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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. a i Crnoj Gori
  2. http://www.mediaboom.org/410029-uriah-heep-outsider-2014.html
  3. http://www.terrorizer.com/news/streams/stream-new-primitive-man-hessian-split-full-exclusively-terrorizer
  4. Talvi


    ja ne bih nešto puno očekivao growl od Mikaela više, generalno
  5. 4:29 - mladi Fernando
  6. haha vrh baš dugo nisam obrnuo ovaj poslednji, moglo bi se
  7. Talvi


    verujem da je kuruz hteo ovo da okači
  8. do jaja
  9. Talvi


  10. ma u suštini je i meni Maxa žao, nego me prosto nervira koliko lik ne može da se pokupi sam sa sobom već jednom jbg
  11. gde nije Hypo popularniji
  12. hajp pred Sepulturu jbg
  13. jebote koliki je Max i na šta liči Greg šmekerčina
  14. najjači komentar
  15. Talvi

    BM noviteti

    BLOOD OF KINGU, another creative outlet of DRUDKH mastermind Roman Sayenko, have announced a new album! The Ukrainian band’s third full-length will be entitled ‘Dark Star on the Right Horn of the Crescent Moon’ and has been scheduled for an August 29th release. BLOOD OF KINGU is dedicated to ancient mythologies - mostly of Mesopotamia, the birth place of human urban civilisation between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates. This includes the bronze age cultures of Sumer, Akkadia, Babylonia, and Assyria until the coming of Indo-Iranian people during the iron age. DRUDKH drummer Vlad joined BLOOD OF KINGU as keyboardist/ timpani player. The cover artwork and track list of entitled ‘Dark Star on the Right Horn of the Crescent Moon’ will be unveiled within a couple weeks, simultaneously with the start of pre-orders on the Season of Mist e-shop.
  16. hahaha ma kako da ne gde vi živite jebote, daj malo realnosti
  17. http://www.metalsucks.net/2014/06/04/acid-bath-seek-new-vocalist/ hahahahahahah pa ovo će da bude najveća kurčina od reuniona u istoriji
  18. http://www.terrorizer.com/news/streams/cannabis-corpse-premiere-individual-pot-patterns-exclusively-terrorizer
  19. Talvi


    https://www.facebook.com/nekronikon/media_set?set=a.10203040652600598.1073741835.1333725269&type=3 lud čovek
  20. slušao sam onu gde su TT obradili TON, ostale nisam
  21. sta ga boli kurac kad su FF vec odavno stadionski bend, moze mu se na kraju krajeva, pare, limuzine, kurve i bazeni su isto rnr
  22. pašće neka turneja sa Soulfly, Max živi u njihovoj majici u poslednje vreme što realno ne bi bilo loše, onda bismo ih i mi videli nova ACxDC stvar: http://www.cvltnation.com/cvlt-nation-exclusive-track-premiere-acxdc-paid-in-full/ nisam ni skontao da prolaze blizu u julu: Jul 15 – Zagreb, Croatia @ Klub Attack Jul 16 – Budapest, Hungary @ Gozsdu Mano
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