It is with terrible sadness, that I must announce that Takafumi Matsubara is putting down his guitar and stepping away from music, likely forever. Approximately one month ago, Takafumi was hospitalized and doctors discovered he had a serious infection/inflammation in his brain. While the immediate danger has passed and Takafumi is out of the hospital, he has lost significant dexterity and control of his left hand, including the complete paralysis of his middle finger.
As of today, Takafumi has permanently stepped down as lead guitar from Corrupted and Mortalized. There is a small chance of recovery through physical rehabilitation and extended medical treatment, but Doctor's were not positive about his ability to play guitar again.
The Gridlink album "Longhena" will likely be his last work. He would like to extend his warmest regards to the artists that he was able to work with over the years and people he met through the band.
Jon Chang
kapiram da je i možda prvoaprilska forica, ali mi zvuči previše precizno za zajebanciju, ne'm pojma