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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Da, a najbolje je to sto nije nikakvo slinavljenje nego je i uprkos toj opustenosti muzika i dalje prilicno mracna...
  2. Hehehe, ovo mi je poznato, Nanowar bese ili ko? Btw, svidja mi se ovaj Lux Venefica sajt...
  3. Meni licno verovatno omiljeni doom bend... Ona riba sto peva zenski vokal bese Pasijeva zena, jel'? Znam da su tu i basista i bubnjar Finntroll-a, vesela ekipica... Obozavam ceo Illusion's Play album, a posebno pesmu Still-Motion, vecni favorit...
  4. Da, da... Sad smo matori i sramota nas je sto uopste postojimo...
  5. http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Nightwish Ovo je nenormalno... "Cum Over Me"... "Kick Mary's Butt"... "Swineheart"...
  6. Nema problema, samo da prvo nadjem nacin da ih iskopam...
  7. E jbg, a ja se taman ponadao... Sad bar imam temu za razmisljanje, sta bi to moglo da bude?... Da nisi pevala u nekom Nightwish tribute bendu, mozda?
  8. Kao na primer? Koliko sramnije bi moglo biti?
  9. Pa cini mi se da i nije nesto preterano dugacka, posto sam je procitao za nekih sat - sat i po (a mozda je i bila toliko zanimljiva da sam je progutao u momentu ), provericu ima li je negde na netu pa da je zaista podelim sa narodom...
  10. Neko spomenu Lamb Of God... Now You've Got Something To Die For, rif na 50 sekundi pre kraja pesme... Savrsenstvo indeed...
  11. Pa, citao sam onu Ancient Fires Of Midgard ili kako se vec zove, ali mi je u medjuvremenu drugar odneo disk na kojem mi se nalazilo to i jos more slicnih knjiga, tako da bih prvo morao da udjem u trag cd-u... Tako mi i treba kad najvrednije diskove dajem tek tako... Steve Jobs: Kakve veze Hagalaz' ima sa cionizmom???
  12. Elem... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sverd_i_Fjell Uzivajte, drugari...
  13. Dead Silent Slumber - Entombed In The Midnight Hour Evergrey - I'm Sorry W.A.S.P. - Sleeping In The Fire Katatonia - Deadhouse Axel Rudi Pell - The Clown Is Dead Megadeth - Promises Sonata Arctica - Last Drop Falls...
  14. Iskreno govoreci - nikad cuo, mada mi iz ove price deluju zanimljivo...
  15. Talvi


    Nista hvala, bre, nego da nam dodjete ponovo uskoro!
  16. Vrlo je jednostavno - u ovim krajevima ne postoji niko ko bi mogao da dobro skine Vintersorg-ov glas...
  17. Dakle: Pain Of Salvation - Oblivion Ocean Sleep is too quiet dreams are too painful truth is the bed of this ocean of lies. Sinking through layers of untouched oblivion soaking from spirits but still far too dry. Losing all barbed fences Lucid - no defenses "Where is my mother?" the child asked the soldier. The soldier was watching them both fade away. Nine words create an oblivion ocean: "Dad tell me, will I be dead very long?" Losing all I lived for. Losing all I fought for. Oh god if you save them I swear I'll always hold them in my hand! Oh god if you save them I'd take them west we'd start again in the promised land. When life is wearing thin we pray: the gods are close at hand when man is astray. But when it all is said and done - is he to thank the gods for just taking his son? Sleep is too quiet, dreams are too painful truth is the bed of this ocean of lies. Words can create an oblivion ocean: "dad tell me, will I be dead very long?" Losing all I lived for. Losing all I fought for. Oh god if you save them I swear I'll always hold them in my hand. Oh god if you save them I'd take them west we'd start again (then) in the promised land. Pain Of Salvation - A Trace Of Blood (moj favorit) Touching ground Going home to those I miss Safe and sound Weeks of exile turn to bliss But there's something in her voice When she is calling me A trace of blood to lead me Through roads of agony With blood taste in my mouth And clouds before my eyes I kneel beside the bed Where my bleeding dryad lies Three young souls in misery Hitting ground Nausea wakes me up at dawn Hopes are found Dissected, turned and then Withdrawn A chair of steel and wire Her legs are open wide Helpless in myself I stand there cold beside The doctors stay away Leave us with this dismay To see the colours of a miracle Fade and turn to gray Then a cry and rivers of blood Flow so sadly bringing you Our dreams pour into a cold tray Two young souls in misery Missing you "How quickly the colors change from blue to red to black and why am I always away wrapped up in something unable to live with all this love I ask of the world to leave to be silent and pretend that it never happend" I never knew your name but I will miss you just the same I was to live for you I lost the will to live at all the day you came It'll never be the same but I will love you just the same You were to be the first, how wonderful Now I will always fear to hope again The irony Of seeing me whispering through her skin So joyfully To our child there deep within Or of when she called to me To tell me cheerfully That she had seen your shape On a hospital screen And of nurses being concerned That you never moved or turned Too late we see the warnings Too late we learn I never saw your face and now you're gone without a trace Except the trace of blood that's deeply scarred into my eyes To fill your place It'll never be the same but I will love you just the same I