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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Talvi


    naravno da ne, watermark jbg inače, pesma:
  2. Talvi


    op op stigao mi singl, aj da čujemo i ovu drugu stvar
  3. Wovenhand "Refractory Obdurate" 12"LP/CD details revealed, in stores April 29th Brought to you by a partnership of Deathwish and Glitterhouse Records, release dates are as follows: April 29th: Deathwish Release Date (World) April 25th: Glitterhouse Release Date (Europe) "Refractory Obdurate" is the latest album from Wovenhand. Joining David on this album are longtime percussionist Ordy Garrison, along with musicians Chuck French and Neil Keener (Planes Mistaken For Stars, Git Some). "Refractory Obdurate" is a moving masterwork that shows Wovenhand exploring louder roots hinted at on prior albums. As they maintain their melodious course, "Good Shepherd", "Field of Hedon", and "Hiss", stomp forth with a newly amplified punk rock heart. While "The Refractory", "Salome", and "Obdurate Obscura" each ascend epically into a multi-layered haze. Ten songs in all, "Refractory Obdurate" plays as a beautifully crafted patchwork that transcends genres and expectation; a true artistic achievement, that only Wovenhand could offer. Track Listing: 01. Corsicana Clip 02. Masonic Youth 03. The Refractory 04. Good Shepherd 05. Salome 06. King David 07. Field of Hedon 08. Obdurate Obscura 09. Hiss 10. El-bow JEBI DAVIDE
  4. prošli je ipak bio bolji
  5. taj Amenra/Oathbreaker na kraju ispade striktno zapadnoevropska turneja, bar zasad, ja ne videh nikakvu objavu da makar i blizu ovih krajeva dolaze
  6. Talvi


    ja isprva pomislh da je
  8. kad se sad na Rotting Christ certu okupi forumska intelektualna elita to će gospodski da bude sve, Jare neka se šutira sa decom u prvim redovima ako hoće
  9. Talvi

    BM noviteti

    On May 23rd (May 27th in North America), Season of Mist will release a special compilation entitled ‘One And All, Together, For Home’. Initiated by DRUDKH main man Roman Sayenko, this project consists of established bands from the metal world recording folk and mostly acoustic songs. Here is the list of bands which will appear on ‘One And All, Together, For Home’: PRIMORDIAL (Ireland) DRUDKH (Ukraine) AVA INFERI (Portugal) KAMPFAR (Norway) WINTERFYLLETH (England) HÄIVE (Finland) HIMINBJORG (France) MONDVOLLAND (Netherlands) Every band recorded one to three tracks, all exclusive and previously unreleased. While most of them are renditions of traditional tunes from their respective countries, some of them are genuinely personal material. Song titles, cover artwork and available formats will be unveiled later.
  10. Pictured here is our drummer L.G. with the producer Rob Shallcross at studio "Downe Under" in city of Abbotsford BC, Canada. Three days ago, recording of our new album entitled NEKROZA has begun! All drum tracks have successfully been recorded; we are definitely ready for our next steps, all of which we will keep you updated in days and weeks to come. Stay tuned!
  11. ne bi mi se nešto gledali Amoni posle dva teška mediokriteta od albuma, 2009. je bila žurka za sve pare ali verujem da sad ne bi bilo tako dobro
  12. auuuuu može, savršeno
  13. valjda se odrekao hrišćanstva lik pre koju godinu
  14. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA koji si ti bog
  15. Talvi


  16. koga zabole, to se iskulira ispred ako ne valja a onda se gospodski uđe i izgubi glava na glavnom jelu
  18. phahahahah samo mi to treba pored svih koncerata ove sezone
  19. Talvi


    FINE 2 AL FOG :haha: kopam ova blaga odavde, najbolja stranica ikad: https://www.facebook.com/BlackDeathNostalgia
  20. Talvi

    Rotting Christ

    mogu Sarabante i odvojeno, ništa to nema veze
  21. Talvi

    Rotting Christ

    ako ćemo već po Grcima, radije bih Sarabante da prizovem
  22. Talvi

    Rotting Christ

    e da, u nadi da ću opet uspešno predskazati buduća dešavanja, samo da kažem da bi bilo seksi da nam i Septic Flesh opet dođu kad krenu na turneju
  23. izvolite i ovako: http://www.last.fm/event/3816344+Rotting+Christ+at+Gun+Club+on+13+April+2014
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