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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Talvi


    hahaha kakva debilana, kome ovo treba? izgleda da je Billy baš zinuo na pare u poslednje vreme
  2. Hi, guys. We are saddened to announce that Kai won't be playing drums on the next Swallow the Sun release, or on upcoming tours. Kai's job with Nightwish will take so much of his time, at least for the next couple of years, that we all have agreed that from now on it is better for the amazing Juuso Raatikainen to take on the drums officially. Kai is our brother, and will always be a member of Swallow the Sun, so he has not been kicked out, nor has he resigned, but now we have Juuso on board as well – no drama or other bullshit, just a bigger family. Then, some better news: hopefully, we'll soon be able to reveal you massive news about the next chapter of Swallow the Sun's gloomy path. The music for the next Swallow the Sun release has been ready for over a year, but we are going to release something so huge, that to make this happen the negotiations with Spinefarm have also taken a year. We are very close to getting into an agreement on both sides, and then we can, finally, enter the studio. This is something that not many bands have ever done before – not in Finland, and not often in the whole world – but, until we get the green light to hit the studio and start recording this opus, the secret will hold. Godspeed
  3. Talvi

    Peste Noire

    spot godine
  4. Talvi


    kad smo kod završetaka, poslednji minut Vučice nije sa ovog sveta
  5. Talvi

    Angry Birds

  6. Talvi


    ajde, neka bude onda "volim devedesete" stajl Sex, Murder, Art Dittohead Divine Intervention SS-3 213 mada mi je i Mind Control tu negde zbog prefinog rifa, ali današnje raspoloženje ovakvo
  7. znam da si se ložio na neke po forumu
  8. dajte sliku onih njegovih zlatnih patika
  9. nešto malo svežije, ali ipak teški blast from the past
  10. svršoteka
  11. i naravno http://www.merchconnectioninc.com/collections/every-time-i-die
  12. Talvi


    totalno ste složni mada realno, ni sam ne znam odakle početi sa Slayer glasanjima haha
  13. sve Converge maje su pizdarija, ova mi je najjača koliko je jednostavna a razbija http://eu.kingsroadmerch.com/converge/view/?id=5084&cid=1053
  14. Talvi


    može, šta ćemo prvo?
  15. Talvi


    otprilike, traje dok ne vidimo da se broj glasova više ne mrda
  16. Talvi


    Into The Infernal... je na identičan fazon urađen, podjednako sjajan
  18. Talvi


    ajde evo sad ću CW i samo da ozvaničimo: Blood Of Heroes - 16 A Tout Le Monde - 15 Addicted To Chaos - 14 Reckoning Day - 10 Family Tree - 9 The Killing Road - 7 I Thought I Knew It All - 7 Train of Consequences - 5 Elysian Fields - 5 Victory - 5 Youthanasia - 4 Black Curtains - 3 moji glasovi: She-Wolf Trust A Secret Place Use The Man Almost Honest
  19. prvo polufinale gotovo: Turn The Page - 15 Mercyful Fate - 15 Astronomy - 14 Loverman - 10 Die, Die My Darling - 9 Sabbra Cadabra - 7 Whiskey In The Jar - 6 Tuesday's Gone - 5 It's Electric - 4 Free Speech For The Dumb - 3 The More I See - 3 sad ćemo i na drugo poslednje dve su spojene jer ovo govno dozvoljava max 15 izbora pa jbg onda
  20. počnite ne vidim regularan link još uvek nigde inače očekivano je super album, vedar i opušten najvećim delom. uslovno rečeno mračniji momenti su "Malo je", "Venecija tone" i već poznata "Sutra ćemo pričati", ostatak albuma je baš vedrina. i sad sam skontao da je letos u Bitefu pevao refren "Malo je" preko kraja "Arome Satanice", posle onog dela "Sada je tako sve dok ne bude drugačije", do jaja se uklopilo. "Priđi mi bliže" je koncertni hit u najavi dakle, sve je super, sve lepo teče i super je album baš
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