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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. On Saturday 20th September gothic metallers Paradise Lost will be performing at an exclusive show in the magnificent Roman theatre in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. For the one off event the band will be joined by the renowned Plovdiv Philharmonic Orchestra founded nearly 70 years ago and made up of over 100 highly qualified musicians. The orchestra has its roots in the hundred year old orchestral tradition in Plovdiv and over the years has launched the careers of many world-famous conductors. The prestigious evening will be promoted by the Bulgarian independent radio station Radio Tangra Mega Rock and orchestrated by conductor Levon Manukyan who wrote the first metal ballet and is the founder of the Levon Manukyan Collegium Musicum orchestra. During his career Levon has previously given the classical treatment to rock and metal works by Marilyn Manson, Alice Cooper, Dream Theater, AC/DC, Evanescence, Guns’n’Roses, Kiss, Led Zeppelin, Nirvana and Judas Priest, and worked with world-famous soloists including ex-Nightwish vocalist Tarja Turunen. “We have recorded elements of orchestration many times in the studio over the last two decades, as many of our songs lend themselves well to classical arrangement. However, we have never before had the chance to play with a real orchestra in a live situation, so it’s very exciting to have the opportunity to play with Plovdiv Philharmonic and in such a prestigious location as the Roman theatre" This event will mark a key milestone in PARADISE LOST’s, already esteemed, career as they make their first ever performance accompanied by a full live orchestra.
  2. pa ništa to ne znači. uzmeš recimo 128 fajl i šatro ga "transkoduješ" u 320 - plejer pokazuje to, ali kvalitet ostaje slabiji
  3. ti nikad nisi čuo za transcode?
  4. super je album, vaistinu
  5. http://www.decibelmagazine.com/featured/killing-is-my-business-booking-agents-nathan-carson-dave-shapiro/
  6. Talvi


    ako je ijedan bend na svetu naviknut na incidente, Mayhem su na stranu to, sumanuto je misliti da neko ne bi hteo da dođe jer su mu na prošlom certu upalili svetla. sve dok im je plaćeno sviraće i meni u sobi ako zatreba
  7. Talvi


    ti k'o da si se juče registrovao ovde
  8. "ma dobro iz Zrenjanina, nego odakle su tvoji, da kažem, stvarno odakle su?" :haha:
  9. 19. april ZG, 20. april Pešta
  10. doomhammer i pudlica samo na yumetalu
  11. Talvi


    samo mašinica i goatee, Anselmo stajl
  12. Talvi


    ja se spičio na kečinu baš nedavno, KUD GOD DA KRENEM TEBI SE VRAĆAM PONOVOOOOO
  13. Talvi


    svi bismo bili u šoku
  14. ahahahahahah Danica boginja
  15. i dalje sam najbrži revolveraš u gradu
  16. On May 12th in Europe and on May 13th in North America, VALLENFYRE’s second full-length, Splinters, will be released via Century Media Records. The simple, yet striking cover artwork was created by Brian D’Agosta, who previously drew a logo for VALLENFYRE bassist Scoot’s other band, EXTINCTION OF MANKIND, as well as artwork for many other bands. For a first preview of Splinters, a video trailer featuring part of the album’s opening track, “Scabs”, can be viewed here:
  17. evo kad je objavljen RC cert živo me je bilo briga gde će biti, znao sam da idem, i evo u Gun-u je skrnavom i zabole me, idem valjda imamo različite poglede na to šta tražimo od certa, meni samo neka je teferič, ne zanimaju me zvučne finese
  18. nikakvi kvlt momenti, samo mi je ne razmaženo nego urnebesno propuštati cert sjajnog svetskog benda kojeg ćeš u Srbiji videti sad pa ko zna kad (ako ikad) jer ne sviraju na Kališu nego na Ušću, moš misliti
  19. gledao bih Kvinse da u poljskom wc-u sviraju, koga zabole što je Ušće
  20. izbaciš "s" iz "https"
  21. prizvasmo ih:
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