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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Jeff i Quorthon na istoj fotki, zaključajte metal
  2. Relapse Records is extremely proud to announce the signing of international punk/metal supergroup TAU CROSS. Comprised of a pedigree of musicians including Amebix vocalist/bassist Rob "The Baron" Miller, Voivod drummer Michel "Away" Langevin, Misery guitarist Jon Misery and War//Plague guitarist Andy Lefton,TAU CROSS formed in 2013 and recorded their debut album over several months in 2014 throughout three different countries. The record is slated for a late Spring release via Relapse. Rob Miller commented on the project saying "The music that evolved over this time is difficult to categorize, as there is clearly a lot of Amebix in the songwriting as well as some elements of gothic, Joy Division, Pink Floyd, Black Sabbath, Industrial and hard fucking old-school punk rock. This is an entirely original work that is the organic fusion of four unique people. We decided to let the songs form themselves around the original demos and allow people to bring themselves into the mix, to allow the bark to grow around the tree. We are all very proud of what we have achieved in this short time and looking forward to working together again as soon as time allows."
  3. Talvi

    BM noviteti

    jea http://www.mediaboom.org/423122-death-karma-the-history-of-death-burial-rituals-part-1-2015.html
  4. bio mali fudbal na RTV-u pa su pustili stariju epizodu, onu sa coktanjem
  5. gde se koje meso najviše ždere
  6. a mora i ovo, u odgovoru na post kojeg Descender gore citira:
  7. kompleksi su čudo
  8. uh što bih voleo da ostane The Wretched Spawn, to mi je jedna od naj njihovih IT WAS MADE TO KIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILL
  9. biće dogodine 5. godišnjica Illuda, možda padne turneja, ko zna
  10. sam si tražio odlučih se nekako, po trenutnom raspoloženju: The Thing Orion Damage, Inc. BLOOD WILL FOLLOW BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD gde su sad oni što im je Master mlitav album, da ih i kurcem i govnima hranim
  11. http://www.setlist.fm/setlist/cannibal-corpse/2015/the-fillmore-san-francisco-ca-13ca29c5.html Addicted To Vaginal Skin jeboteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  12. ali ZNAO SAM šta si napisao čim sam video tvoj post
  13. MH Concerts & Serbian Hellbangers ponosno predstavljaju: CANNIBAL CORPSE + gosti Live – 29. 07. 2015. Dom Omladine, Beograd – 20h Jedan od najbrutalnijih i najkontraverznijih metal bendova ikada, konačno se vraća u Beograd! Ako postoji bend o kome nije potrebno pisati posebne najave, onda su to sigurno Cannibal Corpse. Začetnici Brutal Death Metal pravca, bend koji nikada nije skrenuo sa svog zacrtanog puta, bend koji nikada nije poklekao pred bezbrojnim cenzurama i zabranama. Nakon dugo, dugo vremena fanovi brutalnog Death Metal zvuka imaju razlog za slavlje. Vidimo se u paklenoj šutki krajem jula \m/ ULAZNICE Uskoro sve inormacije o cenama i prodajnim mestima.
  14. hahaha AJMO
  15. Creeping Death - 23 Fade To Black - 16 Ride The Lightning - 15 The Call Of Ktulu - 12 Fight Fire With Fire - 11 For Whom The Bell Tolls - 11 Trapped Under Ice - 6 Escape - 5 idemo sad na Mastera pa ko živ ko mrtav sa izborom 3 pesme
  16. moglo bi ako su svi rekli šta su imali, namestiću malo kasnije
  17. >>>>> Harris
  18. Cliffu je rođendan danas, i zato
  19. smejem se već sat vremena
  20. nije ova cena nerealno visoka nego je cena za Slejer realno bila brutalno niska
  21. http://www.last.fm/event/4037450+Altar+Of+Plagues+-+Malthusian+-+Isra
  22. samo što Slejer ima mnogo više publike, otuda je i karta mogla biti jeftinija
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