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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. http://www.terrorizer.com/news/streams/stream-kuolemanlaaksos-new-album-tulijoutsen-exclusively-terrorizer
  2. Talvi


  3. Talvi

    Rotting Christ

    Haos Geneto, slepče
  4. Talvi

    Rotting Christ

    ja ću biti zadovoljan sve da mi Saki peva na repeat sat i kusur vremena, sve više od toga je samo pobeda na kraju krajeva, ja sam toliki fanboy da bukvalno mogu da sviraju šta hoće, meni je svejedno ali ipak, jesssss za Kata Ton
  5. Talvi

    Rotting Christ

    a sad svi lepo da se sagnete forumskom Nostradamusu umeju da opletu After Dark I Feel, ali trenutno ne sviraju ništa sa njega aktuelna lista: http://www.setlist.fm/setlist/rotting-christ/2014/garret-udagawa-tokyo-japan-7bc5e2ec.html
  6. "za 20 eura u raku skače" jebo te bog, koliko su nenormalni
  7. ovaj neki Rus klizač ima zanimljivu perspektivu iz koje se tetovira:
  8. Talvi


    U.S. death metal legends AUTOPSY have completed work on their seventh studio album, "Tourniquets, Hacksaws And Graves", for an April 29 release via Peaceville Records (April 21 in Europe). The CD was recorded at Fantasy Studios with producer Adam Munoz, and sees a continuation of AUTOPSY's pursuit of the ultimate in metallic horror and extremity, featuring the longstanding combo of Eric Cutler and Danny Coralles on guitars, Joe Trevisano on bass and Chris Reifert on drums/vocals. From all-out death metal savagery to crawling, doom-filled sludgery, "Tourniquets, Hacksaws And Graves" further pushes the limits of taste and brutality with this latest relentless onslaught of terror from beyond the grave. Artwork comes courtesy of Wes Benscoter, who was also previously responsible for the stunning "Macabre Eternal" album cover. Says the band: "Tourniquets tighten... hacksaws rip... graves are filled...This is AUTOPSY, this is death metal. With the stench of 'The Headless Ritual' still permeating the befouled air, AUTOPSY has once again come for your very metal soul with their newest blood-soaked homage to all things dark, twisted and horrific... once again, bone-crushingly heavy nightmares await. 'Tourniquets, Hacksaws And Graves' will awaken the most depraved part of the coldest zombie's stare... blood will flow, brains will be destroyed, coffin lids will be opened."
  9. ode Sodomizer, Bruce Soord zamena zasad
  10. http://www.mediaboom.org/404439-hooded-menace-labyrinth-of-carrion-breeze-ep-2014.html
  11. Talvi


  12. Talvi


    šta bi sa onim godinama najavljivanim albumom sa obradama?
  13. DJ-evi - ubili boga u narodu, predugačko i predosadno Kurtoazija - jebem ti bože mater, kakvo smeće Kiša Metaka - ludnica vrhunski provod bio, sve na mestu, Krešo i Vojko mrtvi odvaljeni, Oreb najprisebniji Vojko mnogo luđi na bini sa Kišom nego sa Dječacima, još ga ne videh ovakvog. ukratko - dominacija, po šta sam došao, to sam i dobio Prti - nisam gledao, prekasno je bilo već a i realno me je boleo kurac posle onakve Kiše
  14. Talvi


    Finci kako se ispišaše po Rusima pre neki dan, strašno bilo gledati
  15. za ovu me jebe japanski jbg
  16. http://www.cvltnation.com/exclusive-cvlt-nation-streaming-gehenna-funeral-embrace/
  17. nisam ni očekivao da u trenucima kad se objavi cert 2 super benda može da prođe bez "jebo vas ..., samo ..."
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