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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. bili su pre 15ak godina oni Pančevci Valhala, radili Dio/Sabbath, taj brat je bogami baš super pevao. peglali Heaven & Hell, Holy Diver, sve kvalitete nemam pojma rade li sad šta, 100 godina nisam čuo za njih
  2. ja radim u Excelu po ceo dan i koristim Libre
  3. Martin albumi su vrh dobro, mimo Forbidden
  4. dajte i Аффинаж kad je već bal
  5. ili uzmi LibreOffice 😄
  6. jel to Mengele na bubnju
  7. evo ga kod Beata
  8. kakav Dance of Death od omota bože sačuvaj
  9. And so the battle continues with Aamongandr, SATANIC WARMASTER's first studio full-length since 2014's acclaimed Fimbulwinter. Indeed, where that album evinced a diversity of songcraft and, more so, a concertedly polished aspect that majestically made that obsidian gleam, Aamongandr explores that duality with equally compelling results. In fact, with the album wasting no time in kicking into high gear, SATANIC WARMASTER sounds more urgent than ever - and yet, here is where the band's epic side is also revealed in full. Cryogenic and caressing is its melodicism, in the glare of burning torches, and deftly dusted with subtle synths that heighten the mysticism at the heart of the SW sound, Aamongandr's six songs charge forth with the grim grandiosity of mighty steeds; not for nothing is one of the album's highlights titled "Duke's Ride (Ride of the Spectral Hooves)." All told, this sixth long-form statement of intent is immediately recognizable as SATANIC WARMASTER but irrevocably proves that its creator's imagination continues to flow as infinitely as the Atlantean depths. 1. BAFOMET 2. DUKE’S RIDE 3. BERSERK DEATH 4. THE EYE OF SATAN 5. DARKNESS… TRIUMPHATOR 6. BARBAS X AAMON Cover artwork by Ken Kelly. Ken Kelly
  10. https://avantgardemusic.bandcamp.com/album/death-panacea
  11. ne znam da li je bio naš prevod, kod mene je na kutiji baš ovako pisalo 😄
  12. https://instagram.com/badmspaintmetalalbums?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  13. sad će garant opet Shortparis da dođu
  14. imao neko ove možda? 😄
  15. dobri su i ovde
  16. Diabolis Interium, ali me carski mrzi da crtam, neka preuzme neko drugi slobodno 😄
  17. i ja volim Believe dosta, I Am Nothing mi je bila prva PL stvar koju sam čuo (hvala 202jci) i dan-danas mi je prva asocijacija na Nickov glas 😄 a bogami i Symbol Of Life meni među omiljenima, sad mi baš ide Xavier, kakva obrada braćalice moje što se imena za ovaj projekat tiče, možda ove ostale iz benda malo zabole, kapiram da bi se bubnjar i ovaj ritam gitarista carski smarali na ovim pesmama 😄 ovako imaju punu slobodu da rade šta hoće bez da im iko kenja kao prošli put, što je uvek olakšanje
  18. među H3 fanovima više muškaraca ima velike sise nego žena
  19. meni su Radio i Diamant bile baš super na prošlom, nikako da overim ovaj novi mimo spotova
  20. tako je
  21. DS da vrati Zydar-a na avatar kad smo kod toga
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