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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. ima i ovo
  2. Dejvide mesijo, vodi me ka istini
  3. slušajte Enabler, u dupeta vas elitistička jebem NO FUTURE, NO FATE THERE'S NOTHING BUT THE LIVES WE MAKE
  4. možemo tako a možemo i od starta, kako god vam drago
  5. Talvi


    super stvar
  6. Billy peva na Merrimack obradi Depeche Mode-a, ne baš najočekivanija stvar ali eto
  7. ajmo Another Desire - 8 Sweetness - 7 The Fear - 6 Cruel One - 6 The Hour - 5 Gone - 5 Rape Of Virtue - 4 Laid to Waste - 3 Master of Misrule - 2 Morbid Existence / Drown in Darkness - 1 Internal Torment - 1 Languish - 1 Sway - 1 Nuclear Abomination - 0 Slave - 0 The Hour i Gone viteški podeliše 5. mesto pa obe idu dalje, ajmo na drugo
  8. Talvi

    BM noviteti

    obično smo na Nacht temi pričali o njemu, no može i tema
  9. https://soundcloud.com/profoundlorerecords/leviathan-all-tongues-toward
  10. Talvi


    au jebačine
  11. http://neurotrecordings.blogspot.com/2015/01/the-road-home-scott-kelly-solo-venture.html Munly
  12. http://www.mediaboom.org/421290-sanctuary-in-blasphemy-demo-1-demo.html Martyrdöd ekipa
  13. Talvi


  14. Talvi


    Below The Lights
  15. jebem li ga, nije naglašeno nigde evo nečega zanimljivog: Voting divides in Europe. See Poland and Romania in detail. The idea for this came from the American concept of “red states” and “blue states”. In Europe, things are obviously a little different. Each color on the map is the color of the relatively more dominant political party (or coalition, if political parties change unreliably). In Europe, red is typically the color of leftist or socialist coalitions, while blue is typically for right-of-center or populist parties. The boundaries on the map are largely based on the past 10-15 years of elections, although in many cases these patterns go back much longer. In some countries, voting patterns are not tied to political parties or coalitions. Countries with grey areas do not have ideologically-aligned regions, or have special circumstances. More specific information and details here. I am always looking for corrections/improvements! Edit: for all those commenting about the lack of a key, it’s in the subtitle. It would be useless and impractical to include every single major European political party on the map in a key. The emphasis in the map is on the shape itself, rather than the particular party’s name or even ideology.
  16. sudeći po otiscima krila, meni se više čini da su ih dvojica ljosnula
  17. normalno
  18. naravno da je super album nego, jeste videli ovo? Eric Andre challenged the band to perform on The Eric Andre Show wearing volume sensitive shock collars. And obviously Trash Talk agreed. And obviously the results are rad as fuck. Adult Swim even said 'Your move, Dillinger Escape Plan'. Shots fired.
  19. http://www.mediaboom.org/421217-northaunt-istid-i-ii-2015.html
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