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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. meni su betsi suviše opušteni i nekako zajebanti da budu pod ovim tagom, entombedcore je samo mržnja, crnilo i satana
  2. brate zašto njih ovde, niđe veze nikakve
  3. YAITW http://www.last.fm/music/Young+and+in+the+Way/+images/79876647
  4. http://www.mediaboom.org/405029-nocturnal-breed-napalm-nights-2014.html
  5. Talvi


    malo novosti: Asphyx March 14 ASPHYX update: yesterday ASPHYX completed 3 new tracks who are pretty much destroying just about everything in this world when it comes to absolute heaviness.The tracks will be recorded next month and 2 of them will be used for the split ep with Swedish Torture Division(finally). Asphyx March 17 ASPHYX update: Asphyx founding member drummer Bob Bagchus will not longer be playing in Asphyx since he needs more time with his family.His duties will be taken over by Stefan Hüskes,who is a longtime friend from the band.We wish Bob and his family all the best.Thanx for the great years of brutality,doom & death! Bob:I like to thank all of our fans worldwide for the great,great support and dedication! One thing that needs to be said,just to avoid any confusion,is that I also wanted Asphyx to continue like we did the past 7 years.I will still do the upcoming studiorecording for the split with Torture Division and I will be still involved in band related matters.
  6. to nije guilty pleasure, to je remek-delo
  7. Talvi


  8. zabavna su oba dela, obično drugi delovi takvih stvari popuše ali ovaj je dobro osmišljen
  9. na 0:48 sam počeo da pevam DAAANCIIING WITH TEARS IN MY EEEEYES realno među tim poznatijim pevaljkama nisu mogli izabrati bolju zamenu od Alise, ova pesma mi je meh ali čekam da stigne cela stvar pa da vidimo šta i kako
  10. http://dugpa.com/countdown.html
  11. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/03/20/fred-phelps-dead_n_5000577.html
  12. uuuu može
  13. nisam imao pojma da je ovaj Yeung svirao sa Henkom nazad u danu
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uw8ii3w1j9g jebem ti, kako opraše
  15. Talvi


    1. Watcher 2. Psywar 3. Trinity 4. Pandaemon 5. Mylab 6. Six Seconds 7. Throne of Time 8. Corpse of Care 9. Posthuman 10. Aion Suntalia
  16. a šta ću, psiho sam a i novi album mi je baš super pa hoću to i uživo da čujem
  17. pazarih kartu danas, i za ovo i za Sepulturu AJMO MALO HAJPA, JOŠ 4 NEDELJE BOG VAS JEB'O
  18. simpatičan kombo ali meni preblizu Lajbaha jbg
  19. ancient metalhead fatality
  20. ćao http://www.mediaboom.org/405662-johnny-cash-out-among-the-stars-2014.html
  21. YAITW “When Life Comes To Death” album specifics revealed, in stores 05/27 on Deathwish In stores May 27th. Pre-ordering information will be posted shortly. YAITW (Young and in the Way) are a blackened metal/crust hybrid from the shadows of North Carolina. Over the last four years YAITW have evolved through multiple releases from vicious monster to multi-headed beast. With each offering melding a vicious metal speed and hypnotic atmospherics with a bleak hardcore/punk spirit. "When Life Comes To Death" is the newest album from YAITW. It is their eleven song war between the pain of living and the magnetic pull of death. Each song is as dispirited and vitriolic as the next. Embattled opener "Betrayed By Light" emerges from darkness first, setting an ominous tone with haunting buzz-saw guitars, vicious vocals, and crushing d-beat drumming. While YAITW embrace demon speed and emotional dynamics in nihilistic hymns "Be My Blood", "Take My Hand", "We Are Nothing", and more. All leading to closers "Shadow of Murder" and "Embrace Extinction", that together play as an aural eclipse of truly epic proportions. Track Listing: 01. Betrayed By Light 02. Fuck This Life 03. Be My Blood 04. Self Inflicted 05. Loved and Unwanted 06. We Are Nothing 07. Final Dose 08. Weep In My Dust 09. Take My Hand 10. Shadow Of Murder 11. Embrace Extinction www.deathwishinc.com www.facebook.com/YAITW
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