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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. http://www.mediaboom.org/426833-stone-sour-meanwhile-in-burbank-ep-2015.html
  2. trebali su malo ranije da počnu, na ovako neko vreme bi leglo savršeno
  3. trčao bih da to vidim
  4. Talvi


    meni je bukvalno svaka stvar sa prošlog bolja od ove, a i od Implode, je li
  5. Talvi


    prazne li pesme
  6. Talvi


  7. ovaj Mega Drive je baš do jaja, moraću da overim i ovo ostalo što kačite
  8. najširi jezik na svetu Since this record of 8.3cm was recorded Byron's tongue has grown even wider, now measuring 8.57 cm (3.37 in)!
  9. jedan hit 1:22
  10. Talvi


    pretrpana je malo u centru, daj orla, štit, krunu, žito, strele, čekić, sidro, ajde i kalaša stavite jebiga samo elegancija
  11. Talvi


    mice jedne, ni zastavu nemaju nego kradu tuđe
  12. zamka za Zagora
  13. Talvi

    Tema za ekipu

    Atletico Madrid striker Mario Mandzukic revealed his new tattoo’s during the Madrid derby UEFA Champions League 0-0 draw on Wednesday. But, the problem with his Hebrew script is that it is reportedly written the wrong way! The Times of Israel’s Stuart Winer wrote: “The text was written from left to right instead of from right to left. In addition, the letters themselves were facing the wrong way, giving the slogan the appearance of being in mirror writing, and suggesting that the tattoo artist was either an aspiring Leonardo da Vinci, who wrote mainly in mirror-image cursive, or hopelessly incompetent. “Once the bizarre lettering had been sorted out, it emerged that the tattoo aimed to proclaim ‘What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger,’ although spelling errors rendered the actual translation closer to the grammatically awkward ‘Which doesn’t to kill me, makes me stronger.’”
  14. http://www.blabbermouth.net/news/kirk-hammett-says-new-metallica-material-is-a-bit-more-progressive-than-last-years-lords-of-summer-song/
  15. ne bih znao, ovaj reče da mu je to bio prvi put da tako piše
  16. verovatno Slovenci, to je taj kalibar benda + Dom kao lokacija
  17. nemaš brige, malo ima tih delova, mislim samo u 2 pesme čitao sam da je Einar napisao ceo album na kompu, ništa bend ništa džemovanje
  18. http://nocturnemagazine.net/vesti/8928/whitesnake-stizu-u-beograd-i-zagreb-u-novembru
  19. http://www.allinmerch.com/category/HW.html ajao, dobrote
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