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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. je l' ono bio svojevremeno neki doom/death/šta li bend koji se zvao Musaka?
  2. The time has come, ye bretheren and sisters! NINE GRAVES available now through Sepulchral Voice Records and Ván Records! http://www.sepulchralvoice.de/ http://www.van-records.de/
  3. a o ovakvom gruvu ja pričam:
  4. već smo im očitali litaniju noćas na njihovoj temi
  5. aj da malo začinimo, dajte neke CC favorite iz senke onaj delić na 0:14 >>>>>
  6. super je i meni bio onaj prošli ali daj samo malo da izbace iz brzine i daju mu ga po gruvu kao na The Wretched Spawn pa da dobijemo albumčinu da sve zvoni
  7. pa to u suštini, nije da i dosad nisu sve radili iznenada
  8. we are now at our best and so Death Grips is over. we have officially stopped. all currently scheduled live dates are canceled. our upcoming double album "the powers that b" will still be delivered worldwide later this year via Harvest/Third Worlds Records. Death Grips was and always has been a conceptual art exhibition anchored by sound and vision. above and beyond a "band". to our truest fans, please stay legend. wut
  9. http://www.mediaboom.org/411364-october-falls-kaarna-2014.html
  10. Talvi

    Sunn O)))

  11. Talvi


    The new record is entitled "Deathless" and it is set for a fall release. Tom Strom did the artwork for it and it's absolutely incredible! We'll be revealing more info as the summer progresses, stay tuned!
  12. Talvi


    ja ne znam zašto ljudi misle da su u Exodusu pevači toliko uticali na stil svirke pa da će i ovo sad doneti neki zaokret. nešto mislim da bi ovi noviji Exodus albumi bili istog stila i da ih je Zetro pevao, i da bi Tempo bio isti onakav da su Dukesa našli ranije
  13. je l' se spominjalo? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2332831/
  14. Talvi


    nije kačen ovaj japanac sa bonusima? http://www.mediaboom.org/411322-agalloch-the-serpent-the-sphere-japan-edition-2014.html
  15. ali jebote hahahahahah
  16. a u Švedskoj sa Morbus Chron
  17. hahahah jebote
  18. 'de ste pičke, evo nova Martyrdod stvar http://www.terrorize...vely-terrorizer
  19. imam ja drugara koji je ekspert, spojim te na fejsu ako hoćeš
  20. momak, baš si nezgodan ko vagine suhe
  21. TO BRE ajmo sad i u kontra smeru
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