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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Phil and Guy talking about the new side project! Siiiiiiiickkkkkk
  2. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/08/28/david-lynch-on-transcendental-meditation-true-detective-and-collaborating-with-kanye-west.html
  3. naslov/omot godine http://www.mediaboom.org/413748-barrel-cacti-the-battle-of-the-cactus-and-the-lobster-2014.html
  4. Talvi

    Peste Noire

  5. dobrih li rifova ovde http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WISGmsEYcw4
  6. Talvi


    ja bih voleo da mu ga daju po nekom maksimalno zamislivom fenseraju
  7. http://rtv.rs/sr_lat/magazin/arhivatori-pozivaju-na-druzenje_513951.html
  8. Talvi


  9. jebigica, dovoljno mi je da uporedim ovu i "Of Fire, And Fucking Pigs" i već mi nisu u istoj liniji po kvalitetu, a ona je recimo sasvim opravdano bila za uspaljivanje kad je izašla
  10. standardna AN stvar, okej je skroz ali ne vidim čemu baš tolika uspaljenost rekao bih da je ova
  11. Talvi


    koilko je meni sjajna ova Til Valhallar, kako ju je lik carski izurlao
  12. e sranja, sad videh da im je umro bubnjar pre neki dan. RIP
  13. Talvi


    "Satyricon will now shift its attention towards the writing of a new album, re-editing the footage from the «Live at the Opera» live album/DVD and another project that will be announced at a later stage."
  14. Talvi


  15. hvala kurcu za gruv, previše bi bilo da su još jedan album izdali bez da izbace iz pete malo
  16. Talvi


  17. Talvi


    evo stigao i album http://www.stereogum.com/1701478/stream-krieg-transient-stereogum-premiere/mp3s/album-stream/
  18. koliko loš overdub btw nisam im nešto gledao video snimke još od onih audicija za bubnjara pa mi je promakao trenutak kad se Mangini pretvorio u babu
  19. opet ja i BRMC
  20. Talvi

    Blut aus Nord

    ovo nova Arkona?
  21. Talvi

    BM noviteti

  22. zato što ne znam da li ću biti živ u to vreme, a kamoli hoću li imati vremena i para
  23. na kraju će vas otići dvojica, trojica u vrh glave
  24. DE STE PIČKE http://www.revolvermag.com/news/dave-grohl-touted-hardcore-outfit-baptists-premiere-new-song-harm-induction.html
  25. Eagerly awaited by an army of fans fascinated by the mythical albums "Vilosophe" (2003) and "How The World Came To An End" (2007), the artwork and full tracklisting of Manes’ upcoming new album, "Be All End All", are now revealed. The new masterpiece of the Norwegian legends, is not a simple sequel... this extraodinary release marks, once again, a new step forward along an incredible path of artistic exploration. "Be All End All", which is probably their most experimental and ambitious work yet, is an unforgettable journey into a wide variety of musical styles and moods, and, as always with MANES, it displays fantastic and graceful songwriting. The conceptual visual art was realized and conceived by Ashkan Honarvar and can be seen here. The track listing is as follows : 01. A Deathpact Most Imminent 02. Ars Moriendi (The Lower Crown) 03. A Safe Place In The Unsafe 04. Blanket Of Ashes 05. Broken Fire 06. Free As In Free To Leave 07. Name The Serpent 08. The Nature And Function Of Sacrifice 09. Turn The Streams If the return of MANES is the most exciting musical news of the past few months, this new masterpiece is without any doubt the most exciting release of this year ! This impressive piece of Stellar Avant Garde Music will be available on October 10th in Digipack CD, Gatefold 12" LP and digital download version. A special CD edition in a pyramid-shaped packaging will also be available in limited edition.
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