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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. ne znam, ja sam se tad razbio k'o zvečka, a evo i sad kad gledam snimke nemam zamerki uopšte šta još čovek da traži najgora stvar u vezi tog certa je bilo ono kašnjenje, ostalo je bilo do jaja
  2. Talvi


    Drought je pre za preporučiti Dillinger fanovima
  3. što se hc-a tiče, prošlogodišnji Ieperfest >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  4. I was very does
  5. http://lambgoat.com/news/24482/ex-Gallows-singer-launches-band;-premieres-song
  6. to, ili tako pozove neku firmu i postavi neko kretensko pitanje a u busu koma, pomreše ljudi u sedištima
  7. Kad smo se dotakli toga, meni nema ništa strašnije nego kad se ujutru ceo autobus ismeje onoj imbecilnosti od ''Malog Marka'' na Radiju S, jeza
  8. kakvo satiranje jebote, analni bez ulja
  9. KIŠA METAKA 08.05.15. Petak | Monsun, BEOGRAD
  10. nije problem u tvitovima, već u tome što ih je 95% maznuto i prevedeno sa engleskog
  11. Talvi

    KEN mode

  12. ovi imaju novi album uskoro, ima i pesma dosadno jako
  13. ona fora sa reklamiranjem novog Black Sabbath-a u Danskoj je bila nešto najjače ikad
  14. Talvi


    Cicada 3301 is perhaps the most mysterious seemingly Internet-based organization in the history of online mysteries. Since 2012, the group has posted numerous puzzles online under that name and has made no reference as to what it does or even where it is from. No one knows who runs it, assuming it really is an organization, or even the name of a single member. Cicada 3301 is able to keep its reputation with so little information strictly because of the interesting scavenger hunt of sorts it has released for three years running. It all started on January 5, 2012 when a 4chan user posted a steganography clue on the “random” board. The image stated that Cicada 3301 was looking for “intelligent” people. In fact, the word used was “recruiting.” For what, no one has said and Cicada 3301 is certainly keeping it a secret. The image hid a clue that takes some level of specialized knowledge to find. It involved a Caesar cipher, which is pretty standard crypto, but the rest took at least some technical knowledge. From there, and in future puzzles, clues varied greatly in skill-set necessary for solving and even location. Some of the clues were in physical locations, making it necessary for people who could not reach the clues to use posts on the Internet to get further in the hunt. Moreover, some of the references in the clues are pop culture, literature and other non-tech topics. In fact, one might say Cicada 3301 is dropping literary references like a hipster in Starbucks. What knowledge of steam punk literature and classical music has to do with whatever Cicada 3301 is recruiting for is unknown. Some have touted the Cicada 3301 puzzles as unsolvable. This is not true. Several have solved the hunt and have allegedly received emails from the organization. Still, no one has come forward and stated what they were recruited to do, if anything. Judging by the puzzles, it is possible that Cicada 3301 is simply a cyber group like Anonymous. Kind of disappointing for those imagining they will get a job working with James Bond types at MI6 after solving the puzzles. Of course, there is also the possibility that it is really MI6, the CIA or a similar organization. Information security, cryptography and a number of other skills necessary to crack the puzzles offered by Cicada would be helpful to virtually any large organization, which makes it hard to discover who is behind it. In fact, this would not be the first time an organization used such tactics to recruit new members. We have to assume that Cicada succeeded on that front, as it stated that it found the people it needed after the first puzzle. It began all over again on January 5, 2013 and again on January 5, 2014, so it must be an ongoing recruitment effort. At this juncture, it is impossible to tell when these recruitment efforts from Cicada 3301 will stop, but that is not stopping people from looking forward to the next year’s puzzles. Even the possibility that the end of the rainbow just holds a bunch of nerds patting on each other on the back is not enough to deter potential “winners.” It may not be a very public honor, but it must be satisfying to know you have reached the end of one of the most famous puzzles in Internet history. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cicada_3301
  15. http://www.mediaboom.org/425771-cannibal-ox-blade-of-the-ronin-2015.html
  16. Talvi


    Liči da je bootleg neki, sve su te pesme već poznate od ranije
  17. Talvi


    normalno, ceo taj album je jebačina grlo sam odrao kad su je svirali ovde
  18. Majore, ima li taj film negde da se vidi/skine? tražio sam već više puta ali ništa
  19. mislim da je ovo najbolje mesto za te stvari na celom netu http://geisterstadt.tumblr.com/
  20. kakav Blasphemy worship ovde, mnogo jaka fora staviti ovo odmah na početak albuma
  21. Talvi

    Nader Sadek

    tek sad videh ovo, još u februaru objavljeno Travis Ryan, Martin Rygiel, Flo Mounier , and Rune Eriksen no longer wish to be associated with Nader Sadek and his project. The ongoing drama has intensified to a point where we have decided to focus our time on our other projects. Thanks for all your support in this past endeavor. kurčinela
  22. odeća u boji nije gothic country vidim da su na netu 20 dolara ove
  23. Zaista zamišljaš Davida kako osmišljava šarenu odeću? dobro je da će biti išta, WH i 16HP mercha generalno ima jako malo da se vidi i nadje
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