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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. The upcoming Secrets of the Moon album is called SUN. We thought it's time to announce it here before your favourite monthly metal magazine is doing it. Tracklist reads as follows: SUN No more colours - 8:31 min Dirty black - 7:01 min Man behind the sun - 6:30 min Hole - 6:45 min Here lies the sun - 6:59 min I took the sky away - 7:59 min Mark of cain - 8:58 SUN will be released later this year via Lupus Lounge/Prophecy Productions.
  2. haha da, ta stvar je neki party rock totalno, čak mi je i na mixtape dogurala
  3. Talvi


  4. što da ne treba kad smo kod njih, kakav vam je ovaj aktuelni Cruel Hand? mnogima je to bio skandal godine u hardkoru ali meni baš legao, skroz su naboli neki svoj izraz i zabavan je album jako
  5. 14 trejlera jebote zabranit ću ti internet, jebo te taj fejsbuk pizdarije poput tih sjebat će nam vezu
  6. http://www.kemptation.com/features/interview-laibach/
  7. Talvi


    DANZIG in LA recording studio yesterday with guitarist Tommy Victor & drummer Johnny Kelly laying down tracks for upcoming DANZIG record tentatively scheduled for late 2015 or early 2016 release. Not to be confused with the 'Covers' record, which is scheduled for a late Spring release, this will be the 1st all new material by DANZIG since 2010's 'Deth Red Sabaoth'. MOŽE
  8. Talvi


    nisam znao za ovo haha Jarno Elg is responsible for the most gruesome homicide in Finnish history. In 1975, Elg was born in Hyvinkää, Finland. As a child, he had a long history of violence towards animals. In one case, Elg killed a dog by duct taping it up and hitting it on a metal pipe. On November 21, 1998, Jarno Elg entered the house of an unnamed man and strangled him to death. He then continued to dissect the man, wrap his head in duct tape, and eat him with a group of accomplices. Elg had three accomplices and they took various body parts from the man and used them in a satanic ritual that included mutilating the victim while listening to The Cainian Chronicle album by Norwegian black metal band Ancient. The criminal investigation started when a dissected leg was found at a dump site, thus giving the name “dump site murder” to the case. Jarno Elg was tracked by the police and sentenced to life in prison for murdering a 23-year-old man and eating some of his body parts. The Hyvinkaa District Court in southern Finland sentenced accomplices Terhi Johanna Tervashonka , 17, to eight years and six months in prison and Mika Kristian Riska, 21, to two years and eight months. It was said that the three people “were strongly influenced by Satanism.”The court declared most of the details of the case sealed for 40 years. For this reason, only a limited amount of information is available.
  9. http://www.metalsucks.net/2015/03/17/cattle-decapitations-new-album-done-ready-decapitate-cattle/
  10. pa fora je što nisu prepoznavali ni bendove koje su obrađivali, tipa Possessed svakome u toj rubrici puštaju nešto što bi trebalo da prepozna, inače ne bi bilo zanimljivo
  11. iju naopako, ja tek sad vidim listu članova benda i gostiju, skida se odmah
  12. nema tu šta da bude nezasluženo, čista i regularna pobeda
  13. Talvi


  14. Talvi

    Judas Priest

  15. Talvi

    Peste Noire

    New full-lenght is ready, it will be out for the end of April/early May. AJMO
  16. samo ovaj Pantera tribjut <3
  17. ne, ja volim žene.
  18. stiglo http://www.mediaboom.org/425125-nightwish-endless-forms-most-beautiful-2015.html
  19. i ovaj uvod mnogo volim, sat vremena da ga vrtiš na gitari onako bez mozga haha
  20. samo ovako YOU CAN RUN BUT YOU'LL NEVER EEESCAAAAPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE i onda najbolji rif u istoriji benda
  21. ti više voliš kad su nabildovane muškarčine?
  22. Talvi


    hahaha odlično
  23. do jaja, na svakih nekoliko nedelja meni tako dođe pa se zapitam kad će Arghoslent opet nešto da uradi tako da će se i ovo overiti sigurno
  24. Talvi


    nemojmo se zajebavati, kad je Adler onako odlupao Protest The Hero album, Megadeth 2015 će odsvirati i unazad ako treba
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