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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. kreću od večeras na RTV, 20h
  2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02wd397
  3. nešto ne verujem da Lemi može da izdrži duže od toga sad
  4. imaš fine opcije sa ovim što kreće u 17:00 i stiže u 18:41, i ovaj što polazi u 18:25 i tamo je u 20:08 inače Sharksi na Fusion-u od 20:45, taman lepo zagrevanje za ostatak večeri http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9LrqMNgIao
  5. pa evo meni lepo izbacilo spisak http://w3.srbrail.rs/ZSRedVoznje//direktni/BEOGRAD/16050/NOVI%20SAD/16808/10.07.2015/0000/sr
  6. izašla satnica u Blicu danas Motorhead od 22 do 23:30, Expire u ponoć, Terror u 01h tj ispravka, u 23:30 je sledeći izvođač, dakle kraće će lemi i ekipa. Kiša Metaka 3. dana dobili termin u 04:45 Kuruze, Brkovi su od 01:50
  7. evo kako se Terror snalaze bez Scott-a, simpatični su haha
  8. ja bih bar sačekao da čujem album, jebeš ga
  9. Talvi


    duplicate scrobbles:
  10. uh, baš tugica
  11. Kičić brat, Napalm Death ali Kesić
  12. woman abuse
  13. pa bili su već dvaput
  14. Entombed je onomad super prošao u maloj sali Doma
  15. Talvi


    biće seksi turneja po Evropi na zimu - ovi, Behemoth, Entombed i Inquisition
  16. bend na svom 8. albumu uradi jednu laganiju stvar sa čistim vokalima i metalci odmah plaču kako to "nije pravi LoG" kuliraj brate, super je stvar i odlično je otpevao, jasno ti je valjda da nemaju nameru da za stalno zasviraju laganicu (a i da hoće, njihova stvar, može im se)
  17. direktno Džejmsu da se javi ako je moguće
  18. Talvi

    Rotting Christ

    Rotting Christ have announced a live double-album titled 'Lucifer Over Athens'. Recorded in December 2013 in their home city of Athens and featuring a setlist running from early demos to their most recent album, 'Lucifer over Athens' sees the legendary band at the height of their powers. A track taken from the album titled "Athanatoi Este" is streaming now at NO CLEAN SINGING. 'Lucifer over Athens' will be released by Season of Mist worldwide on August 21. http://www.nocleansinging.com/2015/06/30/an-ncs-premiere-rotting-christ-athanatoi-este-live/
  19. http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/lamb-of-god-break-down-new-album-vii-sturm-und-drang-track-by-track-20150630?page=2
  20. ona Metal All Stars priča dobila skroz novi zaokret HELP US. THIS SHALL GO VIRAL!!! Dear friends and fellow promoters/agents, Please take your time and learn about this guy. He stole 14000USD from the Slovene company Mifi d.o.o. by taking deposit for the METAL ALL STARS tour that never happened and additional 5950€ thru his European partner. Don't do same mistake! Have you heard about the concept METAL ALLSTARS? Gabe Reed is a US booking agent, or so he proclaims. The last years he has been doing a concept called Metal Allstars with big artists from Motley Crue, Pantera, Ozzy Osbourse, Kiss, Guns n Roses and the list goes on. Show have been booked across the worlds and also got cancelled time after time. Every time he has kept the promoters money, the ticket money and even the artists money, also for the few show that did happen, he did not even pay the artists. He has stolen millions of $$$, also with his side activity claiming that he is a lawyer there are one public case where he stole 350 000$ from a single mom to represent her daughter. The cases against him seems to have no end, and the worst thing is that he is still able to continue since people are not aware. Right now he is booking these huge show in ASIA, and we talked with the artists he is selling for big money, and they are NOT working with him. It is a pure case of FRAUD, and we are trying through all contacts and partners to spread the word to all of the world! Thousands of people have been cheated and stolen from by GABE REED, and we want every one to just like this page so that the word gets out there! We need everyones help to create awareness of the man who is called "THE BIGGES CROOK IN MUSIC BUISNESS" We just cant allow him to keep doing this! Pleas press like, so that people everywhere see his face, see his name, and will know to stay away. He is also now reported to the FBI, Interpol and the police all across Europe, in USA and South America. We just hope our Asian colleges will see this before they pay him! Now please just press like here: and STOP GABE REED! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Stop-Gabe-Reed-Productions-Fraud/367658893444882?fref=ts PS: Let it be known that musicians on the poster of "METAL ALLSTARS" are in no way a part of this FRAUD, and many of them have also been cheated and lost money to Gabe Reed Production. Thanks for your time "Stop Gabe Reed"
  21. ne kapiram foru sa novim spotom dve nedelje posle 512, ali okej skroz atipična stvar, teški Alice In Chains trip, mnogo dobro zvuči razjebaće ovaj album totalno, baš jedva čekam
  22. hahahaha na šta liči lik, a i zvuči tako
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