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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. ne znam, ja se valjda previše zaljubim u jednu određenu pesmu, rif, refren... i onda neću da slušam 15 drugih pesama, hoću to dok mi se ne smuči
  2. boli te kurac, ja evo peglam jednu pesmu već sat vremena, ostatak albuma ni ne znam gde mi je a tek kad slušam na telefonu, to se samo leti sa jednog izvođača na drugog
  3. super on peva obrade, Our Mother The Mountain je baš iskidao
  4. šapnuo mi last.fm malopre da je izašao novi Messer Chups http://uploaded.net/file/2lgptla0
  5. očekivano, biće i tattoo booth
  6. kapiram ja taj filmski osećaj kod nekih konceptualnih albuma i čuda, ali svaki album gledati tako, brate mili em tu uvek ima fillera, em se trpaju pesme koje nisu nastajale u isto vreme, em često izdavač pravi redosled pesama i bira šta može a šta ne na album, baš oću sve da gledam kao neraskidivu celinu
  7. to ćemo da vidimo, ali omot godine lagano
  8. My Dying Bride’s latest opus and 12th full studio album, ‘Feel the Misery’, is set for release on 18th September on Peaceville Records. With crushing epic doom spanning 8 tracks, and featuring the return of original guitarist Calvin Robertshaw to the fold, this is undoubtedly amongst the band’s heaviest, darkest, & most majestic works to date, marking My Dying Bride’s 25th anniversary in punishing style, with the title track also set to feature as the album’s debut video. ‘Feel the Misery’ sees a notable return to the band’s old haunt, Academy Studios in Dewsbury West Yorkshire for recording, where all of My Dying Bride’s classic early albums were produced. Mixing once more takes place at Futureworks in Manchester UK with the band’s long-time studio engineer/producer, Mags. The band comments on the themes of ‘Feel the Misery’: “Contained within are all the grandeur and mastery of the melancholic one would expect to find on a recording from this group of musicians. The crushing of hearts and the solemn farewells to friends and lovers twinned with the destruction of flesh and the passions of cruelty are laid neatly for the listener to devour and savour. Eight new compositions detailing the path of life through dark doors and the burdens we all must endure simply to make it to the end, My Dying Bride have returned with a foreboding new album which may enlighten, delight and consume the soul in one epic sitting”. ‘Feel the Misery’ will be released on CD, vinyl, plus a special edition 2CD/2x10” vinyl set in deluxe earbook format, with exclusive music & expanded booklet. Tracklisting: 1. And My Father Left Forever 2. To Shiver In Empty Halls 3. A Cold New Curse 4. Feel The Misery 5. A Thorn Of Wisdom 6. I Celebrate Your Skin 7. I Almost Loved You 8. Within A Sleeping Forest
  9. http://nefariousrealm.com/666/inside-the-mind-of-david-gray-from-akercocke-to-voices-and-beyond/
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFI0nvlcyWI
  11. 99% muzike je onda govno. a u stvari nije
  12. ja ne kapiram baš tu silnu isključivost za slušanje celog albuma. šta, ako mi se sad sluša "Make War (Not Love)" dužan sam posle nje i ceo album da izvrtim? okej ako si još uvek u fazi upijanja i istraživanja albuma ili je toliko besprekoran da može da se sluša ceo, ali ako mi se sluša određena pesma -> slušam samo nju, ako me neka stvar na albumu smara -> skip, bez žaljenja.
  13. biće i berbernica na festivalu
  14. ova stvar mi je uvek bila totalni hit
  15. kakav danak neiskustvu SG je sumanuto dobar bend, evo napalih se čim si ih spomenuo, moram opet da skinem a od 4 trenutna člana, 3 su dosta poznate face u tim krugovima
  16. Talvi


  17. a mene negde iza grli Mike IX
  18. Talvi


    http://www.metalinjection.net/lists/6-things-to-do-on-danzigs-60th-birthday-to-properly-celebrate-it 60 godina jebote
  19. http://www.lostateminor.com/2014/11/22/golden-retriever-fails-horribly-obedience-competition-still-wins-hearts/ kakav doktor
  20. standardno kidanje sa omotom
  21. hahahah
  22. Talvi

    Hate Eternal

  23. evo ga ceo Refused na streamu: http://pitchfork.com/news/60084-refused-stream-new-album-freedom-discuss-firing-guitarist-jon-brannstrom/ valjda će rip uskoro, ovo govno ne radi za naš elitni deo sveta
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