
Ovo bas i nije humor, vise je jako zanimljiva stvarcica, obratite paznju: Poredjenje izmedju Dzona Kenedija i Abrahama Linkolna: Believe it or not... - Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846. John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946. - Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860. John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960. - The names Lincoln and Kennedy each contain seven letters. Both were particularly concerned with civil rights. - Both Presidents' wives lost a child while living in the White House. Both Presidents were shot while seated next to their wife. Both Presidents were shot on a Friday. Both were shot in the head. - Lincoln's personal secretary, whose name was John (Nicolay), advised him not to go to the theater. Kennedy's personal secretary, whose name was (Evelyn) Lincoln, advised him not to go to Dallas. - Both were assassinated by Southerners. Both were succeeded by Southerners. Both successors were named Johnson. - Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808. Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908. - John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln was born in 1839. Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy was born in 1939. - Both assassins were known by their three names. Both names are comprised of fifteen letters. - Booth ran from the theater and was caught in a warehouse. Oswald ran from a warehouse and was caught in a theater. Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials. - Lincoln was shot in the Ford Theatre and Kennedy was shot while in a Ford Lincoln.
Sto se NM tice, ove su najbolje:
Jel' ima to negde da se skine???
Sto se mene tice ne, "live without audience" albumi su mi inace zanimljiva stvarcica a i mora se priznati da pesme zvuce mnogo bolje nego na originalnim verzijama (bar meni... ) Zvuk je jednostavno sjajan...
http://www.4shared.com/get/37396179/8362b0...igion_2004.html http://www.4shared.com/get/47199692/9012ea...n__256Vbr_.html Enjoy it, folks...
Normalno. Raja voli misteriju.
Cek', pa zar ovo nije neka "uzivo bez publike" kombinacija? Mislim, ako je snimano u Grieghallen-u, a ja publiku ne cujem uopste...
Stari Sloveni su izmislili gramofon.