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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. jedan mix svega i svačega: Gallows (du-uh) Matisyahu Dječaci / Kiša Metaka Laibach Birds In Row
  2. dobar dan http://www.mediaboom.org/427508-arcturus-arcturian-2015.html
  3. Talvi


    “Peoples of Yugoslavia distribution by opština” from official 1981 CIA census data. http://41.media.tumblr.com/789440928f24fe92896129a4630c8a5c/tumblr_nnbzl2W6Ja1rasnq9o1_1280.jpg
  4. Talvi


  5. i neki lik napisa
  6. sjajan kanal inače
  7. Talvi


  8. ponekad Glistening Black rade na drugi bis, ali WG i nju skupa baš retko
  9. NEKA NEKO REAGUJE sjajan plakat btw
  10. pa mislim da se na poslednja dva albuma jasno čulo da idu ka tom otežavanju svirke, naročito na ovom novom, obrni još jednom Hiss i Field Of Hedon recimo meni savršeno odgovara što je bilo teško, ubili su jebeno, i onaj drugi bis Whistling Girl/Glistening Black je baš perverzija bio. i bilo mnogo ljudi što je sjajna stvar, + wh počeli u pola 10, najbolji tajming certa ikad gitaristin Jane Doe backpatch objasnio mnogo toga haha @vodovod: nisam puno zagledao ali mislim da je knjiga bila ono Black Of The Ink pakovanje
  11. funta mi je dosadna nekakva, samo ivov deo je doktorat, ovo ostalo uopšte nisam imao volje da slušam evo sve dosad
  12. odlična ova brutalna besa, cigan-stajl pumpanje, najzad nešto tvrdo
  13. sviraju trenutno u Jermeniji po prvi put, 100 godina od genocida se obeležava. strim https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYblpyVo_cc
  14. http://www.setlist.fm/setlist/wovenhand/2015/kino-siska-ljubljana-slovenia-6bc8e2c2.html hajp hajp hajp
  15. meni je ta crvena boja najbolja stvar na omotu, sjajna je
  16. poslušah juče, korektno albumče baš su navalili Ukrajinci, i novi Khors je tu, samo se još NM čeka
  17. vidim da je orkestracije za ovo radio klavijaturista Carach Angren
  18. Talvi


    malo Zodijaka, jedna skroz dobra teorija On July 30, 2002, an elderly hermit called Joseph Newton Chandler living in Ohio, committed suicide. Investigations found that Joseph Newton Chandler died in 1945. Whoever was using his identity was never revealed and remains a mystery to this day. Some speculate that he bears a resemblance to the Zodiac Killer. There is evidence that "Chandler" had come from California and had also worked around or was in the U.S. Navy, and had some electrical engineering experience, same as what they believed of the Zodiac. There really wasn’t much else that could be found out about him following his death - no family, no will, no real name. He also showed up with his new identity in Ohio around the same time that the Zodiac Killer stopped killing in California. I should also point out that there was a lesser-known investigator on the Jack the Ripper murders called Joseph Luniss Chandler, and we all know that the Zodiac, whoever he may be, was a Jack the Ripper aficionado. What is also strange is that there was a string of murders in Ohio from 1979 until 1982. The victims were young couples, the same as the victims of the Zodiac…. Whoever he was, he went through a hell of a lot of effort to hide his true identity for whatever reason, even stealing the identity of a deceased 8-year-old. The next of kin listed on Mr. Chandler’s paper work were fictitious and he had applied for a birth certificate and duplicate Social Security card in 1978. He went through a lot of trouble to conceal his true identity, so what was he hiding..?
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