e jesu, bilo prošarano nove stvari i dosta Zoli (čak i pre-Zoli) materijala, super su bili
jedino ih je ujebalo što su se preklapali sa Prodigy pa je ostala samo posvećena ekipa a metalci otišli na fajastata, ali baš je bila fina žurkica
ovakva je neka lista bila, + A Place Called Home
With hearts as heavy as the earth
We regret to inform that Ordy Garrison
passed away of a heart attack this morning July 4 2023
There are no words to describe the pain
He was the light of my life
The beating of my heart
My best friend and companion
My world
He leaves behind his beloved wife Kate
And his beloved son Carlos
We love you both fiercely
We are heartbroken eternal
These are words
But there are no words
We love you Ordy
without end
4 ponies smiling bear
dosta zanimljiv album:
sirovo i catchy, post-punk, klasični punk, malo metal, goth, čuje se Beastmilk, Rope Sect i taj fazon dosta
ovde objaviše, sa sve domom Aladina