was prepared to be your father How can I ever prepare for that again? Still I follow that trace of blood Always leading back to you Hollow years of damming that flood Two young souls in misery Missing you... missing you... Pain Of Salvation - Rope Ends She is still young... Another day of emptiness This life is wearing her down The room around her is a mess Her children safe with her mom She is still young but feeling old Two children with different fathers She sits on the bathroom floor alone The shower chain broke Her neck hurts Then another night of emptiness to wear her down Naked to the world she wraps her sadness in a gown Her children fast asleep she sears the dark with glassy eyes Choosing carefully among her husband's business ties "Over!" she cries through rope ends and silk ties Beautiful life escaping her young blue eyes But life holds her hand, refusing to let go Leaving her breathing on the floor They're still asleep don't hear her cry And she's still obsessed with rope ends This time she picks a stronger tie With Winnie the Pooh and friends She is still young but feeling old A child dying to be a mother Now she hangs from the ceiling all alone All pressure is falling from her Seeing guilt has taught her guilt she's raised on disbelief Merely twenty beautiful but with a taste for grief She has learnt all that there is to know about hopelessness Seeing that no effort in this world can stand her test "Over!" she cries through rope ends and silk ties Beautiful life escaping her young blue eyes And Winnie is strong, would never let her fall Prevents her from breathing till she's not there at all But life holds her hands, refusing to let go Leaving her breathing on the floor Seeing guilt has taught her guilt she's raised on disbelief Merely twenty beautiful but with a taste for grief She has learnt all that there is to know about helplessness Seeing that no caring in this world can ease her stress Helpless she lies in rope ends and undies Unseeing eyes fixating Eeyore's smile "Over!" she cries as she's going unblind Still in this life Still in this troubled mind The ceiling let go, the old house let her fall Dropping her breathing to the hard cold floor Hitting her head - a broken china soul Red stains on porcelain and she's not there at all Breathing she cries for rope ends and silk ties Beautiful eyes Piglet stands shy behind Broken she lies undead and unblind Beautiful life Beautiful crying young eyes Blackened and bruised, learning how to see Staring at her tooth - crimsoned ivory Hours they pass this broken china soul Red stains on porcelain And she's not there at all... "...and years later I would find You hanging alas the subte irony in shortering life with an extension lead before I could get You down I died so many times... thoughts about running to the kitchen for a knife to cut You down but I learned that there is no way of leaving the room when someone is hanging from the ceiling Your body just won't allow You that rest You stay to watch her face slowly turn blue finally to let You weight add to hers doubling the burden awaking her to the burden that brough her there in the first place: LIFE" "The Sisters of Solitude... They love and hurt, break and are broken, the sisters of solitude They cannot shake the dust from the ground Cannot rise from the ashes, the sisters of solitude They reach out to embrace the world, good and evil, weak and strong They will settle for nothing less, the sisters of solitude They love that they be loved, give that they be given Hurt that they get hurt, the sisters of solitude Hence, one loses weight by the second Throws up what she can instead of what she cannot Hence, two have tried to hang themselves, too strong to shut life out Yet too weak to live it Hence, the little one dissapears, melts into the walls, stands back Agrees, unsatisfied They all carry the end of the world in their chests Heirs of sadness and irony, of settling for less, of bitter consent Of mothers and mothers of solitude They all carry to break free, the sisters of solitude I fear them all so... I love them all so..."
  18. Mene su najvise od svega frapirali oni spomenici-macevi u Norveskoj... A scena sa Mayhem je vrh svih vrhova!
  19. 1. Korpiklaani - Tervaskanto 2. Marduk - Rom 5: 12 3. Melechesh - Emissaries 4. Dimmu Borgir - In Sorte Diaboli 5. Vintersorg - Solens Rotter
  20. A kako se tek uklopila uz scenu u Metal - A Headbanger's Journey kad lik ide u Norvesku...
  21. Jebanje svega zivog, veruj mi! Slika, zvuk, izbor pesama, atmosfera u publici, meni sa nekim horor efektima... Nenormalno!
  22. Talvi


    E ljudi, odlicno ste zvucali u Zr-u, dosao sam samo da vas vidim (jer da su mi se slusali Metallica i Slayer ostao bih kod kuce ) i zaista ste ga odvalili za sve pare! Svaka cast!
  23. U zadnje vreme najvise gledam: Arcturus - Shipwrecked In Oslo Dissection - Rebirth Of Dissection (kakav zvuk!) Satyricon - Roadkill Extravaganza Celtic Frost - Wacken 2006 Mystic Festival 2001 (Mayhem, Zyklon, COB, Behemoth, Sinister, Devilyn, Source Of Tide, Cemetery of Scream) I taaako...
  24. Meni je Melourgia veoma drag album, narocito pesma Daleku... Pesma ima nevidjeno mracnu atmosferu i jezivu ritmiku... Obozavam je!
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