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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. http://www.citylab.com/politics/2015/06/incredibly-detailed-map-europes-population-shifts/396497/?utm_source=SFFB
  2. Talvi


    kad bi sad opet snimili KIMB, koja bi verzija bila veći krš?
  3. http://www.jarlehm.com/Archive/Music/Artists/Shining-nor/Shining-Trolltunga/ SVE
  4. kakvi doktori http://www.jarlehm.com/Archive/Music/Artists/Shining-nor/Shining-Trolltunga/
  5. Sabaton - 08.02.2016. Mikser House, Beograd Heroes over Belgrade! Fenomenalni Šveđani ponovo u Beogradu! Ulaznice u prodaji od 24. juna: 2000din - Akcija do 07. juna 2600din - Pretprodaja 3000din - Na dan koncerta Prodajna mesta: Felix, Mungos, Eventim www.sabaton.net www.facebook.com/sabaton www.twitter.com/sabaton www.youtube.com/sabaton Švedski hevi-metal heroji, Sabaton, ponovo dolaze u Beograd povodom promocije svog aktuelnog albuma "Heroes". Za one koji nisu upoznati sa njihovim radom, zvuk Sabatona bazira se na power i speed metalu, a glavni motivi njihove muzike su istorija i rat, naročito veliki sukobi poput prvog i drugog svetskog rata. Predvođeni moćnim baritonom Joakimom Brodenom, Sabaton su od 1999 do danas izbacili sedam studijskih albuma i stekli vernu fan bazu u svetu. U Srbiji su, pre svega zahvaljujući seriji fenomenalnih koncerata, stekli čitavu armiju fanova. Posvećeni metalci kažu "metal je rat" a malo koji bend poznaje umetnost ratovanja tako dobro kao Sabaton. https://www.facebook...38635042983761/ http://www.last.fm/event/4149072+Sabaton+at+Mixer+House+on+08+February+2016
  6. ako neko ima The Ethereal Mirror na prodaju, neka javi
  7. Talvi


  8. evo Nataše http://www.metalinjection.net/video/pig-destroyer-natasha-live-multi-cam-exclusive-at-temples-fest
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItvBAk1Q9BU
  10. Friends. Last year, in a moment of doubt, I said I would leave Tiamat. My father had just passed away and I took that for a reason to drink. Drinking was more important than mourning. My heart stopped beating six times last year, and.. I'm not even happy to be alive. I've been through all the pits of Hell you don't wanna know. But what matters.. Is that through out of all this.. There are REAL friends, backing you up. In a moment of doubt, I decided to leave the band. I had seizure and had just been hospitalized for delirium and stroke. That was news to my good old friend Borivoj's Blabbermouth, and the like, ofcourse. Wish you, dear friends will help us spread the word that is Tiamat. Yes, we're back & Yes, we're working on a new album. That's no news for gossip, that's why I write it here When we stand up, no one seems to care? Now off to tattoo something. Anything I can afford. Or I do it myself. Download our albums for free, but always feel welcome to come to our shows! If you respect us, we will always be there for you! Thank you so much!!! Miss you all, Johan
  11. http://www.mediaboom.org/430917-marco-minnemann-celebration-2015.html
  12. nije im ništa
  13. Madball - Hold It Down King Dude - Songs Of Flesh & Blood - In The Key Of Light Pro-Pain - Voice Of Rebellion Sharks, Snakes & Planes - Nebeska mehanika Last Hope - Bulgar Display Of Power
  14. https://www.facebook.com/rossbayculteternal/posts/626243437513281
  15. ako je nekome pri ruci, imate intervju sa Lemijem na dve strane u Blicu današnjem
  16. http://www.mediaboom.org/430834-god-is-an-astronaut-helios-erebus-2015.html
  17. Talvi


    Apes Of God je meni savršen opener, kao na Live in Sao Paulo
  18. Talvi


    auuu Apes Of God <3
  19. hahaha biće kao bonus obrada Black Winter Day, al' će da je useru
  20. možda se Jare smiluje pa stavi spoiler
  21. evo da se i Skal zainteresuje
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