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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Talvi


    je l' baš njegov ili samo pozira? jer mi je to slikanje pored kola koja nisu tvoja uvek bilo jedna od najtužnijih i najsocijalnijih stvari ikad
  2. Talvi


    Tuska potvrđena http://www.tuska-festival.fi/en/ jebem im mater, Neurosis i Emperor na istom festu i još gomila klase
  3. sisajte kurac, došao sam baš da vidim je li Gehenna leakovala
  4. Three years after the release of “Khaos Legions” and their most successful world tour so far, the extreme metal icon, ARCH ENEMY, starts mixing their 9th studio album with Jens Bogren (Opeth, Paradise Lost, Kreator) at Fascination Street in Sweden. Michael Amott (guitar): “We’ve been producing ourselves, as we did on “Khaos Legions”. We have a clear vision of what we want ARCH ENEMY to sound like and we can actually achieve it without the help of outside producers, we also have the advantage of having two talented sound engineers among our ranks in Daniel Erlandsson (drums) and Nick Cordle (guitar). We’ve been tracking at a few different studios here in Sweden, the drums at Fascination Street Studio and guitars and bass in another room. We just finished vocals in a third studio with engineer Staffan Karlsson (“Khaos Legions”) and the mix and mastering will done by Jens Bogren at his Fascination Street mixing facility. Musically, this album is going a few places we haven’t visited before. As our fans have come expect, our albums have all had their own vibe and “War Eternal” will leave its own mark. Lyrically it's a much more personal record and I feel the songs have more dynamics and depth than ever before, the songs are loaded with strong and vicious metal drenched in tons of melody and emotion. All the trademarks of Arch Enemy are present, just more in your face and turned up to 11”. The new album will be titled “War Eternal”. Michael explains: “A lot of times life is a struggle, a war against what I like to call “mental chains” in society that try to prevent you from living life the way you want, trying to stop you from making your dreams come true. I have always resented that and I always will. The title sums up our collective attitude a band as well; stages will be destroyed, eardrums will bleed. There will be no choice. This, ladies and gentlemen, is War Eternal...” ARCH ENEMY will debut new material on a short East European tour before the album comes out in early June 2014, this will be followed by an extensive run of European summer festivals including world famous Sweden Rock, Wacken and many more. North America will see the band in fall/winter 2014 for a full headline tour, as will Europe and the UK. Arch Enemy will once again tour nearly every corner of this world to spread the sound of War Eternal! Stay tuned for more news from the headquarters.
  5. ćao niste svesni kakva blaga propuštate ako ne hvatate rumunsku tv
  6. od 59 zajedničkih - 40 veprova, ovo ostalo normalne žene. ne znam o čemu govoriš
  7. jebo te bog
  8. http://www.metalsucks.net/2014/03/03/every-time-die-converge-kurt-ballou/ kako će ovo da dere guzove, žurka godine u najavi
  9. nije omot, ali jebo te bog koliko je dobro
  10. Talvi

    BM noviteti

    LIKSJÖNS DRICKARE The upcoming Death Wolf 7" has been mastered and layout is currently being assembled. We here bring you the track list. The ep turned out to be vocally performed in Swedish language, but that will not be the case on the coming full-length album. So here is the track list. Layout and release info will be unveiled shortly... 1. Sotdöd/Soot death 2. Svart Solsken/Black Sunlight 3. Liksjöns drickare/Drinker Of The Corpse Lake DERI
  11. evo, test - ne znam kako mi ti onda iskočiš kao "mutual friend" sa pola klinki ovde https://www.facebook.com/events/200750980117552
  12. tvoje jutjub metalke od 17 godina su malo uža populacija od svih Amorphis fanova na svetu
  13. pa mišljenje ti je sumanuto ako misliš da je ta stvar voršipovanija od Black Winter Day, My Kantele i ostalih matorih kultova
  14. pre će biti da je bis sasvim prilagođen većini publike jbg
  15. pa dobro, ni ne očekujem to, ali već ima 5 godina od prošlog a nije da je bio zauzet drugom muzikom nešto mnogo poslednjih godina
  16. a i onaj Galder zaspao sa Old Man's Child-om jebem ga, kolektivna hibernacija kod njih izgleda
  17. kad već pričamo o pesmama, meni je ova stvar prva asocijacija na Dimmu: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7x5tr0zCLE
  18. jebite se, slušaju mi se sad nego, šta bi sa Mustisom na kraju, batalio?
  19. ne mogu se oteti utisku da su ovi u malo dubljem i višeslojnijem kanalu od samog odnosa sa izdavačem.
  20. a šta znam, meni je ova lista ni tamo ni 'vamo. ono, meni se poslednja dva albuma ne sviđaju (sem naslovne sa Beginning i još ponekog momenta), bukvalno bilo koju drugu stvar sa Skyforger-a bih stavio umesto Sampo i Silver Bride, sa Eclipse-a bih takođe svaku drugu uglavio umesto Two Moons, ali ove ostale stvari su mi ipak preveliki kultovi da tek tako ostanem hladna srca kad vidim da će se svirati ovde jebiga, da sam manja beda dovukao bih se nekako da ispoštujem ovo, ali ovako ipak moram ostaviti RC na vrhu liste prioriteta
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