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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Talvi


    meni ovo po zvuku više za sludge nego za black
  2. ha, a preksinoć se zapitah odnekud šta bi sa tom obradom, kako sam je iskusno prizvao
  3. - "Ne pištoljem!" - "E, jebiga!" :haha:
  4. pa šta si očekivala, neki The Witcher nivo zapleta? skidam i ja, opikaće se za vikend malo
  5. “Villagers of Ioannina City” (or -V.I.C-) it’s a folk/psychedelic/rock band from Ioannina City (Greece). They play a unique kind of stoner/psychedelic rock with a 70’s attitude by combining it with a healthy dose of greek folk traditional music from the regions of Epirus. The region’s musical tradition is characterized by polyphony and the use of clarinet. Simply put, the band fuses traditional music with modern psychedelic forms, creating a unique sound. In 2010 they released a 6 track promo. After 4 years, in April 2014 they released their debut full length, titled “riza” (meaning root in Greek), available as a no-minimum download on their bandcamp and in physical formats. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDW82mf_PX4 http://vicband.bandcamp.com/ :smajlikojilomitanjire:
  6. Talvi


    German thrash metal heroes TANKARD just revealed the album cover for their upcoming new album „R.I.B.“. The artwork was brought to life by Patrick Strogulski, who is a student of Sebastian Krüger, the former TANKARD cover artist. Mastermind Gerre states: „R.I.B. continues the story of Chemical Invasion. The crazy professor is back to take revenge on mankind, because he failed in 1987! The cover is done again by Patrick Strogulski, an apprentice of Sebastian Krüger and really hits the spot! As always with Tankard, things shouldn’t be taken too seriously!” The band also released the “R.I.B.” track listing: 01. War Cry 02. Fooled By Your Guts 03. R.I.B. (Rest In Beer) 04. Riders Of The Doom 05. Hope Can’t Die 06. No One Hit Wonder 07. Breakfast for Champions 08. Enemy Of Order 09. Clockwise To Deadline 10. The Party Ain’t Over ‘Til We Say So
  7. Current Ephel Duath vocalist (and ex-Crisis frontwoman) Karyn Crisis has just started a Kickstarter campaign to fund her upcoming project Gospel Of The Witches, featuring Ephel Duath mastermind Davide Tiso on guitar and bass, Intronaut's Danny Walker on drums, and Immolation's Ross Dolan on vocals. koji kombo
  8. Cannabis Corpse (Official) announced ‘From Wisdom to Baked’ as the title of their forthcoming new album. The American death metal powerhouse’s fifth opus will hit the stores on June 20th (June 24th in North America).
  9. ne znam kako da ti ovo kažem, ali ti sam si već okačio taj drugi gif na prošloj strani
  10. kao što već rekoh jednom, svaka Converge live fotka je bogovska http://www.last.fm/music/Converge/+images/82058689
  11. Talvi


    hahah moguće
  12. Fatstreet Boys
  13. Talvi


    It is with terrible sadness, that I must announce that Takafumi Matsubara is putting down his guitar and stepping away from music, likely forever. Approximately one month ago, Takafumi was hospitalized and doctors discovered he had a serious infection/inflammation in his brain. While the immediate danger has passed and Takafumi is out of the hospital, he has lost significant dexterity and control of his left hand, including the complete paralysis of his middle finger. As of today, Takafumi has permanently stepped down as lead guitar from Corrupted and Mortalized. There is a small chance of recovery through physical rehabilitation and extended medical treatment, but Doctor's were not positive about his ability to play guitar again. The Gridlink album "Longhena" will likely be his last work. He would like to extend his warmest regards to the artists that he was able to work with over the years and people he met through the band. Jon Chang kapiram da je i možda prvoaprilska forica, ali mi zvuči previše precizno za zajebanciju, ne'm pojma
  14. i kod mene isti problem, taman na proleće izašlo, a mene piče samo neke brzine, bitovi i energija
  15. ^ brate, fejk vest jebote to na slici je mali kengur
  16. uuu, to je vrh cert
  17. http://www.avclub.com/article/hear-heavy-new-song-steve-brooks-reborn-pre-torche-202772
  18. je l' se pojavio bolji rip? mislim, ja sam daleko od probirljivog po tom pitanju, ali jebem mu mater, 96 kbps
  19. ahahahaha The Tiger Lillies uradili TV reklamu za mleko http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-PfqVlBUuQ
  20. haha koji kurac ovo sa vodom
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