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Deadboy & The Elephantmen - albumi, demosi, lajvovi i tako neke radosti
inače, mogao bi ovaj Dax i da snimi nešto novo umesto što samo svira po barovima već godinama
Jake iz Converge
Neil Young “Storytone” and “A Letter Home”
Stig C. Miller Solo Recordings
Sun Kil Moon “Benji”
Strand of Oaks “Heal”
Beck “Morning Phase”
Nocturnal Poisoning “Doomgrass”
Dawnbringer “Night Of The Hammer”
Triptykon “Melana Chasmata”
Godflesh “A World Only Lit By Fire”
At The Gates “At War With Reality”
Rollins Band “Life Time” Reissue
Death Reissues
Obituary “Inked in Blood”
Carcass “Surgical Remission / Surplus Steel”
Crowbar “Symmetry In Black”
Pig Destroyer “Mass and Volume”
Old Man Gloom “The Ape Of God”
Yautja “Songs of Descent”
Floor “Homegoings and Transitions”
Zola Jesus “Taiga”
Lana Del Rey “Ultraviolence”
Broughton’s Rules “Anechoic Horizon”
Thou “Heathen” and “Algiers”
Artificial Brain “Labyrinth Constellation”
Agalloch “The Serpent & The Sphere”
The Murder City Devils “The White Ghost...”
Yob “Clearing the Path to Ascend”
Nightfell “The Living Ever Mourn”
Boston Strangler “Fire”
Slapshot “Self Titled”
mislim da nas nema dovoljno za neko ozbiljnije glasanje, nisu Acidi toliko slušan bend ovde čini mi se
ali The Bones Of Baby Dolls je nešto najbolje ikad, uvek, svagda
Die Dead Enough
Tears In A Vial
Back In The Day
Something That I'm Not
Of Mice And Men
mada mi je Die Dead Enough baš onako za koplje ispred svih ostalih
pa kaže:
Dread And The Fugitive Mind - 18
Disconnect - 12
1000 Times Goodbye - 11
Promises - 7
Return To Hangar - 7
The World Needs A Hero - 6
Recipe For Hate... Warhorse - 5
Moto Psycho - 4
Burning Bridges - 4
When - 2
Losing My Senses - 1
Silent Scorn - 1
isto pitanje kao i za Slayer, hoćemo dalje ili u prošlost?