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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Talvi

    Lord Belial

    E, ako u ovom septembru uspem sve da pohvatam...
  2. Ovo sad je "calm before the storm"...
  3. Da, narocito njegov "jezivi" vokal... Mislim, duboko postujem coveka zbog svega sto je uradio i price su mu vrh vrhova, ali meni je njegov glas uvek bio jako smesan...
  4. Objektivno, Hellhammer je najbolji, ali je meni Frost ipak drazi.
  5. Polako ali sigurno pocinjete da obesmisljavate temu.
  6. Za slucaj da neko nije slusao: http://www.4shared.com/file/27940102/eb3b4...allica.html?s=1 Neki americki brdjani obradjuju Metallicu u country stilu... Sandman zvuci bolje nego u originalu.
  7. Talvi


    Ooooo, fino, fino, ovo se gleda...
  8. Talvi


    Mnogo dobar ovaj EP, a?
  9. Mislim da ne, na NB sajtu stoji: "There are currently no Tourdates for the Artist"... A i Peter je proletos bio sa Pain-om na turneji sa Nightwish...
  10. Ne izgleda mi bas TOLIKO lepo...
  11. Talvi


    To je zato sto Frost JESTE masina...
  12. Talvi

    Rotting Christ

    Hahaha, svira se Nemecic!
  13. Talvi


    Radismo nedavno vju sa Helmuth-om za Nocturne pa nam je malo "razjasnio" zasto se album tako zove, citacete uostalom... Btw lik je patoloski opsednut Markizom de Sadom, spomenuo ga je jedno 120 puta u toku intervjua, lud covek...
  14. Talvi

    Rotting Christ

    Hehe, nego, sad se setih ove pesme: 5. The Sixth Communion [includes some of the most occult dark lyrics ever written connected with the personal life of (the) writer. Not allowed to print.]
  15. U, da, jebote, evo ga i cetvrti, ne videh malopre!
  16. Primecujem i da imamo tri 102. rodjendana.
  17. Upravo kontam da se ne secam da je nekad bilo ovoliko rodjendana.
  18. Talvi

    Rotting Christ

    Vole Grci takva imena tipa Rotting Christ, Septic Flesh...
  19. At Tragic Heights najbolja pesma, toliko mi se svidja da posle nje imam problem da predjem na sledecu.
  20. Haha, Tomi ima Entombed majicu!
  21. @ Starbreaker: fantastican avatar.
  22. Talvi


    Fantastican album. Wings tako predrkano zvuci u novoj verziji da nemam reci. Ma, ceo album je jebeni masterpiece.
  23. Talvi

    Twisted Metal!

    Zjuuu, EdHunter, ne verujem da se neko seca toga!
  24. Talvi

    Amon Amarth

    Znaci, u zivotu sam procitao mali milion kojekakvih battle textova ali bolje od ovog jednostavno ne moze: Valhall Awaits Me Blood gushes from the wound The cut is wide and deep And before I turn around He falls to his knees A clear song rings in the blade When steel meets hardened steel. I hear the sound of wood that breaks, A swords cuts through my shield. I drop the shield and grab my axe, A weapon in each fist. The first blow makes the helmet crack, The axe cut to the teeth. I rip the axe from the head, covered in blood and brains. Leave the body lying dead, Ready to strike again. My sword cuts through clothes and skin, Like a hot knife cuts through snow. I smile as the bastard screams, when I twist my sword. Sword in my hand, Axe on my side. Valhall awaits me, Soon I will die. Bear skin on my back, Wolf jaw on my head. Valhall awaits me when I'm dead. I raise my axe above my head, My eyes stare in furious rage. Yet more blood will be shed, This is a victorious day! Blood gushes from the wound, The cut is wide and deep. As I turn around, I fall to my knees. Sword in my hand, Axe on my side. Valhall awaits me, Soon I will die. Bear skin on my back, Wolf jaw on my head. Valhall awaits me when I'm dead.
  25. Talvi

    Twisted Metal!

    Hehe, kao sto vec rekoh, Outlaw i niko drugi! Nego, sad se setih da sam pokrenuo svojevremeno temu o ovome: http://www.yumetal.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=35714 Ko voli TM verovatno ce mu se i ovo svideti...
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