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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Talvi


  2. Talvi


    13. jun
  3. na tu temu
  4. bog te jebo, 'ladno smo među najnormalnijima
  5. http://lambgoat.com/news/24206/Eyehategod-says-singers-mental-stability-an-issue
  6. hahahaha
  7. haha sećate se onih sokova u flašicama u obliku kašikare, iz klinačkih dana?
  8. http://www.yumetal.net/forum/user/4614-sandra-laureano/
  9. Talvi


    Season of Mist are proud to announce the signing of GEORGE KOLLIAS! The exceptional Greek drum progeny and NILE percussionist will release his solo album debut 'Invictus' through this label on the 18th of May 2015. Pre-sales will start soon. https://soundcloud.c...-teaser-unmixed
  10. kad smo kod toga, ova hrvatica na koju ste svi gore posvršavali je bila ovde na forumu godinama
  11. au, jes' loše ovo
  12. Talvi


    au sine
  13. super je ovo baš, pun kurac dobre svirke u svakoj pesmi
  14. obratite pažnju, domaća ekipa, dobro kidanje
  15. on se neće šišati sigurno UOPAAAAA
  16. za braću sa kantri teme
  17. Talvi


    http://steelforbrains.com/post/110543906002/the-sun-has-failed-a-conversation-with-marduk That reminds me of the Wovenhand cover you guys did. You’re fans of Edwards, I assume? The “Oil on Panel” was, in my mind, a brilliant cover of an already outstanding song. I got into his works back when he was still in 16 Horsepower, and I saw him play in Sweden, I think it was in 2003. He went and did a tour with only himself playing guitar and singing. That was so amazing, and I still get goosebumps thinking about it. Even though he stands for something completely different than me, I respect it because he does it with such a passion, and I can feel the conviction that he believes what he’s singing about. And it’s darker than a lot of extreme metal, and still there’s a lot of beauty. It’s a perfect aspect of music, and it’s a personality that I really admire. Next time I saw him was 2004. I remember I went to the venue which was an old theater, and there was just this small drumkit and amplifier, and I was like hell, how is this going to sound, but it sounded so great. What he creates with just this feeling, yeah, it’s something that I really love. I think I’ve seen him live six or seven times now. I’m just a huge admirer of him and the way he creates his music, and his respect for creating music out of the box. Just a strong mind, and that’s the kind of people that I appreciate. <3 super vjui na ovom steel for brains
  18. ja sam Srbin ali nisam Srbijanac, sisajte ga gedžovani
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